
Gems not found with Passenger in conservative spawn mode on Mac OS X

We are using Passenger locally on Mac OS X for development. I switched to conservative spawn mode to try to debug a problem with the MongoDB ruby driver. However, after I did this, Passenger can no longer find my gems. I get the application failed to start page with this message: Missing these required gems: aws-s3 >= 0.6.2 ruby-u...

Sinatra - how do I debug it when it's online?

I wrote a teeny tiny Sinatra app that runs fine, locally, but for some reason as soon as I put it online, all I get is 'Internal Server Error'. How do I get the logging output? I'm running on Dreamhost with passenger, using the instructions from the Sinatra book. So I added to more handlers: get '/hello/:name' do "Hello, #{params[:...

How to configure maintenance pages on Passenger suburi deployments

I am trying to get a maintenance page setup for a suburi deployment on Phusion Passenger for a rails app. All the documentation shows DocumentRoot ReWrite rules, which don't appear (don't think they should) rewrite on suburis. I tried hacking around on the ReWrite rules to point at the suburi, but I can't seem to get it to work. Has a...

Using deprec with passenger and nginx

Has anyone come up with a recipe for installing Phusion Passenger fronted by nginx instead of Apache? Or at least some automated way of installing those two, that works alongside a cap/deprec deploy? ...

many instances of apache get spawned with Passenger/Rails

Hello, I have a Debian Linux VPS server for my production website (512MB). I'm using Phusion Passenger with Apache to service my Rails 2.3.4 application with Ruby 1.9. I'm limiting the pool of Phusion passenger instances to 3 Although the traffic is relatively low, the server crashes at times and I notice (when using 'top' command) t...

How can I force 'www' subdomain w/ Apache2 + Rails + Phusion Passenger?

My clients want to use 301 redirects to force the 'www' subdomain on their sites. So '' resolves to '' etc. What I'm trying to do is simply add this to my vhost file: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName ServerAlias www.* DocumentRoot /data/...

delayed_job - Performs not up to date code?

I'm using delayed_job (tried both tobi's and collective_idea's) on shared hosting, with passenger as rails environment. I managed to make jobs done. However, it seems the plugin ignores any changes in a job class source code after first run. I have restarted the server on every change (touch tmp/restart.txt) but it still ignore...

Is ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore cleared up rails restart with Passenger?

I am pretty sure it does, but I wanted to double check, since I don't know exactly how Passenger restarts a rails app. So if I have something like: Rails.cache.fetch(:my_obj) { MyObj.first } will all the cache be cleared upon restart (which is my hope)? ...

cache money ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError

Hi, i keep on getting ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError errors randomly everywhere in my program. i have passenger (30 instances) running with nginx. i don't have this problem in dev. When i remove cache money it works fine in production. this is the error msg: ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError (missing attribute: deposit_amount): ...

Can't force Rails into production environment via Passenger/Nginx

Hi- I'm having trouble getting a Rails app to run in the production environment via Phusion Passenger on Nginx/Ubuntu. According to the docs, the environment is controlled by the rails_env option in nginx.conf ... but it runs in development mode on our box regardless of whether we specify 'rails_env production;' or leave it out (the de...

Does/can Passenger use clusters like Mongrel?

I'm just curious if Passenger does or can utilize clusters like Mongrel can. If so, how can I specifically run Passenger with clusters? I'm using nginx. And if not, how does it outperform Mongrel so well? ...

Will enabling `mod_status` in apache slow my app down?

If I wanted to to monitor response time of my requests should I use Apache's mod_status or should I use Passenger's passenger-status monitoring tools? My concern is that enabling mod_status will slow my apps down, but I don't have anyway to compare since I need to run mod_status to benchmark the performance. By the way Passenger's pas...

Passenger with Prawn won't start

I have a app that uses Prawn to do some PDF generating, it works fine and I've had no problems with it. It's now come to the point where I want to test it through Apache using Passenger. This is where the problem appears. I get the passenger error page with this error: no such file to load -- prawn (MissingSourceFile) I restarted scri...

Trying to install Phusion Passenger gem on debian

I tried do gem1.8 install passenger but I get the following error ERROR: could not find gem passenger locally or in a repository Which I don't understand, cause it clearly is in the repository gem1.8 list -r | grep passenger returns colouringcode-passenger (0.1) passenger (2.2.9) passenger-recipes (0.1.2) passenger_debugger (0...

If I install passenger via tarball and install it, how do I uninstall it?

Normally I would install phusion passenger via the gem command, but this wouldn't work for me, so I had to install it via a tarball and then run the installer. My question is, how do I uninstall it? dpkg -l | grep passenger doesn't return anything. When I list the installed gems, I don't see anything either. So i guess I have two q...

`/usr/bin/file -i SOME_FILE` returns different result when deployed to Phusion Passenger

I'm using /usr/bin/file -i SOME_FILE to detect whether it contains non-ascii-and-utf characters. However, it produces different result when the application is deployed to apache+passenger. In 'script/console', above line gives: SOME_FILE: text/plain; charset=utf-8 In passenger, it gives: SOME_FILE: regular file Since I am pointing ...

Passenger/mod_rails fails to initialize in Fedora 12 when starting Apache

I am in the process of setting up a server to run a Ruby on Rails application on Fedora 12, using Passenger. I am at the stage where I've installed Passenger, set it up as prescribed, but get the following errors when I restart Apache: [Wed Jan 13 15:41:38 2010] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Wed Jan 13 15:41:40 2010] [notice]...

Recurring tasks in a Ruby On Rails application: Cron or other?

I am currently writing an application that pulls new information from RSS sources and has to update those RSS sources in a certain frequency. Currently I am pulling only when the user requests a feed but I want to change that behavior to automatic periodic fetching. I was writing a shellscript that would interact with the database and g...

Rails app deployed with Passenger just displays index of app's public directory

I am trying to deploy a Rails application on Ubuntu 9.04 using Passenger. As far as I can see, I have everything configured correctly; however when I point my browser at my domain, all I see is the index of the app's public directory. My hunch is that Passenger is not starting up - at the bottom of there's no ref...

Sinatra enable :sessions not working on passenger/apache

Hi guys, Am having trouble getting enable :sessions to persist for a simple Sinatra app hosted on passenger/apache. I'm storing the state of session[:authorized] in a cookie. It works locally when hosted on Rack::Handler::Mongrel but I can't seem to get same behaviour on passenger. I've tried two methods for enabling sessions, both of ...