
Anyone have some TAP or SNPP examples?

Does anyone know of a good resource with some examples of using the Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP) and/or the Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP) in either C++ or C#? Thanks! ...

ASP.NET MVC Paging - Passing complex types back to controller?

Hi, I'm currently working on a reasonably simple MVC app which allows the user to enter some search data, get a list of results, then view each item etc. It's all going rather nicely, however I'm now trying to implement paging but having some trouble. My search form uses HTTP GET, requesting the following action: public ActionResult R...

Contigious Pages/Physical Memory in Java

My goal is to ensure that an array allocated in java is allocated across contiguous physical memory. The issue that I've run into is that the pages an array is allocated across tend not to be contiguous in physical memory, unless I allocate a really large array. My questions are: Why does a really large array ensure pages which are co...

How can I use a page table to convert a virtual address into a physical one?

Lets say I have a normal page table: Page Table (Page size = 4k) Page #: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page Frame #: 3 x 1 x 0 x 2 x 5 x 7 4 6 x x x How can I convert an arbitrary logical address like 51996 into a physical memory address? If I take log base 2 (4096), ...

creating dynamic textboxes with 'paging'

based on the solution here: i could successfully create dynamic controls at runtime. so if the user enters 10, it displays 10 textboxes and if the user enters 50 it displays 50. so far it's good. but 50 textboxes would make th...

How do I add Paging to a sharepoint DataFormWebPart?

I'm creating an archive of news articles in a sharepoint publishing site. users can browse or search the archive. browsing is a simple list of article dates titles. I'm using the DataFormWebPart to display the contents of the Pages (articles). as there are thousands of articles, i'l like to show maybe 50 on a page. I see no built in...

Sorting and Paging in MDX Query (MS Analysis Services)

I built an MDX query, to retrieve specific articles from an OLAP Cube. Basically it returns articles below a specific article-category node that are produced by a specific manufacturer: SELECT NON EMPTY ( Hierarchize ( { DrilldownLevel ( { [T DAT Article].[Ar ID].[All] } ) } ) ) DIMENSION PROPERTIES PAR...

SubSonic and Paging using ROW_NUMBER ()

How to enable ROW_NUMBER () with SubSonic to do paging? ...

Refresh UIView with paging animation

I have a UIView that has controls built based off a date. I want to flick to change the date and refresh the UIView with an animation like the paging animation. Is that possible? I do not want to create multiple copies of my UIView because it is already close to exceeding memory. 2 copies of my UIView would definitely crash the phone...

Efficient way to implement paged SQL result table in a Java desktop application

Hi all, I need to build a table from SQL select result set. I want to add some paging functionality to the table because the result set can be very large. There was many discussions how to do the paging at the SQL level. But how to implement the paging at the GUI level? I have two ideas: Do the paging in a web UI style - for example g...

Paging Gridview

I have a gridview with page size=4 what I need is how can i make for loop for all rows in grid view not just in the currnt page? thanks alot ...

VS2008 and Microsoft Reports paging

Is it possible to make Microsoft Reports component use server side paging when displaying data. I had problems in the past with getting all the data from the database and then having client side paging implemented. large amounts of data were triggering out of memory exceptions on the server. So basically what I want is to use Microsof...

SQL Server 2005 ,Pagin Query get all result count

HI, I have some Tables with a lot of records , for a report I have to join these tables. If I want to get all rows I get the Time out error, I used Paging query in SQL Server 2005 , and can get the result page by page. but I need to know the count of results or the count of pages of my query. on a paged query , if I use count() I got...

ASP.NET ReportViewer paging issue

I'm using ReportViewer with ObjectDataSource which looks like this: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" SelectMethod="Select" MaximumRowsParameterName="maxRows" SelectCountMethod = "SelectCount" StartRowIndexParameterName="startRow" TypeName="SomeNamespace.ReportLogicClas...

displaytag external paging/sorting and getting true row number

I'm using external paging/sorting with a custom TableDecorator and the following DisplayTag table in a JSP: <display:table id="ixnlist" name="pageScope.itemList" sort="external" decorator="org.mdibl.ctd.pwa.displaytag.decorator.IxnTableWrapper"> <display:column title="Row" property="rowNum" /> ...more columns... </display:tabl...

Next/Prev (CTRL->/<-CTRL) keyboard shortcuts in javascript in ASP.NET

I have a simple ASP.NET page with a paging support. Basically just a hyperlinks which looks like a report.aspx&page=1 report.aspx&page=2 etc How could I implemente a keyboard shortcuts so I could go forward to next page and to previos page by just holding CTRL and pressing either left arrow or right arrow. I have seen a same functio...

Paging through Large table in sql 2005

I have a table with 15 columns and 6.5 MILLION records. I need to access this table from the C# side with help of paging. I have written an SP but it takes about 1.30 mins to retrieve the data. here's my Stored Proc - Create Proc demo ( @startRowIndex int, @maximumRows int ) AS DECLARE @first_id int, @startRow int SET @startRowIndex ...

LINQ to SQL and DataPager

I'm using LINQ to SQL to search a fairly large database and am unsure of the best approach to perform paging with a DataPager. I am aware of the Skip() and Take() methods and have those working properly. However, I'm unable to use the count of the results for the datapager, as they will always be the page size as determined in the Take...

Repeater, Custom Paging, PagedDataSource, possible?

HI, I'm having a Repeater bound to a ObjectDataSource. I retrieve my data using a Typed DataSet and my TableAdapter do query a subset of data according to a startIndex and pageSize. I'm all set for custom paging and it actually works. However, I would like to know if it's possible for my TableAdapter to return a PagedDataSource, to bind...

Forcing ASP.NET GridView's pager to show

Hello, is there some way to force the gridview's pager to show up, even when there is only one page of data on screen? I'm building a gridview-based control with a custom pager (w/dropdown for pagesize) and everything is working fine, except when user selects pagesize that is larger than the current row count of the grid. At that point...