
Is there an easier way with jQuery accordions?

I've been struggling with a feature I've been trying to create for sometime. The idea here is that the user sees the little thumbnail + headline, as well as the Posted By information. They can then click on the headline to expand to the article or click on the "Comments" link to expand directly to the comments made on the article. Or, if...

Can't set PictureBox location in panel

Hi. I have a created a panel. This has autoscroll = true At the start i added 6 pictureboxes that are 256x256 with images. I store the last picturebox location, so that i know where to put a new picturebox. I also add a picturebox to the upper right of the panel(location(8744,8744)), so that the panel will stretch to 9000px. Later o...

Customizing Cocoas NSFontPanel

What customization options are there for Cocoas NSFontPanel? The NSFontPanel accessible in iWork Pages has "Text Underline", "Text Strikethrough" and "Document Color" controls at the top. We don't want these in our NSFontPanel. Is there any way to remove or disable these controls? ...

Problems with FlowLayoutPanel inside Panel with AutoSize

I have the following controls hierarchy: Form Panel (AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink, Dock = Top) FlowLayoutPanel (AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink, Dock = Top) Control1, Control2, Control3, Control4, ... FlowLayoutPanel (AutoSize = true, AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink, Dock = Top) Control1...

[C#] Own component with panel

Hi, I want to create my own component which consists two other panels. One of them has fixed contents (such as control buttons, etc.) and the other is standard panel, where I can add other components in designer (VS2008). I know that I have to create UserControl, where I can place my two panels. Then I want to insert my component into ...

java equivalent panels in qt

hello i would like to know the java panel equivalent in qt..i mean which class we need to use in qt,i.e.. qframe or qwidget..i need to add many panels to my qt mainwindow ...

Scrolling Panel Printing Issue

Hi I have a site where we have the content in scrolling panels to make it neater and line up. The issue comes when trying to print the contents of my panel hidden by the scroll. Here is my panel <asp:Panel Height="400px" ID="pnlContent" class="ContentPanel ScrollBars="Vertical" runat="server" > <!-- Content bla bla bla --> </asp:Pan...

jQuery - animating 'left' position of absolutely positioned div when sliding panel is revealed

Hello, I have a hidden panel off the left side of the screen which slides into view on the click of a 'tab' positioned on the left side of the screen. I need the panel to slide over the top of the existing page content, and I need the tab to move with it. and so both are absolutely positioned in css. Everything works fine, apart from...

Update Progress Doesnt Work in Component Art Grid

Hello, It would be extreme pleasure , if you could please help me sort out the problem that I have been facing. Im using Component Art Grid control along with asp drop down list and both of these controls are in the UPDATE PANEL which allow me to update the Grid based on item selection from the drop down with having to postback the whole...

ASP.NET page won't remove UI elements

Hello everybody. I'm working with an aspx page, where once I click on a button, some calls are executed in the background and I display the returned information on the webpage. I do this by adding this information to a panel: panel.controls.add(label) panel.controls.add(anotherpanel) Problem is that once I click the button again, and...

How Do I Detect A WordPress Admin Panel in my Plugin?

I've got two events in my plugin. One is run for the front-end. The other is run for the admin panel. Both call the same function in one particular situation, and this echoes stuff to the screen. How do I make it such that the function is smart, calls something in WordPress, and detects whether it's being loaded in the front-end versus t...

Modal PopUp Extender labels wont update on Asynchronous Postback

Hi everyone! I have a ModalPopUpExtender with an UpdatePanel on it. On the UpdatePanel,there few labels and componentart Grid which Updates from the server on every Asynchronous postback when an image button is clicked. The Problem is that the server code updates the modalpopupextender labels as the information on the grid but it wont d...

smooth scroll with autoscroll

I have a Panel on a Windows Form. The Panel has autoscroll enabled. The scroll bars appear as they should and the scroll bars generally operate as they should. But the content of the panel is only updated when the mouse button is released. How can I make the content scroll AS the scroll bar is moved. (I want to duplicate the scroll ...

ASP.NET Custom Control

I am building an ASP.NET Web User Control which has a panel within it. How do I make the Panel within the user control resizable (i.e. with handles) at design time in Visual Studio. I need to create a design class or something?? Thanks. ...

How to create Transparent panel in c#.Net

I have a Panel on windows Form with few controls inside panel, Can i make panel completely transparent. (It should give the feel that controls are placed directly on Form) ...

jQuery - Opening links within tabs

Hi all, At present I have some jQuery tabs and these tabs contain links. Unfortunately on following one of the links, the new page opens as if you were following any normal link i.e. not within the tab which is want I would want to happen. Have tried following this section but to no avail:

Whats the best to resize a north panel dynamically in jquery.ui layout plugin?

Hi all! I m using jquery ui layout to create 3 panel on a webpage, north, west and center. The north panel needs to be auto sized based on the contents added via ajax calls. The contents are block level. so i am using this function to resize the north panel when a block is added to north panel .. layout.sizePane('north',layout.state.n...

jQuery sliding panel- multiple links calling different sections of the panel

Hello! I'm trying to design and implement what seems like a simple solution. I have a drop-down panel tab at the top of the page with 3 links in it- about, resume and contact, and an arrow to drop it. I'd like the panel to drop down and show the specific content for the link I clicked on, and swap the arrow to point up to close it. For ...

ASP.Net ListBox selections not working in Panel?

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble processing a listbox after selecting some items from it. In my markup, the listbox is contained within an asp:panel and is populated during page load in the codebehind. That part works fine. It's when I select various items and submit that I have trouble. My handler loops through the listbox items but...

How to create semi transparent panel

I have a panel on a form How do i make it semitransparent, ...