
implementing virtual path.

Hi, i want to use virtual path in my web application using is there anyone who know how to do this? ...

How to find all paths between two vertices using QuickGraph

How to find all paths between two vertices using QuickGraph? This is my custom graph: public class MyGraph : BidirectionalGraph<State, Event>() { } In samples only shortest path. Does anybody know how to do it? ...

How can I find the location of the tcsh shell script I'm executing?

Say I put an executable tcsh file in /path/to/my_script.csh and my current directory is anywhere, for example I'm in /path So I type to/my_script.csh I want to have a line in my_script.csh that will return "/path/to/my_script.csh" - like ruby's __FILE__ ...

BASH: Convert absolute path into relative path given a current directory

absolute="/foo/bar" current="/foo/baz/foo" # magic relative="../../bar" Can you help me with magic? (Hopefully not too complicated code...) ...

how to merge multiple url/path into multidimensional array ?

I have array like this: $path = array ( [0] => site\projects\terrace_and_balcony\mexico.jpg [1] => site\projects\terrace_and_balcony\new_york.jpg [2] => site\projects\terrace_and_balcony\berlin.jpg [3] => site\projects\terrace_and_balcony\Kentucky.jpg [4] => site\projects\terrace_and_balcony\Utah.jpg [5] => site\projects\terrace_and_bal...

How do I get the server hostname from a mounted directory with cocoa/obj-c?

Currently when I open a file with my program I can select files on a server by clicking on the server name in the sidebar in an NSOpenPanel and then selecting the file. No problem, this works fine for using the file as long as the shared directory is mounted. I get a path like "/Volumes/SHARENAME/filename.bla". My question is how do...

Rename a file with perl

I have a file in a different folder I want to rename in perl, I was looking at a solution earlier that showed something like this: #rename for (<C:\\backup\\backup.rar>) { my $file = $_; my $new = $file . 'backup' . $ts . '.rar'; rename $file, $new or die "Error, can not rename $file as $new: $!"; } however backup.rar is...

Should image/css/javascript references from HTML use relative or absolute paths?

What are the pros and cons of referencing web assets using relative or absolute paths? For example: <link rel="StyleSheet" href="/css/mystylesheet.css" type="text/css" /> <img src="/images/myimage.gif" alt="My Image" /> vs. <link rel="StyleSheet" href="../css/mystylesheet.css" type="text/css" /> <img src="../images/myimage.gif" alt=...

QFileDialog and german umlaute within a path

Hey Everybody, i am working on a project, which i am developing with Python and PyQT4. I have stumbled upon a somewhat odd behaviour of the QFileDialog, that is not occuring when running the project within in my IDE (Eclipse). The problem is that QFileDialog in ExistingFiles-mode does fail to return the list of selected files, when one...

How can I set the path environnment variable in Visual Studio?

I'm using ILMerge in my post build step. For interoperability reason I would like use ILMerge relative path. How can I set the path environment variable accessible from my post build step? ...

How to specify path for file from different project in WPF?

Hello, I've got two projects in WPF and one project is the main one and the second one is just for testing (it uses files of the main project - files are added via Project -> add -> Existing items... -> selected file -> add as link so that the file is only in the main project really). Folders with projects are these: C:\Work\...\Proj...

8-direction path finding algorithm

I'm having trouble finding the right pathfinding algorithm for some AI I'm working on. I have players on a pitch, moving around freely (not stuck to a grid), but they are confined to moving in 8 directions (N NE E etc.) I was working on using A*, and a graph for this. But I realised, every node on the graph is equally far apart, and al...

Relative Path To Absolute Path in VB .NET

Hi, I am writing a VB .NET console app where it spits takes relative path and spits out all file name, or error for invalid input. I am havinf trouble getting PhysicalPath from RelativePath Example: ` 1. I am in folder: C:\Documents and Settings\MehdiAnis.ULTIMATEBANGLA\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\SP_Sol\SP_Proj\bin\Debug ...

Get DLL's directory

Hi, I have a question about getting DLL's directory on Windows system. The situation is like this : I have a DLL and an EXE file. The exe file must load the DLL to run. These 2 modules are in different directories. Moreover, the directory of the DLL is changeable. Now I have to get the directory of the DLL in "run time". How could I ...

Find full path of python interpreter?

How do I find the full path of the currently running Python interpreter? ...

problem with image urls in htmlhelp created by docbook xsl

I have a Docbook XML document that has some images with special characters in their names (German umlauts). I'm using Saxon 6.5.5 and the Docbook xslt Stylesheets to create HTMLHelp files based on that document. Unfortunately the filenames are then url-encoded (% and hexadecimal code), which internet explorer can't deal with (with firefo...

Process a set of files from a source directory to a destination directory in Python

Being completely new in python I'm trying to run a command over a set of files in python. The command requires both source and destination file (I'm actually using imagemagick convert as in the example below). I can supply both source and destination directories, however I can't figure out how to easily retain the directory structure fr...

Running python batch file that has a path with SPACE character

The batch file is something like this, I put the python in some directory that has SPACE character in its path. C:\"Documents and Settings"\Administrator\Desktop\bracket\python\python C:\\"Documents and Settings"\\Administrator\\Desktop\\bracket\\[10,20]\\ When I run this one, I get this error. C:\Documents and Set...

Getting a partial path to a file in a bash script

I have a path that is stored in a variable $FULLPATH="/this/is/the/path/to/my/file.txt" I also have another variable containing a partial path $PARTIAL="/this/is/the/" I want to remove the partial path from the full path so that I am left with: path/to/my/file.txt What's the best way to do this? ...

PHP Get only directory path

Hello, I have: $page_file_temp = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; which will output: /templates/somename/index.php I want to extract from that path only "/templates/somename/" How can I do it? Thanks! ...