The rails app I have allows users to manage holiday homes. Each property has it's own
"website/homepage" within my app and a user can tweak the content, it works well,
quite pleased so far. Typical rails approach to the resources so the URLs to a particular property look like this for the "homepage" of a particular property.
I am running Rails 3 and Passenger 2 and I don't know why but my page is still cached despite having this configuration (in one of my virtual hosts):
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAlias *
DocumentRoot "/home/ygamretuta/dev/railstut/public/"
RailsEnv "development"
<Directory "/home/yga...
I'm in production mode with Passenger 2.2.5 and Apache and would like to get rid of the friendly error messages. Preferably I would just like to see a 404 if anything goes wrong.
I know Passenger 3.0 offers the PassengerFriendlyError off option, but afaik, 2.2.5 does not.
I have a rails app I am trying to run under passenger 3 standalone:
passenger start -a -p 3001 -d
Ive installed this with rvm
cd myapp
rvm use 1.9.2
gem install passenger --pre
I want to set environment variables for my app but can't figure out how and where to set them. I just need to source my .profile which has all m...
I am using Passenger3 with Apache2, Rails 2.3.8 with Bundler1.0.3
I can't trigger development mode from the vhost. I need to explicitly set it in ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'development'
RackEnv development
RailsEnv development
Neither of these are working, it is defaulting to production.
I have another 2.3.8 project that is fine with Rail...
Running in a Linode slice with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I am getting a 500 Internal Server Error.
The Apache log has:
Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Phusion_Passenger/2.2.7 configured -- resuming normal operations
caught SIGTERM, shutting down
* Passenger could not be initialized because of this error: The Passenger spawn server script, '/usr/...
On Ubuntu with REE 1.8.7, with nginx 0.8.53 manually compiled with the
Passenger 3 module doc installed as per the docs, I get an error in
the nginx error log when nginx starts:
Unable to start the Phusion Passenger watchdog because it encountered
the following error during startup: Unable to start the Phusion
Passenger logging agent: a...
I've been trying to set up nginx 0.8.53 and passenger 3.0.0 on my dev
environment - osx snow leopard and REE. I manually compiled nginx
with the passenger module linked in.
When I tried running passenger, it had a problem - ENV['PATH']
appeared to be null, so the split on it when call
PlatformInfo.find_command raised an exception. It ...
I'm trying to build a new rails 3 app from scratch using OmniAuth. Currently I just have a completely empty app, where I've added omniauth to the Gemfile, and added a omniauth.rb in config/initializers that looks like this:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :facebook, 'APP_ID', 'APP_SECRET'
I've recently updated to Ruby 1.9.2 (RVM), Sinatra 1.1 and Passenger 3.0.0. I have a simple application composed of:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'app.rb'
run Sinatra::Application
# app.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
erb :index
If I run the application from the terminal using ...
I'm having trouble with the Authlogic-gem. Before I write my own auth-scheme I wanted to ask if anyone had the same problem:
When logging in it successfully executes the and redirects, but the "current_user" is not set. It works perfectly locally, but it won't when using Passenger.
I updated Passenger to 3.0 but no lu...
The problem is simple.
I use the following command to install Passenger
When Passenger automatically installs nginx, I can't launch it.
nginx -v
Returns there's no nginx installed.
How can I fix this?
I have been battling with this question for the past couple of days. I have never been fortunate enough to have to install a Rails application on production and have been pulling my hair out over these errors. My application is currently running and throwing an exception which basically amounts to a "LoadError" in a ...
I'm looking to deploy two rails projects. One with Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3.8, and another with Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.1.
I'm trying to set up a situation where is Ruby 1.9.2 and is Ruby 1.8.7.
What's the best way to set this up with Passenger and RVM?