
Nginx Upload Progress Module with Rails and Passenger

I’ve been trying to get the Nginx upload progress module running on WebFaction with Rails and Passenger (using Paperclip to upload to S3). The best result I have come up with so far are that it reports on start and on finish, but nothing in between. The Ajax request to the /progress path is working fine. This is the nginx.conf file I h...

How to avoid nginx "upstream sent too big header" errors?

I'm running nginx, Phusion Passenger and Rails. I am running up against the following error: upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: "POST /user_session HTTP/1.1", upstream: "passenger://unix:/tmp/passenger.3322/master/helper_server.sock It is occuring o...

Multiple rack apps on nginx + passenger, one as root, the other not...config help

So I've got two apps I want to run on a server. One app I would like to be the "default" app--that is, all URLs should be sent this app by default, except for a certain path, lets call it /foo: -> app1 -> app1 -> app2 My two rack apps are installed lik...

What am I doing wrong for Sphinx to fail to start during cap deploy?

Hello All, I'm struggling to get Sphinx back up and running after deploying a rails app to my VPS. Specifically, I'm thrown this error: ** [out ::] => Mixing in Lockdown version: 1.6.4 ** [out ::] ** [out ::] Failed to start searchd daemon. Check /var/www/myapp/releases/20100227224936/log/searchd.log. ** ...

Serving multiple Rails apps from single domain

I have two Rails apps that I want to serve with Passenger from the same domain. I would like requests to come in to one app, and if that app is not able to handle the request, for the request to be passed to the the second app. I know that I can use Passenger's RailsBaseURI option to deploy multiple apps to different sub URIs, but this...

Weird rails error while loading the application

Hi ppl, I am having this bizarre error and I don't know what to do. This code runs fine on my development and staging machine but crashes on production. All I have to do is load the page or call script/server to trigger the following error: Error message: interning empty string Exception class: ArgumentError Full Stack trace: Code...

Change the Passenger application pool size at runtime

Is it possible to change the Passenger application pool size at runtime? Ie, without restarting apache, and without disrupting active visitors? The same time every day we have a background job run. It is very memory intensive. Since during that time, traffic on the site tends to be relatively low, I would like to automatically scale dow...

RAILS: Since I use Passenger, config.gem isn't allowed in the Rails:Initializers block. Why and what to change?

Hi, it's about Ruby On Rails. I want to use Googleauth and need to add a line starting with "config.gem" in the Rails:Initializers block in the environment.rb. Sadly, Passenger tells me that this would be an unkown command. config.gem "googlebase", :lib => 'google/base', :version => '0.2' What do I have to change to get, possibly be...

Problem with require module using passenger

I have a rails module included for reference below that I have included using "require 'model_helper' at the bottom of my environment.rb file. Everything works fine in development, but when I deploy to my nginx/passenger production environment I get an error that the method acts_as_notifiable defined in my model_helper is not found. ...

Rails page caching with intra-page administration

I'd love to use page caching on a Rails site I run. The information on each page is mostly constant, but the queries that need to be run to collect the information are complicated and can be slow in some cases.The only obstacle to using page caching is that the administrative interface is built into the main site so that admin operations...

Why does Rails with Passenger/nginx only works in development mode? No logs available

Hey folks, I have a serious problem with one of our webservers... after having an internal alpha-testing with a mongrel/haproxy-cluster that worked well, we wanted to use nginx with passenger for our first production server (customers will access this server). However, I can only run the rails app via development mode with passenger/ng...

What's wrong with my ruby application?

I'm migrating some websites over to another server. One of the websites is built with Ruby Enterprise Edition and Passenger. I'm trying to make the website run on Ubuntu 9.10, Apache 2 and mysql 5. I've never worked with ruby or ruby on rails before. When I go to the website built with ruby, I get an error. I've attached a copy of...

Is it possible to put binary image data into html markup and then get the image displayed as usual in any browser?

It's an important security issue and I'm sure this should be possible. A simple example: You run a community portal. Users are registered and upload their pictures. Your application gives security rules whenever a picture is allowed to be displayed. For example users must be friends on each sides by the system, in order that you can vi...

Getting SSL to work with Apache/Passenger on OSX

I use apache/passenger on my development machine, but need to add SSL support (something which isn't exposed through the control panel). I've done this before in production, but for some reason I can't seem to get it work on OSX. The steps I've followed so far are from a default apache osx install: Install passenger and passenger pre...

Rails apps blew up on mediatemple's (dv) server

i managed to fix this issue but i wanted to document it here for any others whom might have similar problems. I'm running a mediatemple (dv) rage server. monit started sending me alerts that i was having resource limitations on the server. logged into plesk and the CPU was pinned at 99.9%. Rebooted the server, catastrophe avoided... ...

How to determine cpu, ram needed for rails app?

What is the most accurate way to determine the amount of cpu speed and ram needed to run my rails app? I believe there are stress testing tools like Tsung, but how do I determine, for example, that I need X more ram, or X more CPU? I would like to find some way to roughly gauge the performance needs of my application so I can anticipat...

In Rails, what could cause a user to have another user's session?

I have a Rails application using with an authentication system using Restful Authentication without any modification. Users have reported finding themselves logged in as the wrong user. In at least one case it was on their very first page view, never having logged in before. Is it possible their session ids are getting mixed up? Would ...

how to use passenger within lampp

hi guys, i've been searched around for couple days about installingpassenger in a lampp (xampp linux) server ... no luck, i couldn't find any reading to achieve what i want to do could you gimme a solution to accomplish this? many thanks ...

deploying rails3 apps with bundler and phusion passenger: .bundle dir not found

i am trying to deploy rails3 apps with the latest phusion passenger 2.2.11 and ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01. i am using bundler, but passenger seems to not be able to find the .bundle dir. error message: git:// (at master) is not checked out. Please run `bundle install` (Bundler::PathError) where do i insta...

Passenger, Apache and avoiding page caching

I'm hosting a rack application with passenger and apache. The application is setup to cache the content of each request to the public directory after each request. This allows apache to serve the content directly as a static page for future requests. I would like to tell Apache, presumably through some rewrite rules that any requests wi...