
Application bundle on OS X does not work, file addressing problem.

Hey there My application requires a XML file to work and it doesn't even start without the file. Why I bundle my app as a JAR file it works fine as long as the XML file is placed in the same directory as the JAR file. When I'm exporting the project as an OS X application package, the application does not work. If I copy the XML file in...

GenJar replacement or update?

"GenJar is a specialized Ant task that builds jar files based on class dependencies rather than simply the contents of a directory" ( It is really useful, but the project seems to be un-active since "2003-03-06 GenJar 1.0.2 is released". Is there a new tool for that we should use now? Thanks ...

Game cross-compiling and packaging

Hi, Some friends and I wanted to develop a game. Any language will do. I've been programming in C for years, but never wrote a game before. One of us knows SDL a little bit. It would also be a nice excuse to learn Python+pygame. We wish our game to be 'standalone'. By standalone, I mean most users (at least Linux, Mac and Windows) will...

Packaging a qt application compiled with shared libraries

Hi Geeks, I downloaded the qt embedded demo source code recently on my linux machine. Following are the outcomes during running of the program I compiled it statically on my x86 machine and run the application on x86 machine it runs fine. But when i took the statically compiled binary file to other machine with Atom platform It run wi...

How to compile gettext translations in of a Django app

How can I make sure compiles projects PO files and include them whenever an sdist is created. This is a Django app and manual process to generate MO files is to run following command in the app's root directory: django-admin compilemessages (This means going one level deeper than I would like to avoid manually comp...

What is the best practice for including third party jar files in a Java program?

I have a program that needs several third-party libraries, and at the moment it is packaged like so: zerobot.jar (my file) libs/pircbot.jar libs/mysql-connector-java-5.1.10-bin.jar libs/c3p0- As far as I know the "best" way to handle third-party libs is to put them on the classpath in the manifest of my jar file, which wil...

Java JFrame method pack() problem

Hi, I have a frame with 4 JPanels and 1 JScrollPane, the 4 panels are in border layout north, east, south, west and the scrollpane in the center. I have been trying to get the pack method for a frame fuctioning but when run you just get the title bar of the window. Any Ideas? Thank you in advance. JFrame conFrame; JPanel panel...

How to export each open project in Eclipse as its own JAR?

I have several projects open in an Eclipse workspace. Like so: com.harbl.project.two com.harbl.project.three I would like to export those as JARs in a batch such that I wind up with the following JAR files: ./ ./com.harbl.project.two.jar ./com.harbl.project.three.jar Is this possible w...

Linux directories

I am writing installation script for my program, which is supposed to run on Linux/Unix OS. What is the default directory for the following files: Executable files (programs). Program should be executed by typing its name from the command line. Shared libraries. Third-party shared libraries (the program is not open source, so I need to...

Custom installation directories

Let's say I am writing installation script for the program which contains executable file and shared library. By default, this script places executable to /usr/local/bin, and shared library to /usr/local/lib. In this case my program may be executed by any user by typing its name in the command line. Suppose that user selects custom inst...

maven generate eclipse project for custom packaging

Hi,for a project I'm working on, I've defined a custom maven packaging, and the associated lifecycle (through the definition of a components.xml and the definition of a LifecycleMapping). Obviously, this packaging corresponds to a specific development, for which a plugin has been created in Eclipse. What I would like to do is configure ...

Own data format for the iPhone

Hi, I would like to create my own data format for an iPhone app. The files should be similar structured as e.g. Apple's iWork files (.pages). That means, I have a folder with some files in it: The file 'Juicy.fruit' contains: Fruits ---> Apple.xml ---> Banana.xml ---> Pear.xml ---> PreviewPicture.png This folder "Fruit...

How can I create a FreeBSD package using EPM that has the ORIGIN @comment?

I'm building packages of our internal software products using EPM, and over time these packages (of which we have a large number) clutter up the output of pkg_delete and pkg_add with the following general kind of messages: err: pkg_add: package MYPACKAGE has no origin recorded I can see from some old FreeBSD lists that the +CONTENTS f...

Using Microsoft office dlls without packaging them

Hi, Is there a way to create and install a Microsoft Office Add-in without packaging the referred dll files. Assuming Microsoft Office is installed in the target PC where the Add-in can be installed, how to refer the Office dlls using C# code in the Add-in. Thanks, Ashok. ...

Are there tools that would be suitable for maintaining a changelog for a Cabal Haskell package?

I'm working fast and furiously on a new Haskell package for compiler writers. I'm going through many minor version numbers daily, and the Haskell packaging system, Cabal, doesn't seem to offer any tools for updating version numbers or for maintaining a change log. (Logs are going into git but that's not visible to anyone using the pack...

Performance Impact of Application Packaging in WebLogic 8.1 SP6- EAR vs WAR

We have run into a strange situation. We recently moved all components of an EAR into a WAR - without changing underlying Weblogic version (8.1 SP6). Immediately after the repackaging, we observed significantly higher CPU utilization on the servers. We have run several tests and based on results so far, our current theory is that differ...

What are best practices for managing related Cabal packages?

I'm working on a dataflow-based optimization library written in Haskell. It now seems likely that the library is going to have to be split into two pieces: A core piece with minimal build dependencies; call it hoopl-core. A full piece, call it hoopl, which may have extra dependencies on packages like a prettyprinter, QuickCheck, and s... adding options (aka --enable-feature )

I'm looking for a way to include some feature in a python (extension) module in installation phase. In a practical manner: I have a python library that has 2 implementations of the same function, one internal (slow) and one that depends from an external library (fast, in C). I want that this library is optional and can be activated at...

Packing jQuery plugin - jFeed

I have a modified version of the jFeed plugin and now want to pack the four source files. There is a Makefile and some perl scripts in the download but I don't know how to use them. This is the file structure: \Makefile \proxy.php \src\jatom.js \src\jfeed.js \src\jfeeditem.js \src\jrss.js \build\packer\ \build\packer\Pack.p...

Eclipse building - exclude from jar packaging but include into final product...

Hi, I am using a Derby local (embedded) database for one of my RCP projects. The database is located within the project folder structure in eclipse and is checked to be included in the build. My folder structure in Eclipse is: projectname I I- src I I- database I I I I-project database here I I I- icons ... The Eclipse...