
Why are ruby processes at 100% CPU on passenger

I have a rails app (2.3.5) running on a VPS with 4 cores @ 2 GHz and 4GB memory. I am running nginx (0.7.61) and phusion passenger(2.2.14) on Ruby Enterprise (1.8.7-2010.01) with the max pool size set at 30. My problem is that it seems as if every ruby process that is executing a rails request runs at near 100% cpu. If I run TOP they ...

Has anyone created a debian package for phusion passenger (aka mod_rails) that doesn't depend on rubygems?

As a company policy, rubygems isn't allowed on any of our production servers (which all run debian lenny). All production software must be installed via apt. There is a package for passenger (, but it depends on rubygems. Before I try to try to hack my own package (pr...

why isn't my rails install using the latest version of passenger?

I'm using VirtualBox on Windows to run an Ubuntu OS, which is running the turnkey rails package, which comes with ruby 1.8, rails 2.3.8, and passenger 2.2.5. When I first booted it up with just a vanilla rails app it worked fine, but now I'm getting the following error: uninitialized constant PhusionPassenger::Utils::PseudoIO::StringIO ...

why won't passenger use the VirtualHost I set to my rails app?

I'm trying to get a rails app running on Ubuntu 8.0.4. I'm actually using one of the Turnkey linux packages, which sets up Passenger and a default rails app at /var/www/railsapp. This is working fine again after I upgraded Passenger to 2.2.15. I've gone through the Passenger/rails docs and set up my basic rails app with the following in ...

capistrano apache deployment

hi, I deployed my ror application successfully using capistrano, but when i brought up a browser point it to the application, it said 'server not found'. here is my apache2.conf: .. NameVirualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName DocumentRoot /home/work/hylog/current/public/ <Directory /home/work/hylog/curr...

External connections from nginx+passenger

I'm attempting to make a connection to external web services (a url shortener, an oauth provider, and exceptional). Nginx+passsenger refuses to create a successful connection, saying the "proxy hungup" or some sort of DNS failure occurred. Apache+passenger had so such issue. I'm guessing I am failing to configure nginx properly — how ca...

Running a ssh tunnel from a rails/passenger server to another machine

I have a Rails (2.3.8) application that will need to start and maintain a SSH tunnel whenever the application is started using 'script/server' or when started using Passenger. When script/server is ^C'd or the Passenger instance is shut down the SSH tunnel should be destroyed. I do not want the tunnel to be started when I run 'script/co...

Trying to run Rails App with Apache/Passenger, but getting 404s

Hi, I've installed passenger (don't know if the installation is correct) onto apache (i'm just using a development macintosh running snow leopard). the httpd.conf file has a VirtualHost setting like this <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName myapp DocumentRoot /webapps/boom/public <Directory /webapps/boom/public> Allow from all ...

Apache rewriteCond Rails multi domain setup cache

He People. I have a rails app running for multiple sites and it has a cache that looks like this: tmp/cache/ cached files No this is not picked up by Apache (obviously) and i am trying to set it up in my httpd.conf. But I wasn't able to get it working. This is something i tried: < VirtualHost *:80 > Passenger...

Apache+Passenger - Apache running; but not responding to requests

Background I'm running a Ruby on Rails application that has to serve a lot of static files as well. My setup currently is: Debian Linux Lenny 5.0 Apache 2.2.9 Passenger 2.2.10 The problem Everything runs fine. I see apache process spinning up, passenger instances get created and everything works fast and snappy. Then, after som...

Trouble installing passenger gem on Ubuntu

From the console: adelevie@ubuntu:~$ gem install passenger Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing passenger: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require': no such file ...

proper permissions for a rails app

Nginx is giving me a 403 Forbidden error. It looks like my permissions are wrong. This is what I have going on my local machine: drwx------ 13 sean sean 4096 2010-07-10 13:17 . drwxr-xr-x 41 sean sean 4096 2010-07-13 17:55 .. drwx------ 6 sean sean 4096 2010-07-09 16:45 app drwx------ 5 sean sean 4096 2010-07-13 17:54 co...

Deploying rails application. Getting 500 errors

Trying to deploy my rails application but when access through web I'm getting 500 error saying that The application spawner server exited unexpectedly: Unexpected end-of-file detected. Exception class: PhusionPassenger::Railz::ApplicationSpawner::Error I googled the whole internet but found only couple of guys who had the s...

How to switch env (test, dev, prod) when deploying rails app

So where does Rails pick up the environment context (dev, test, prod). Lets say i am taking my Rails code to a prod server, how do i tell rails to use the prod env file/properties? ...

Problem running Rails/Passenger app on slice that also serves static html sites

I'm running a Rails app on an ubuntu hardy box with passenger. I also have a couple basic html sites running on the same box. My problem is that the apache vhost set up for the html sites seems to be blocking my Rails app from resolving at the proper url. I have a number of Rails apps running on different slices using passenger, so I ...

Passenger spawning new ruby instances on Ajax calls

I have some heavy perfomance issues with Passenger and ajax calls. It seems like every time I do an ajax call, a new ruby instance is started instead of using the one that responded to the original page request, making it really slow. The fact that multiple ajax requests can be made in just a few seconds doesn't make the situation better...

Ruby on Rails Permission denied - /root/.bundle/ruby/1.8/specifications

I'm trying to install teambox on ruby. I am running passenger and getting this error: Permission denied - /root/.bundle/ruby/1.8/specifications I tried the following chown teambox directory to teambox user chown /root/.bundle/ruby/1.8/specifications to teambox user. Please help! ...

How to setup a Sinatra app under Apache with Passenger?

Let's say I have the simplest single-file Sinatra app. The hello world on their homepage will do. I want to run it under Apache with Phusion Passenger, AKA mod_rails. What directory structure do I need? What do I have to put on the vhost conf file? I understand I need a rackup file. What goes in it and why? ...

wildcard subdomains in development with passenger

It really bites having to add an alias every time you need a subdomain on your development machine. Is there a way to configure passenger to use wildcards so that i can access randomsubdomain.mysite.local ? ...

attachment_fu rmagick on phusion passenger

Hi, I am getting so much pain with setting up rmagick on Passenger . I’m developing a rails web application that has image processing feature using imagemagick. the image processing feature is working 100% on development using mongrel, but once i deploy it to production which uses phusion passenger I get the error uninitialized constan...