
Having py2exe include my data files (like include_package_data)

I have a Python app which includes non-Python data files in some of its subpackages. I've been using the include_package_data option in my to include all these files automatically when making distributions. It works well. Now I'm starting to use py2exe. I expected it to see that I have include_package_data=True and to include a...

Jarring/flattening out a lib directory using jarjar and ant

I'm trying to flatten out the lib directory of a project using jarjar, where it will produce a jar file with my main code and all my required libraries inside of it. I can get the project code into the jar, but I need to find a way to get every jar in the './lib/' directory extracted to the base directory of the final output jar. I don...

How to bundle C/C++ code with C-shell-script?

I have a C shell script that calls two C programs - one after the another with some file handling before, in-between and afterwards. Now, as such I have three different files - one C shell script and 2 .c files. I need to give this script to other users. The problem is that I have to distribute three files - which the users m...

Python: Why do some packages get installed as eggs and some as "egg folders"?

I maintain a few Python packages. I have a very similar file for each of them. However, when doing install, one of my packages gets installed as an egg, while the others get installed as "egg folders", i.e. folders with an extension of "egg". I couldn't figure out what is the difference between them that causes this di...

Why does py2exe remove `help` and `license`?

I packaged my Python app with py2exe. My app is a wxPython GUI, in which there is an interactive Python shell. I noticed that I can't do help(whatever) in the shell. I investigated a bit and discovered that after the py2exe process, 3 items were missing from __builtin__. These are help, license, and another one I haven't discovered. Wh...

Installing Python egg dependencies without apt-get

I've got a Python module which is distributed on PyPI, and therefore installable using easy_install. It depends on lxml, which in turn depends on libxslt1-dev. I'm unable to install libxslt1-dev with easy_install, so it doesn't work to put it in install_requires. Is there any way I can get setuptools to install it instead of resorting to...

Understanding how rpmbuild works

It seems that the RPM logic is quite different from what I know already and I am having some issues understanding the "RPM logic". For my work, I have to create a documentation on "How-to create a RPM package on Red Hat 5". I'm used to Debian and it's derivatives (Ubuntu, and so on) and thus to Debian packages (aka. .deb files). From ...

How to export an application and its SHIM in a MSI package...?

Hi, I have an application(.exe) and its SDB file, and now I want to bundle it into an MSI package for deployment as a installer. How can I create the msi package? Are there any tools? can it be done in Visual studio? ...

Alternative to zc.buildout that runs on Python3

My project uses buildout to do primarily two things: automatically fetch dependencies and create scripts; and setup cron jobs (on deployment machines) using the usercrontab buildout recipe. But buildout is not yet available for Python 3. So I would like to consider alternatives for buildout. I know that both virtualenv and pip work on ...

Debian packaging and localization of control files

Is there a way to provide localized versions of the Debian packaging control files (changelog, control and copyright for example) ? ...

Distributing an executable zip file with, how to access extra data?

I'm doing a little program and I want to distribute it using this recipe: single directory with in it zip this directory and adding a shebang on it #!/usr/bin/env python making it executable The problem is that in this package I have also extra files (I'm using pygtk toolkit and I need images and ui xml files). When I try...

list python package dependencies without loading them ?

Say that python package A requires B, C and D; is there a way to list A B C D without loading them ? Requires in the metadata (yolk -M A) are often incomplete, grr. One can download A.tar / A.egg, then look through A/, but some of those are pretty gory. (I'd have thought that getting at least first-level dependencies could be m...

Tutorials on packaging a Java application

What are some tutorials and best practices that show to make a build from source code for a Java desktop / JEE web application? I want to learn what needs to be packaged as a WAR/JAR from source and how it must be structured? ...

Software to build Java applications without dependency on JRE

I'm looking for software's like Excelsior. Which you guys recommend? (or do you recomend Excelsior, at all?) EDIT: I'm look for a generator of EXE. But I'll need to find an obfuscator later either, would be good if I have both in a single software. The optimization is not the aim. ...

Having a Python package install itself under a different name

I'm developing a package called garlicsim. (Website.) The package is intended for Python 2.X, but I am also offerring Python 3 support on a different fork called garlicsim_py3.(1) So both of these packages live side by side on PyPI, and Python 3 users install garlicsim_py3, and Python 2 users install garlicsim. The problem is: When thi...

How to set the build area for rpmbuild per-invocation

I'm modifying an automated build, and want to tell rpmbuild to use a specific build area when invoking it. This is similar to an existing question, but more specific. I don't want to run any of the build commands as the root user; the aim is only to have an RPM, not to install anything into the system. I don't want to require the user...

How do I create a deb package with basic dependencies?

Hi so I am trying to create a deb package for a web application written in Java (it uses Apache Tomcat). My eventual goal is to start a repository that people can add to apt-get the software, but How do I make it so that the package knows to look for dependencies like tomcat, sun-java6-bin, and ant? How do I write an installer script ...

Packaging for Ubuntu - Web Application

A web application has no make file unlike C++ or anything like that. However, it needs to be placed into specific directories...e.g /var/www. I'm new to linux packaging, so my question is, how do I package my app into a .deb such that when its being installed, it gets put into something like /etc/myprogram/bundles/myprogram-3.4? Mine i...

What is the standard way to bundle OSGi dependent libraries?

Hi, I have a project that references a number of open source libraries, some new, some not so new. That said, they are all stable and I wish to stick with my chosen versions until I have time to migrate to the newer versions (I tested hsqldb 2.0 yesterday and it contains many api changes). One of the libraries I have wish to embed is J...

Packaging and Deploying Scala Applications

What is the simplest way to package a Scala application for use on a desktop PC? I'm guessing that would be in the form of a jar file. At the moment I'm using SBT to compile and run programs I'd be interested in solutions for machines that have Scala installed (and the library in their classpath), as well as those that only have Java. ...