
problems doing the Django tutorial on Dreamhost using Passengers

I have looked and I could not find this question before, and it surprises me. I am reasonably proficient in Python, and I used Dreamhost for a number of years. Now I would like to learn Django. They are finally supporting it using Passenger. Which I do not know what is. Following the instructions on Dreamhost I installed Django. Then I...

Is it possible to deploy a Ruby app on a plain clean Passenger setup?

I'm thinking to something really similar on what you can do with mod_php: drop an application in some way inside Apache and making it run with Passenger, without adding anything inside httpd.conf (no vhost, nothing except the basic Passenger configuration). It's something very similar to Wordpress or many other frameworks: just unzip/svn...

Passenger: "Missing these required gems redgreen"

Hello, total ruby newbie, trying to setup a Rails/MongoDB application on Mac OS X Snow leopard. Installed Ruby 1.9.1 and RubyGems 1.3.7, which ruby and which gem point to the same directory. I'm using the Snow Leopard built-in apache and Passenger 2.2.11. I'm using the rails template from the mongo-site which seems to work okay overall...

Apache + Passenger not passing on custom status codes

I'm currently building an API. This API communicates with the client via status codes. I created several custom status codes (as per in order to inform the client on certain things. For example I introduced the 481 status code to signify a specific client error. The Rails app ...

Rails with passenger only runs in development

Hey, I have a problem on one of our webservers. I'll try to explain it as clear as possible, but I'm not 100% aware of all the configuration of the server. There are 2 sites running next to eachother (blcc_preprod and blcc_prod), so in the 'sites-enabled' of apache this i have a file 'blcc' like this: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoo...

Not able to upload in a passenger app behing apache

Am not able to upload a 8.4 MB file, in a passenger app behind apache. Transferring the same file via scp took 4.1 minutes. Error backtrace: [ pid=10222 file=ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp:727 time=2010-05-18 07:13:14.842 ]: Unexpected error in mod_passenger: An error occurred while receiving HTTP upload data: Connection reset by peer (104) B...

Rails, Passenger and Memcached: Unable to find server during initialization

Hello, I hope all is well. I am hoping someone can help me with a problem that I am certain is user error? The configuration details below work in all my other environments including integration, development and qa. However, the production servers give the following error: unable to find server during initialization. When I telnet to...

deploy a sinatra app with passenger gives only 404, page not founds. Yet a simple rack app works.

I have correctly (or prbably not) installed passenger on apache 2. Rack works, but sinatra keeps giving 404's. Here is what works: #app = proc do |env| return [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html" }, "hello <b>world</b>"] end run app Here is what works too: Running the app.rb (see below) with ruby app.rb and then looki...

phusion passenger on ubuntu 10.04: why apache2-prefork-dev when we want apache2-mpm-worker?

i want to install phusion passenger together with ruby enterprise edition on x86_64 SMP ubuntu 10.04. the recommended option seems to be apache2-mpm-worker but when i run passenger-install-apache2-module the installation routine of phusion passenger complains To install Apache 2 development headers: Please run apt-get instal...

Why am I getting a permission denied error on my public folder?

Hi all, This one has got me stumped. I'm deploying a Rails 3 app to Slicehost running Apache 2 and Passenger. My server is running Ruby 1.9.1 using RVM. I am receiving a permission denied error on the "public" folder in my app. My Virtual Host is setup as follows: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias www....

Rails Under Construction Page

Hi Everyone, I know this may seem trivial to some, other won't see the point, however - for me this would be great: I am trying to work out how to quickly and efficiently commit updates to my Rails app, switch to an under construction style page while I restart the rails app and then test the changes, then when I am happy, switch back...

Multiple Ruby versions on one webserver?

The Ideal Using rvm, it would be awesome to be able to have multiple Rubies on one webserver, and through some sort of server configuration, be able to assign Ruby versions to different Rails/Sinatra/etc apps on a per-project basis. I am aware, from rvm's documentation, that Passenger only works with one Ruby at a time. :( The Comprom...

nginx with passenger

Hello, I'm trying to move from Apache + Passenger to Nginx + passenger on my Ubuntu Lucid Lynx box. When I install passenger, sudo gem install passenger and cd /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/passenger-2.2.14/bin sudo ./passenger-install-nginx-module everything is fine (no error). Nginx is downloaded / compiled and installed at the same ...

Where am I going wrong? "undefined method 'application' for Sinatra:Module" Sinatra/Passenger/Apache

Hi, I'm trying to get my first Sinatra app off the ground, but am getting an error page from Passenger: undefined method `application' for Sinatra:Module Here's my Rackup file: require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' set :env, :production disable :run require 'app' run Sinatra.application And the app itself: #!/usr/bin/env ruby re...

trouble with ruby passenger

when i paste this code in MAMP's httpd.conf: LoadModule passenger_module /Volumes/Private/ajsie/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/passenger-2.2.14/ext/apache2/ PassengerRoot /Volumes/Private/ajsie/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378/gems/passenger-2.2.14 PassengerRuby /Volumes/Private/ajsie/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.1-p378/bin/ruby then...

Send Redirects To Specific Ports

I have an Rails application server that is listening on port 9000, and is being called through haproxy. All my redirects from that server are being redirected back through port 9000, when they should be sent back on port 80. I am using a combination of haproxy + nginx + passenger. Is there a way to make sure all redirects are being sent...

Problem deploying Rails with Passenger to Mac OS X Leopard Server

I'm spinning my wheels... Apache is working and serving static html, png, etc. normally. Trying to get Passenger to serve a rails app out of as it stands when i try to hit my app: I get only an Apache 403 Errors. Nothing in myapp's Production Log. Apache2 access.log: ...

New Rails + Passenger deployment half working...not sure why?

I'm in the final stages of going round trip through the entire Rails cycle: development -> test -> production (on an external server). I'm very close...but seeing some errors with the production version and don't know enough about Rails' "magic" to troubleshoot it yet... this works: and returns my app's view but ...

parsing # in rails uris

i am getting the following url information and need to parse it within rails. i already checked request and params but it is not there. the "#" character seems to f*ck up things. here's the url:

How do I stop the phusion passenger spawn server from restarting?

I have Phusion Passenger running my Ruby on Rails application on my local machine, but I'd like to be able to kill the process entirely and run a different (non-Apache) service on the same port. Unfortunately, when I kill the passenger spawn server and the httpd processes, the spawn-server restarts: 15:30:37 /usr/bin $ ps ax | grep pas...