
How can I retrieve the lines Passenger gave me?

Hello people, this question is certainly newbie-generated. When I installed Apache and Passenger to work I received 3 lines of code to add to the apache2.conf file on etc/apache2 path, but because of an authorization reason I couldn't add those lines to the file. I want to know, how can I retrieve these lines? P.S. Passenger Gem Version...

Having trouble debugging Sinatra app in production

Hello Stackies, I'm deploying a Sinatra app using passenger. The deployed app is working, but not entirely: some paths work fine, others simply render a blank page. I can't seem to find any major differences between the routes that work and the routes that don't, and I can't seem to track down any errors.. Handlers I have defined the ...

probem with paperclip accepting jpg and png on production

Hi, I'm using PaperClip plugin in my Rails application as follows: has_attached_file :photo, :styles => {:small => '64X64>', :medium => '250X250>'}, :url => "/assets/user_photos/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/assets/user_photo...

Symlinking problem

Hey dudes.i am having this problem while symlinking. I have successfully deployed a ruby on rails application on server and all the migrations are done. It is deployed with phusion passenger. The application is in /home/username/rails_apps/myapp. I want to symlink it to a subdomain in my site. the path to subdomain is /home/username/publ...

Configuring Rails CSS Caching with Passenger

I am using Passenger and Rails' :cache => true to cache all my css into one big file. Deploys are done via Capistrano. Now sometimes(!), the mem-generated all.css file can't be found after the app is restarted (and I get an error in the log) ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/stylesheets/all.css" with {:method=>:get}): ...

Real time with Rails

Hi, I'm looking for a good way to implement real time feed for my users on a Rails app (Phusion passenger server). Each feed can be different depending on the user and I expect to have one new item every 20 - 60s. Periodic ajax request doesn't look like the best way to do it for me. I heard about Comet and I thought about having someth...

Passenger, Nginx, and Capistrano - Passenger not launching Rails app at all

Essentially, my route is working perfectly, Passenger seems to be loading - all is hunky-dory. Except that nothing Railsy happens. Here's my Nginx log from starting the server to the first request (ignore the different domain/route - it's because I haven't moved the new domain over yet, and it's returning a 403 error because there's no i...

rails passenger doesn't boot correctly

i'm trying to get working an old rails 2.1 application configured with mongrel cluster. passenger is correctly installed on my system (apache) with this configuration LoadModule passenger_module /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.2.5/ext/apache2/ PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.2.5 PassengerRu...

Recommendations (and Differences) between different Ruby on Rails Production Web Servers

Very soon I plan on deploying my first Ruby on Rails application to a production environment and I've even picked a webhost with all the managed server and Capistrano goodness you'd expect from a RoR provider. The provider allows for Mongrel, Thin, Passenger & FastCGI web servers, which seems very flexible, but I honestly don't know the...

mod-rails / phusion passenger on apache: Really slow

I installed redmine on the apache and used mod_ruby first, which was incredible slow... now i switched to phusion passenger but the response time is still really slow ( talking about 5-6 seconds here, even using a wget to localhost from the server itself.. ) i just removed the "old" mods from the apache dir, but it's still slow... anywa...

Advantages of running a production-oriented stack during development?

Lately I seem to have noticed a trend amongst some RoR developers, that is using RubyEE/Passenger/Apache type setups during their development process. Besides the obvious "use what your clients use" idea, do these technologies enhance the development environment in any way compared to what the vanilla mongrel stack gives you ? ...

Ruby: Problem using passenger

Hi, i first installed mod_ruby on my debian and afterwards ( after figuring out that it was too slow ) i wanted to chagne to passenger for my apache Now i've got the problem, that the passenger is successfully loaded by the apache, but is not used, even though i configured everything correctly, like: <VirtualHost *> ServerAdmi...

Getting Django and Subversion to work together on Dreamhost

Does anyone know how to get Django and Subversion to work together on Dreamhost? I've been following this tutorial to install Django (which uses Passenger WSGI): After I got Django to work, Subversion stopped working. Has anyone ran into this problem? ...

Phusion vs Mongrel for Rails application VPS

I'm working on a Rails application and it is currently hosted on a shared hosting. However, it is getting a lot of features that requires reasonable processing and I'm thinking of move it to a VPS, clouded server. I have no experience on server management, but, since it is a simple application, I'd like to manage it myself. Googling a bi...

Log files not being written to (Passenger)

Locally, my app runs fine on and writes to its logs. My production server is running CentOS with an Apache server running Passenger. When trying to debug, I noticed my log files were not being written to. First thing I did was chmod 0666 them, and when I found out that didn't work I looked at my apache log. I found this: Rails Error: Un...

Sinatra on Rack under Passenger returning 0-byte pages

I'm trying to write a Sinatra app that will run on a shared Passenger server. For now, I'd be happy just getting a "hello world", but something isn't working quite right. I have: require 'vendor/sinatra-lib/sinatra.rb' set :environment, :production disable :run require 'myapp.rb' run Sinatra::Application myapp.rb get '/...

Passenger + Rails App Not Loading

So I've just tried to migrate my first rails application from the development environment on my laptop to my hosted environment(just another machine that is externally facing), but I seem to keep getting errors with apache/passenger trying to run my app. Basically I've configured apache and passenger correctly in that the main site sti...

where are passenger buffered uploads hiding?

My PassengerTempDir is at /home/passenger/tmp, because /home is on a larger partition than / While uploading some large files to test this configuration, "du /home/passenger" reveals a small amount of space being used; but "df" shows the /home partition rapidly losing available space. If I move PassengerTempDir to another partition, "d...

Passenger and Rails on

I'm having an issue with Passenger and Rails working together on my Scalr application server. I have Rails 2.3.5 installed and Passenger 2.2.7. I am running ruby 1.8.6 (patchlevel 111). Previous version of both Rails and Passenger worked fine together but now I get shown just a file tree and no application after updating: http://matchm...

How to disable caching in Rails?

How can I disable caching for my rails site? I'm running Passenger (mod_rails) and my site is running in 'development' mode: 'ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development' Any help? ...