
How to get wxAUIToolbar to display partially transparent buttons?

Basically, I want antialiased buttons. I tried png and xpm bitmaps, but they don't seem to allow partial transparency - at least not that I know of. How can this be done? Is there a certain format to use? ...

Grouping fields that partially match in MySQL

I'm trying to return duplicate records in a user table where the fields only partially match, and the matching field contents are arbitrary. I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well, so here is the query I might run to get the duplicate members by some unique field: SELECT MAX(id) FROM members WHERE 1 GROUP BY some_unique_field HAVING COU...

Postback issues with firefox on an aspx page

Hi, I have a strange problem on an aspx page. In short, I have 3 radio buttons and a table on the page. When the user activates the middle radio button two text boxes and a button is shown to the user. The button serves as a way to post back the page. Anyway, the postback should be only a partial postback. Everything works fine in IE bu...

Get ProjectItems for Partial Class through CodeModel

I have seen looking for a way to get the list of ProjectItems (files) for a known class, which generated from several partial classes. I use CodeModel to search for a class and accessing the ProjectItem to do stuff, which works fine for normal classes. But when it comes to partial classes, the ProjectItem property give one file but dont ...

How can I create a login partial view in MVC?

How can I create a login partial view in MVC 2.0? I want to include this in several masterpages in my site since I can't use the login control in MVC. What code do I put in the controller which will accept the username and password? ...

load partial with jquery and rails

Im curious about what the best way to load a rails partial with jquery. So far I have tried a solution not working: $('#imagecontent').load('/newsletters/_image_gallery.html.erb', function() { alert('Load was performed.'); }); Is the best solution to build a seperate action and/or controller for this and set up a route? Im asking beca...

How rails render works in controller? Why something it doesn't use layout?

I tried to write render in an action, but layout behavior is different, why? def show # assuming we have a partial in app/views/shared/_panel_show.html.erb #render "shared/_panel_show" # have layout #render "/shared/_panel_show" # without layout #render "shared/panel_show" # Template is missing #render :partial => "share...

Selective ordering with LINQ, partial ordering

Let's say I have a list of objects: var items = new { new { Order = 0 }, new { Order = 1 }, new { Order = -1 }, new { Order = 3 }, new { Order = 2 }, new { Order = -1 } }; I need to order it so that items with "Order > -1" be on top of the list ordered by Order ascending, and remaining items with "Order == -1" ...

Linq to SQL: Populating an extended generated class in a Linq Query

Ok so, I have a class that's generated when I created the Linq to SQL connection. It basically looks like this: public partial class Product { public string Name { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } } I extended it by adding another property, like this: public partial class Produc...

Qt 4.6.x under MacOS/X: widget update performance mystery

Hi all, I'm working on a Qt-based MacOS/X audio metering application, which contains audio-metering widgets (potentially a lot of them), each of which is supposed to be updated every 50ms (i.e. at 20Hz). The program works, but when lots of meters are being updated at once, it uses up lots of CPU time and can bog down (spinny-color-whee...

Insert another entity in partial insert,update method of an entity

I use LinqDataSource in my web pages and I want to handle Business rules in Changed event of properties and also OnValidate method of an entity. I can delete other entities in partial delete also, I can upload other entities in partial Insert and Update methos but I can't Insert entites in partial update or delete methods. Example : I ha...

Why can't I bind + in clojure?

Can anyone explain why I can rebind list but not +? (binding [list vector] (list 1 3)) (binding [list +] (list 1 3)) (binding [+ list] (+ 1 3)) I'd like to rebind + so I can do partial evaluation. ...

Which is best to use, ViewHelper or Partial View?

I was creating a viewhelper because there is logic on the rendering of the content. But then I realize that I am hardcoding the html inside the viewhelper which is achievable also using the partial view. Many says that views should not have logic in it. But if i used viewhelper, i need to recompile the project if i need to change the sty...

How can one fetch partial objects in NHibernate?

Dear ladies and sirs. I have an object O with 2 fields - A and B. How can I fetch O from the database so that only the field A is fetched? Of course, my real application has objects with many more fields, but two fields are enough to understand the principal. I am using NHibernate 2.1. Thanks. EDIT: I wish to clarify. I need to fet...

Rails partial refresh problem

Hi, I'm using acts_as_rated. FYI: it is a rating plugin, you login, and if you haven't voted on something, then you can choose 1-5 stars. It works fine, except that it doesn't update 'ajaxfully'. It only updates the voting results after another refresh. So the code works because the vote is taken, it's just that the user doesn't see it ...

Rails: Should partials be aware of instance variables?

Ryan Bates' nifty_scaffolding, for example, does this edit.html.erb <%= render :partial => 'form' %> new.html.erb <%= render :partial => 'form' %> _form.html.erb <%= form_for @some_object_defined_in_action %> That hidden state makes me feel uncomfortable, so I usually like to do this edit.html.erb <%= render :partial => 'form... Asynchronous Tasks Not Updating GUI (Update Panel/Details View)

Short of posting my entire website here, I will first try and explain what is actually happening. First off, I have a simple website that has a master page etc. Simple backend database, no bells and whistles just simple stuff. However whenever I use a control that will make use of a partial postback. It never works on the first click...

(partial apply str) and apply-str in clojure's ->

If I do the following: user=> (-> ["1" "2"] (partial apply str)) #<core$partial__5034$fn__5040 clojure.core$partial__5034$fn__5040@d4dd758> ...I get a partial function back. However, if I bind it to a variable: user=> (def apply-str (partial apply str)) #'user/apply-str user=> (-> ["1" "2" "3"] apply-str) "123" ...the code...

PHP File Upload second file does not upload, first file does without error

So I have a script I have been using and it generally works well with multiple files... When I upload a very large file in a multiple file upload, only the first file is uploaded. I am not seeing an errors as to why. I figure this is related to a timeout setting but can not figure it out - Any ideas? I have foloowing set in my htacc...

Problem with interface implementation in partial classes.

I have a question regarding a problem with L2S, Autogenerated DataContext and the use of Partial Classes. I have abstracted my datacontext and for every table I use, I'm implementing a class with an interface. In the code below you can see I have the Interface and two partial classes. The first class is just there to make sure the class ...