
Any research on maintainability of "guard statement" vs. "single function exit point" paradigm available?

I'm wondering if there has been any research (both casual and robust) on the maintainability of projects that use the "guard statement" paradigm vs. the "single function exit point" paradigm? Guard statement example (in C#): string GetSomeString() { if(necessaryConditionFails) { return null; } if(!FunctionWithBoolReturn(someAt...

Alternatives to client-server (including web and cloud computing) paradigm

I have been writing software for networked environments for some 15 years now, and am wondering if client-server is really "the best solution" out there for many types of distributed, or networked applications. My question is - are you familiar with other paradigms such as peer to peer software, distributed workload distribution / compu...

Books about language paradigms and concepts

What book(s) will you recommend if the goal was to learn Different language paradigms (OO, functional, ..) Different concepts (dynamic/static typed, immutability, ..) In short, i'm looking for a book which describe and compares different language paradigms and concepts possibly with examples for real languages like Java, Lisp, Erlang...

Getting started with C++ ( the paradigm shift from Python )

I want to learn C++ so that i can develop C++ Python modules for server-related stuff. I'm a purely dynamic languages developer (Python, PHP, Ruby, etc). I want to learn a fast language, and if I'm going to do this, I'd rather learn a really fast language like C++. Before I even get started though, I understand that suddenly working wit...

Practical guide to programming paradigms ?

I think I might be misunderstanding the whole thing and I am looking for some programming wisdom. When faced with a programming challenge, I feel the most important question is "which programming paradigm(s) are better suited to handle it, and how to apply them". A distant second is "which language to use". Yet it seems that most of the ...

jQuery paradigm?

It seems to me that jQuery doesn't seem to be written as an OOP framework, it seems too short, and not verbose enough for that. Am I right in thinking this and if it isn't written as OOP, then what methodology/paradigm are they using? ...

Does the jQuery Paradigm go against Unit Testing or complement it?

Yes, I am aware of QUnit, but with the jQuery Paradigm all about getting things done faster with less code, and is this some how opposed to a TDD Paradigm? Or does it complement it somehow? ...

Scala versus F# question: how do they unify OO and FP paradigms?

What are the key differences between the approaches taken by Scala and F# to unify OO and FP paradigms? EDIT What are the relative merits and demerits of each approach? If, in spite of the support for subtyping, F# can infer the types of function arguments then why can't Scala? ...

Publish/Subscribe paradigm: Why must message classes not know about their subscribers?

From Wikipedia: "Publish/subscribe (or pub/sub) is a messaging paradigm where senders (publishers) of messages are not programmed to send their messages to specific receivers (subscribers). Rather, published messages are characterized into classes, without knowledge of what (if any) subscribers there may be" I can understand why a send...

Good examples for MVC?

Can anybody point to/give a very very correct example for the Model-View-Controller paradigm? I mean something really simple (like an inches to cm converter) implemented in some easy-to-understand language (VB.NET?) absolutely and exactly following MVC principles. ...

Understanding MVC: Whats the concept of "Fat" on models, "Skinny" on controllers?

Hi, I'm trying to understand the concept of "Fat" on models vs "skinny" on controllers and from what I've been discussing I have the following example (this is taken from a freenode discussion): Q: On MVC paradigm, its said Fat models, skinny controllers. I'm here thinking, If I have lots of methods (on controller) that uses just a few ...

what will be the next big programming paradigm shift

object orientation was the last big paradigm shift I remember. What do you think will be the next big thing in programming paradigms and programming in general? Edit: I was actually listening to Jaron Lanier interview and he was talking about how in the future we would stop worrying idiosyncrasies and the little tidbits about programmi...

What other Language synergizes well with Python? Need Advice

Ok so I know the basics of programming languages, I've studied python and liked it a lot. I'm studying now the intermediate parts of python and I'm catching the concepts already. I'm working with a project and at the same time solving computer problems that practices algorithm use. I've learned that python has limitations and wants to co...

Essential language paradigms for professional developer

So I guess most (all?) programmers start out learning a mainly imperative/ procedural programming paradigm, and probably learnt some form of object-oriented programming fairly shortly after that. I've read plenty of questions on stackoverflow suggesting functional programming is increasingly important for improved concurrency/ parallelis...

Alternatives to OOP?

OOP is probably the most used programming paradigm in today's software design. My question is -- what other paradigm(s) can compete with it and can stand in the place of oop? To clarify that question, I'm not asking about what other paradigms there are. There are many of them and I'd like to know which one: Has been used in practice, n...

Example problems for concurrent computation

There's a plethora of paradigms and methods for concurrent programming in use today. Software transactional memory, actors, shared state concurrency, tuple spaces and many, many more. What I find lacking, however, is a library of interesting test problems for concurrency. One well known example is the "Dining Philosophers Problem", whic...

Is ORM a problem specific to object oriented programming?

Object-Relational Mapping, ORM is a problem that has to be solved in all applications that is implemented in an object oriented programming language and use a relational database. But isn't the problem the same if you are using structs to map relational databases in C? And tuples/records in a functional programming language? Or am I mis...

Should I hide or destroy UI elements?

I was wondering if, whenever I have a situation in which I have to hide some UI element temporarily, it is sufficient to hide it (many frameworks give this option) or I should delete the object in memory and recreate it later when needed again (with the same parameters). What are the pros and cons of each solution? I was thinking that m...

Are there there any completely alternate programming systems?

What I mean is, virtually every language I know of are basically variations on a theme. You create variables, functions and manipulate them using conditionals and other constructs. I understand Functional Programming and the like are somewhat different from 'traditional' languages, but underneath they are almost the same. You are still w...

Is there still a difference between a library and an API?

Whenever I ask people about the difference between an API and a library, I get different opinions. Some give this kind of definition, saying that an API is a spec and a library is an implementation... Some will tell you this type of definition, that an API is a bunch of mapped out functions, and a Library is just the distribution in co...