
Packaging Python applications with configuration files

I'm using ConfigParser for configuring my application, and now I want to make it easily distributable, and at the same time preserve the configurability. I'm thinking I need a directory with configuration file templates, and some way of generating the configuration to actually use from these. Then I need a place to store it that will w...

Create .deb package for a Qt project

Is there some sort of an automated way of creating .deb packages from a file? I tried ubucompilator without much luck. Thanks! ...

How to package EJB3 with external domain-jar

Hello again :) I am facing another problem in my little test-webapp. I have an EJB module (created via maven-pom) that basically wraps the data-access, so all it does is some DAOs implemented as Stateless-SessionBeans. My domain-model (simple POJOs with JPA2 annotations) is located in another, simple java, project that will be packaged ...

pkgadd prototype file that doesn't break links

How can I create a solaris package that will not to break soft links when the package gets installed ? ...

Package library in the final exec file

I'm developping with visual studio 2008 and I use several project library used by several application project. There is also external dependency. When I distribute the program, all the DLL appears in the program files folder which would make very easy to hack my program. Is is possible to bundle all the project library into one exec fil...

How do I include configuration files with Maven Appassembler?

I'm using the Maven Appassembler plugin to package my application. I'd like to package some configuration files with the application. I've found the configurationDirectory and includeConfigurationDirectoryInClasspath parameters, but I haven't found how I should create (and populate) that configuration directory. I've tried putting the fi...

Book about debian packaging

What would be the best book for me to purchase? I consider myself as experienced linux user, but I lack knowledge on one very basic area, Debian packaging. I know how to add a repository to sources.list, but I don't know how those lines are intepreted and how packages are found. If apt-get update gives me errors, I can only solve them ...

Adobe Air - packaging an air installation file with ant

I’m having problems packaging an air application with ant. Adobe references taken from: I run ant using java classes inherited from This builds up the argument list for the adt tool e.g. Java ...

Process to convert simple Python script into Windows executable

I wrote a script that will help a Windows user in her daily life. I want to simply send her the .exe and not ask her to install python, dlls or have to deal with any additional files. I've read plenty of the stackoverflow entries regarding compiling Python scripts into executable files. I am a bit confused as there are many options but ...

Maven 2.2.1 project inheritance: necessary to use packaging 'pom' even without the use of project aggregation (multimodule)?

I want to inherit the dependencies of a (parent) pom.xml in a child project i.e. use Project Inheritance. It seems it is necessary to change the default packaging type from 'jar' to 'pom' in this case. But doesn't tell the Maven2 documentation that the packaging type 'pom' is necessary for Project Aggregation i.e. multimodule projects w...

Classloader in WEBLOGIC SERVER

I did ear deployment in weblogic 10.It conatins war, ejb jar, APP-INF, META-INF. Now When I am calling the service from war, I am getting classnot found exception.When I deploy the war file , without using ear file this service works absoulutely fine. How to resolve this problem. How classloader will check for jars ...

Google Chrome Extensions - Online Packaging

I am coding something like an online PHP editor. So, now I have this option to port the web applications created using the editor as Chrome extensions (popup). It works okay save the fact that the files created need to be downloaded, packaged (using Chrome or cmd) and re-uploaded. I do have this provision but I find it annoying myself to...

Easing/Automating the Creation of Manuals, Web Pages, Packages, etc. for Public Release

Hi, I have no problem creating software. I have dozens of projects that I would be more than happy to release to the public. The problem is that after I put the finishing touches on something (eg final release build), I end up blocked because it’s not as simple as just putting an EXE on the Internet for people to download. I have diffic...

Why RPM is better than DEB for MeeGo?

I know there has been a lot fuzz about this subject on various forums and newsgroups concerning the merge of Moblin and Maemo. I'd like to know what stackoverflow-fellows think about this. What are the benefits of RPM packaging over DEB that make it better choice for MeeGo? ...

Adobe Flex & Air - packaging Air app in native install

Hi I have tried the options given on Adobe Livedocs : adt -package -target native myApp.exe myApp.air, but I keep getting the message "-storetype required". I then try with adt -package -target native -storetype pkcs12 -keystore myCert.pfx myApp.exe myApp.air and get the same message. I have already created the .air file and the .p12 ...

Adobe AIR - packing 'extra' files with AIR to save to users computer

Hi, Is this possible with AIR (I'd really think it is but don't see any mention in the docs...) - I want to include a few files when packaging the AIR file - nothing to do with how it works, but files I want the end user to have. eg. Say I have a folder of word docs, or pdfs or whatever - I want to put a button in the AIR file that the...

Packaging of MATLAB code

In the recent question "How to organize MATLAB code?" Andrew Janke mentioned in his answer using classes to organize MATLAB functions into packages: ... consider rewriting some of the code as objects, using stateless utility classes with class methods and private functions as ways of packaging related functions together and provi...

Building Cross Platform app - recommendation

Hi, I need to build a fairly simple app but it needs to work on both PC and Mac. It also needs to be redistributable on a disc or usb drive as a standalone desktop app. Initially I thought AIR would be perfect for this (it ticks all the API requirements), but the difficulty is making it distributable, as the app would require the AIR ...

How can i package mysql db into my installer like(install4j)

Hi guys, i am working on developing accounting program and i am using mysql DB, and i use install4j for making windows installer, i can package jre in my installer, but my question is how can i package mysql DB in this installer, thanks. ...

Adding User License Agreement in Solaris package

I have asked similar question for Linux RPM ( Now i have same query for Solaris package. I could not get any helpful link / details if it is possible. But I have found a package which does exactly the same thing but how it has been implemented, its not me...