
Server-side paging with DevExpress without XPO

Is there any (relatively) easy way to implement server-side paging using DevExpress controls (either Win- or Web-ones) without using an XPO data source? By server-side paging I mean control retrieving only the records it needs to display from the database, not the whole table. ...

Web displays: Paging vs. long tables

It seems that the trend in web design is to provide paged output, where long tables are displayed a page at a time. My customers don't like that, and have requested that the web sites I design for them show all entries in long tables. The arguments for paging seem to be mostly based on the performance hit of displaying long tables, and...

Best way to page page with POST

I have an action method that that returns a PagedList<> after a form's POST request. I would like to add paging to this page, but all paging scenarios only seem to work with GET requests. Currently the only way of adding paging controls is adding a bunch of forms with one button for navigating the page. This will look but ugly (all form...

Implementing sort/page feature when using POCOs with Data Controls

I am not a big fan of datasets so I use POCO to return data. I have achieved paging and sorting using custom methods that I create for a POCO type that work on page size and give me a set of the complete POCO collection at a time, I use methods that check for name of the DataItem clicked and sort order to do that sort. Creating such meth...

How did implement their ASP.NET paging?

I know the system is open source so I can view the code myself but I can't make sense of how they did their paging. It's hard to explain but if you goto you can play with the paging on their front page. What I am specifically interested in is how they show the first few pages, then "..." and then the last...

Pseudo Random Sort in MS SQL (not NEWID() and not RAND())

I would like to randomly sort a result in a repeatable fashion for purposes such as paging. For this NEWID() is too random in that the same results cannot be re-obtained. Order by Rand(seed) would be ideal as with the same seed the same random collection would result. Unfortunately, the Rand() state resets with every row… does anyone ...

BDC Paging

Hello, I’m using SharePoint (Business Data List web part) with the BDC. I use this to bring back data from the database, nice and simple. However, when I do a search I receive a number of results being paged by the web page. This takes a while to bring back any search results (even when navigating between the paged data). I’m guessing ...

Paging from a remote share

Let's say that I have an application running on Windows XP that is "launched" from a mapped network drive. When a page fault is triggered by the execution of this application and a code page needs to be read from disk, assuming it's not in the pagefile, will Windows go out to the mapped network share to read the necessary code page in f...

Efficient Paging (Limit) Query in SQLServer 2000?

What would be the most efficient way to do a paging query in SQLServer 2000? Where a "paging query" would be the equivalent of using the LIMIT statement in MySQL. EDIT: Could a stored procedure be more efficient than any set based query in that case? ... gridview is fetching data too long

Hi, it seems common issue so I am surprised I didn't find solution already, maybe someone can help me out. I have a gridview that displays list of users of the app, this list is very big, and takes forever to load the data. Otherwise, data is paged through and once loaded everything goes fine. To help admins, I made search box and that w...

Paging Through Records Using jQuery

I have a JSON result that contains numerous records. I'd like to show the first one, but have a next button to view the second, and so on. I don't want the page to refresh which is why I'm hoping a combination of JavaScript, jQuery, and even a third party AJAX library can help. Any suggestions? ...

Button Click event getting fired after rowdatabound for grid view

Hi, When I click on a button which is outside of the GridView in my page, the GridView rowdatabound event is getting fired before OnClick event for the button. I am using the button for custom paging so I need to reverse the order of these events. Any thoughts ?? Thanks in Advance, - Amit ...

efficient way to make paging on sql server 2008

hi there, i'm using sql server 2008, mvc and linq. Should i use LINQ skip and take method for paging, or do my self paging sql query script which way more efficient than ...

PHP Date-Dependent Pagination

Hi Again, I have a site that stores a bunch of records in an sql database that i want to pull onto a page based on the date, which is stored as Y-m-d in sql. But, I want to paginate the results based on day. So for the index, i want to show all the results from the current day, for which i was going to use the php date() function as th...

Select COUNT(*) of subquery without running it twice

I've got a procedure to return a result set which is limited by page number and some other stuff. As an OUTPUT parameter I need to return a total amount of selected rows according to the parameters except the page number. So I have something like that: WITH SelectedItems AS (SELECT Id, Row1, Row2, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Row1) AS Po...

Gridview disappears on postback when paging is enabled.

I have a gridview that has its DataSourceID property set to a custom ObjectDataSource object. When AllowPaging is set to True, the GridView disappears after a postback. If I set AllowPaging to False it's fine. Can someone shed some light on this for me? :) Edit: The other thing I'm confused about is I thought that if you set the DataSou...

Fast page retrieval in MySQL, index usage?

I would like to speed a MySQL query that basically retrieve a page of data following the pattern below select my_field_A, my_field_B where time_id >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('1901-01-01 00:00:00') AND time_id < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2009-01-16 00:00:00') The field time_id is an MySQL index, yet, the query behaves as if the entire database was ...

Grails Paging Results are Inconsistent

I'm doing some paging in my Grails application. Since I'm doing some special sorting, I can't use the convient sort/paging methods. Here is my paging code on the server side: def criteria = ClientContact.createCriteria().createAlias("client", "c") criteria.setFirstResult(params.offset?.toInteger()) criteria.setMaxResults(params.max?.t...

Can I use <asp:dataGrid> pager with database paging performance?

I have a store procedure that handles paging at database level, receiving @PageSize and @PageIndex. I can create another to return @PageCount, given a page size. Can I make a datagrid do paging at database level without having to develop it outside the control, using the control pager? It seems default use of datagrid paging receives a...

ASP.NET paging control

I'm looking for a decent paging control in ASP.NET, much like the Stackoverflow pager. Can anyone recommend one? I'd prefer one that didn't use Postback either, just a customisable querystring. ...