
Paperclip command errors switching from one processor to another in Passenger

I have an application that uses Paperclip to upload and transform both image graphics (pngs, gifs, jpgs) and video files (flv, mov, et al) in the same ActiveRecord class. Because I am working with files that need to be processed with ffmpeg, I have written a custom processor to deal with the videos. In the model where Paperclip is imple...

Is there a way to automate restarting the python process after every change I make to Django models?

I am using Django with Passenger on Dreamhost. Every time I make a change to models, settings or views I need to pkill python from a terminal session. Does anyone know of a way to automate this? Is this something that Passenger can do? Thanks. ...

Getting Rails error 500: logs pointing to passenger and gmaps

Hi, I am currently running a rails app in production. Whenever i try to access my home page i get an error 500. This started happening recently so i have successfully run the app before. I realised that i could access some of my inner pages and this problem seems to be common on pages using google maps api. So i figured it could be one...

Phusion Passenger spawning problems

I am working with a Rails 3RC app and using Phusion Passenger for the first time. It takes about 30 seconds to start up the app on the first request and here is the typical memory consumption for each ruby process in my app: PID     VMSize     Private   Name 18161 263.5 MB 75.4 MB Rack: /rails_apps/my_app/current Is that typical...

Routes not resolving in Production Environment (Rails 2.3.5)

Hi all, I'm deploying my app to a live server running passenger on Apache. I've tested the app locally and my routes appear sound. I have my public controllers under app/controllers/content and my admin controllers under app/controllers/admin. Despite everything working in the development environment i'm getting "The page you were look...

Magick::ImageMagickError (Postscript delegate failed `/tmp/magick-XXA7JtQ8': @ error/ps.c/ReadPSImage/779: `(null)'):

I installed imagemagick success, development]# convert -version Version: ImageMagick 6.6.3-4 2010-08-11 Q16 Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 ImageMagick Studio LLC Features: OpenMP and rmagick 2.13.1 success too. and I test with such script. require 'rubygems' require 'RMagick', 30)...

How can I see on my iPhone the rails app is running on my mac via Passenger

Hi there, I'm developing a rails app, now I'm working on the CSS specifically for iPhone, on my mac. I've my app running via Passenger at http://whatever.local It'd be nice to access via iPhone to the same URL so I can test my CSS quickly. But how? Thank you, Leo ...

RVM, Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 2.3.8, Passenger and "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII"

I just started the upgrade process from Ruby 1.8.7 to Ruby 1.9.2 (using RVM). I have all my applications running using 'script/server' (or 'rails server') with 1.9.2, however, only Rails 3.0.0 RC applications work with Passenger. The error message given by Rails 2.3.8 applications is: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII I'm guessing ...

What are the advantages of using Passenger over a Mongrel Cluster?

Hi, This is probably the silliest question today but... The Rails team & many others recommend using passenger instead of a mongrel cluster, but I cannot find a clear list of exact benefits / advantages of this or what the potential pitfall are. Just wondering if anyone can help explain this? Also is passenger its own server or does i...

How do I handle a VirtualHost/Passenger entry for a Rails site that solely handles subdomains?

I want to use Rails 3's new subdomain features to handle all subdomain paths except www and nil. Oppositely in a second rails app, I want to solely handle www and nil in the url path. What would my two VirtualHost entries look like for Apache with Passenger? And in the code, for the first subdomain handling app, so long as I handle th...

Forbidden message when serving a sinatra local site using nginx passenger.

Hi, I've followed the instructions for installing phusion passenger with nginx in ubuntu. I had some issues while installing since I use rvm and I had to install as root and the installer was failing to find rake so i temporarily chmoded /opt to be owned by my user and after installation I resetted ownership to root. I can see nginx welc...

Restricting file access on server with Rails Nginx and passenger

I have a Rails application (with Nginx and Passenger) that save video files on the server. How can I restrict access to those files to logged in users with permissions to those files? I believe when I try to access a file such as it bypasses Rails correct? So Do I have to do something at Nginx level to re...

expires max caches ajax

Using rails nginx with passenger. I put the following in the nginx.conf file for caching images, js. etc. But now I notice that my ajax calls are cached or rather the expiration is set to some 30 years in future. I would like to have the javascripts cached but not the ajax calls. How do I do it? location ~* ^.+.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|css|js|...

nginx passenger expires max cached pages

I have posted another question similar to this, which I thought I resolved. But it is coming back with another symptom. I am using REE/Passenger/Nginx and have the following in my nginx.conf location ~* ^.+.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|css|js|swf)?([0-9]+)?$ { expires max; passenger_enabled on; } Ever since I did this, it seems ...

Rails 3: Passenger can't find git gems installed by bundler

Rails 3.0.0, Passenger 2.2.15: Create a new Rails project Add gem 'paperclip', :git => 'git://', :branch => 'rails3' to your Gemfile Do bundle install Everything OK, starting with rails/script server & accessing also works However, when accessing with Passenger, it says: git://

Rails/Passenger sub URI error

I am attempting to deploy a rails 3.0.0 application to a sub URI using passenger 2.2.15. I believe I've made the correct RailsBaseURI changes to my http.conf , have symlinked the sub URI to the public directory of my app and added the following line of code to environments/production.rb: config.action_controller.relative_url_root = "/s...

One rails application for multiple domain names

I have one rails application needed to be deployed by passenger module nginx. This application needs to be served for hundred domain names. I don't have enough memory to launch hundred rails instances. I'm not sure the proper way to launch rails in few instances. It's the same application under different domain names. server { list...

Make nginx with ruby on rails have case insensitive URLs

We are using nginx + passenger and Ruby on Rails. We would like all URLs, not just controllers and actions to be cases insensitive. This works fine by default on the Mac I'm developing on but when we moved to linux with its case sensitive file system, we have a bunch of broken images. I'd also just like URLs in general to be case inse...

Rails/Passenger: no such file to load -- money (MissingSourceFile)

I am attempting to deploy a Rails application (which works fine in development) onto a production server. I have installed and configured Apache, Passenger, and the necessary gems. After I restart apache and navigate to the server, I get the following error: Exception PhusionPassenger::UnknownError in PhusionPassenger::Railz::Applicatio...

Ruby on Rails app showing index of RAILS_ROOT

I am deploying an app on Ubuntu 10 using Passenger 2.2.15, Rails 2.3.5, Ruby 1.8.7, and Apache 2.2.14. When I open http://localhost/appname it displays the contents of the app's root directory (/var/www/appname). Currently passenger and apache seem to be installed correctly, but this error persists. /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/appname i...