
Render partial for model with nested attributes in another model

I have a rails application that models a house. house contains rooms and rooms have nested attributes for light and small_appliance. I have a calculator controller, which is how end users will access the application. My problem is that I can't get the partial for adding rooms to render and submit correctly from calculator. The initial ...

C# - To use Partial Classes, or Seperate Ones?

Which way is best practice and the best programming approach, Partial Classes or Individual classes? ...

can I have a controller associated with a partial?

In rails, page templates have their own controller which is called before a page is rendered (I think?). Likewise, can I have a controller associated with a partial that is called before the partial is rendered? I know you can pass local variable into a partial, but I want to run a good few lines of code to assign those local variable...

LINQ to SQL: Read entity while calling "SubmitChanges" causes DuplicateKeyException

Hi, I'm experiencing a strange behavior that I really don't know how to work around it. I'm trying to read an entity just after it has been inserted (right after the ExecuteDynamicInsert) and when the partial method returns, I always get a System.Data.Linq.DuplicateKeyException "The database generated a key that is already in use.". H...

How do I compile webforms partial classes into a dll file?

If I use this code vbc /t:library /r:System.dll,System.Data.dll,System.Web.dll,Cooperator.Framework.Web.dll, DateRangePicker.dll,DateRange.dll,conexiones.dll, abmbancos.aspx.vb I can compile the codebehind file of an webform page into a dll file, as long as the codebehind file is declared with a regular class instead of a parti...

C++ template specialization via a base class

Dear Overflowers, I want to be able to make the compiler shout when i call a constructor of foo with a class that is NOT derived from base. The current code allows only for foo<base> itself. Any easy solution ? class _base { public: // ... }; class _derived: public _base { public: // ... }; template <typename T> class foo { ...

Unable to resolve uploaded images paths in partial view on server.

My ASP.NET MVC web app requires the upload of image files. These image files are then displayed via a partial view rendering where the path of the image file is inserted into the scr parm of the image tag. This works great in development mode however when I deploy to the server the images won't display. I have tried many way to specify t...

Passing two different models to a view with ASP.Net MVC

I'm trying to set up a view that displays two different models. For example, I have a "Details" view that shows details of a customer; which I am passing my customer model. I also want to have a section on the page under the customer information (I was thinking about using a partial view) that lists their pets (for a vet practice). I ...

Rails, update 2nd select with static data from partial, based on initial select.

I have a rails form where the end user is going to drop down a list of categories, select a category. I need this selection to update the next select drop down. The issue is that the 2nd select needs to be populated by static data from a partial. The reason for this, is that its a product registration page, that includes more option...

subcontroller/partialrequest and form action method

What I need to do is the following Set small login form (or any partial view) Complete login actions Get back to the SAME place (controller/action) user was before clicking LOGIN button Any of Partial Request/Subcontroller,RenderAction solutions offer this without any extra code to handle parent page url? ...

C++ serialization library that supports partial serialization?

Are there any good existing C++ serialization libraries that support partial serialization? By partial serialization I mean that I might want to say, save the values of 3 specific members, and later be able to apply that saved copy to a different instance, only updating those 3 members and leaving the others intact. This would be useful ...

render .ascx page into .aspx page using javascript, jquery

i have aspx page which has following js function which is called on button click enter code here <input type="button" onclick="calltemp1()" value="Temp1"/> <script type="text/javascript"> function calltemp1() { $("#Renderthisdiv").load("/Views/Templates/_Temp1.ascx"); } </script> ...

render :partial with a manipulated :collection

Hi. Say I have a collection of @dogs, and I want to render part of the collection in one place and the rest in another. It's easy to spit them all out together: render :partial => 'dogs/summary', :collection => @dogs, :as => :dog But is it possible to manipulate (refine) your collection in-line, or is it better practice to make those...

With Git, how can I commit some changes in the working copy to a different branch?

I'm working in a branch, and got a working copy with is really unclean. When looking through the changes to commit, I wanted a few oneliner fixes to be committed to the master branch. In this case, using git stash is not really helping, because my working copy has lots of other changes which won't merge with master yet. Is there a more...

Looking for software suite to perform partial evaluation to reduce constants

Hi, We have need in our product to do partial evaluation to simplify expressions that contain both variables and constants. Goal is to combine terms algebraically to reduce the constants whenever possible. For example the following expressions: 4x + 6y + 2x 7 + 2x - 3 10^-5 * x * 10^-4 Should become (respectively): 6(x + y) 4 + 2x...

jQuery ready event not fired on partial page load

Here's the situ: A page which contains html and using the jQuery libray and tabs jQuery UI plugin loads another page when some tab is clicked. The problem is that when the page/html is loaded/rendered (let's simplify this and say it's just doing something like $("#myDiv").load(url);), the ready event is not fired because of course the "...

MVC Partial Views - Qtip

Hi, I'm working with MVC's views I have a main view which contains a partial view. My partial view is rendered with the actions that are fired from the elements that it contains. I also have a jquery of tooltips from "Qtip". Everything works fine. My problem is that everytime I render the partial view, the complete functionality of t...

myfaces partialTriggers

Hi, Here is my myFaces Code the <tr:commandButton text="Calculate Modulus" action="#{pageManager.form.calculateModulus}" id="modulusCalculation" partialSubmit="true"/> <tr:table value="#{pageManager.form.modulusCollection}" var="modulus" width="75%" inlineStyle="align:center;" partialTriggers="modulusCalculation" autoSubmit...

Lucene SpanNearQuery partial matching

Good day, Given a document {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'}, I want to match using SpanNearQuery with the tokens {'baz', 'extra'} But this fails. How do I go around this? Thanks, Franz Sample test (using lucene 2.9.1) with the following results: givenSingleMatch - PASS givenTwoMatches - PASS givenThreeMatches - PASS givenSingleMatch_andExtra...

Haskell: Zipping a list xs with every list in the list yss using partial applications and

Hey I'm just revising for my functional programming exam coming up on friday and I'm just working through exercises given by our lecturer. I've come across one which I neep a bit of help on: 6. a) Write a function that zips a given list xs with every list in a list yss of lists. Use partial applications and lambda expressions to the gre...