
Debian package creation error

I'm trying to build a Debian package, but I've got this weird pseudo-directory problem. I run: $ fakeroot debian/rules binary I've built the binary before, but something must have changed on my system. Now dh_md5sums errors out and returns: md5sum: include: Is a directory dh_md5sums: command returned error code make: *** [binary-arc...

Creating single file installer for .NET application

The installer for my .NET app consists of two file MyApp.msi and setup.exe. I want to have a single installer MyApp.exe (self extracting archive will do) with a specified icon. How can I do that? Is there any free tool available? ...

Combining module files in Python

Is there a way to put together Python files, akin to JAR in Java? I need a way of packaging set of Python classes and functions, but unlike a standard module, I'd like it to be in one file. ...

How to package a command line Python script

I've created a python script that's intended to be used from the command line. How do I go about packaging it? This is my first python package and I've read a bit about setuptools, but I'm still not sure the best way to do this. Solution I ended up using with the key configurations noted below: setup( .... entry_points=...

How can I make setuptools ignore subversion inventory?

When packaging a Python package with a that uses the setuptools: from setuptools import setup ... the source distribution created by: python sdist not only includes, as usual, the files specified in, but it also, gratuitously, includes all of the files that Subversion lists as being version controlled ...

How do I package multiple WAR files in one Maven project?

I am writing an application that integrates Geoserver with a custom component, intended to be hosted on a single servlet engine. Both are Maven based projects, and I would like to stay in Maven land to package it all into a nice distributable. The general idea I have is to add another module to my application that packages the applicatio...

Hosting Java Web Start application for inclusion into Linux distros

I authored a Java freeware (closed source) product that I deploy on a web host and distribute via JNLP, inclusive Linux clients. I plan to suggest this product for inclusion into several Linux distro, if possible "as is" (JNLP-based). Can I already contact distros, or I need to reconfigure something (deploy on another host, convert J...

Best way to add generated files to distribution?

I have a quite complex (C++) project using autoconf / automake, which includes some "generated" files (foo.yy -> Actual builds are done using a "control script" (Gentoo .ebuild for those familiar with the concept), on various platforms. Now, one of the target platforms does not properly support the foo.yy -> step, and ha...

Packaging Algorithm

Good Day! I'm trying to see if there is any way to accomplish this. I've got a set of items, with associated attributes (Weight, Length, Width). I've also got a set of Packaging Types, with associated attributes (Max Weight, Length, Width) I'm looking for an algorithm to determine the LEAST amount of boxes to package the items into. ...

What is the correct way to distribute a SQLServer database with an application?

Over the years I have seen many approaches to this: Packaging a detached database file Packaging a backup, which is restored at installation time Creating the database from scratch using scripts In my opinion, the 3rd option, creating a new database from scratch, building the data structure from scripts and populating any static data...

Importing the entire Python standard library

I need a way to import the entire Python standard library into my program. While this may seems like a bad idea, I want to do this is so py2exe will package the entire standard library with my program, so my users could import from it in the shell that I give them. Is there an easy way to do this? Bonus points: I would prefer that thi...

What is the recommended way to package up a C# Class Library (DLL)?

Hi, I am creating a C# class library for use by other developers. How should I package it up - just zip up the DLL and put it on the website? ...

What do you use for packaging/repackaging MSIs?

I've been evaluating different MSI packagers with the intent of deploying installers for one custom application and several third-party applications (installer-chaining may be necessary in some cases). A developer will be working creating the MSI for the custom app, but the rest will be done by Operations-type people with little scriptin...

compiling c++ into "real" programs

hey, I know how to use g++ and all that to compile c++ programs. My question is, if I have some code which depends on various libraries, how can I compile it into a simple executable that I can send anyone. For this I would be happy with just keeping it on os x. I would like to know how to compile a "real" program not just an executable...

Can I call class files that are within a jar library located in another jar file?

I am trying to access the class files packaged as a library but unfortunately the jar libraries should be packaged in another jar file. As an example say I have a.jar that contains some class libraries. I can call (import) the classes in the jar file from my external java application. Now I need to put this a.jar inside another jar say...

using setuptools with post-install and python dependencies

This is somewhat related to this question. Let's say I have a package that I want to deploy via rpm because I need to do some file copying on post-install and I have some non-python dependencies I want to declare. But let's also say I have some python dependencies that are easily available in PyPI. It seems like if I just package as a...

How/where do I ship third-party libraries with a .NET DLL?

Hi, I'm building a .NET DLL Class Library which depends on other libraries such as log4net.dll - where should I put these DLLs when packaging up my DLL? Is there a way to automatically include them inside one super-DLL? Should I just ship all the DLLs in a single bin folder? ...

Lite version of a Java software

Our software currently has many features. I've been asked to make a free trial version which consist of a lightweight version of the full software. Only a few specific features would be available in the trial. And since a jar file isn't encrypted, I was relunctant to release a full version with hardcoded restrictions. I want to be able t...

buildr: package dependencies into a single jar

I have a java project that is built with buildr and that has some external dependencies: repositories.remote << "" repositories.remote << "http://packages.example/" define "myproject" do = '1.5' project.version = "1.0.0" compile.with 'dependency:dependency-xy:jar:1.2.3' compil...

Distributing binary applications across linux distros

I've written an application which as of yet is not open source and I'd like to distribute the executable across various linux distros. What's the best way to do this, I've looked a little bit at .rpm and .deb packaging but I can't find if that can be used for binaries or not. Ideally I'd like something like the PackageMaker on OS X or a ...