
TCPDF grey background for few cells?

I'm using TCPDF in CakePHP and trying to make some background (grey) for few cells. Well here the idea: so the grey thing would somehow have to be define outside of the cells containg text. Any ideas? Paul ...

Need to merge multiple pdf's into a single PDF with Table Of Contents sections

Will have 50-100 single PDF's that we'll be generating with a php script. PDF's are generally grouped into groups of 10-20. Each group needs to have it's own Table of Contents or Index, and then there also needs to be a Master Table of Contents or Index at the beginning. Or if that is too difficult we could get away with a single Table...

PDF Disable Anti-alias on Lines

I'm creating a dynamically generated PDF using FPDF. My PDF requires many exactly horizontal/vertical lines in a grid and when rendered they are anti-aliased and look very fuzzy and unacceptable to the client. I need to remove the anti-aliasing for these(or all) lines in the doc. I know this is possible because it's shown correctly in ...

Remove or hide PDF layer using ABCPdf?

Is is possible to remove or hide a layer from a PDF using ABCPdf or another framework? ...

Convert image buffer to pdf with ImageMagick in C++

Hi, I've downloaded the dll's for ImageMagick and am wondering if anybody knows of some example code to accomplish a simple task: I have generated an image in C++ and have the buffer in RGB format. I need to convert it to PDF format (without writing to a file) before sending it over a TCP socket. Is this doable with ImageMagick (or any...

Print/save full webpage as PDF

I need a method to be able to print/save the current full webpage as a PDF. I know it can be done if I download a PDF printer and print to that; but I need it to be done without the user having to do anything other than click a button in a webpage. I can't do it via PHP as the page is all client side content, so I'm guessing an ActiveX...

Ruby library for manipulating existing PDF

I'm searching for a library to edit already existing PDF's and add a watermark to each page, for example. Could also be blank every other page etc. There seem to be a few PDF libraries out there, but only very few of them can edit existing PDF's and I'm a bit lost on which way to go. Any recommendations? Thank you. ...

Reportview export to pdf missing alt tags

Hi I'm working with reportviewer in vs2008, whey I try to export my report to pdf it is creating pdf successfully.. But here my problem is when I'm exporting my pdf file is missing alt tags for images which is previously there in my report. In my reportviewer it is showing alt tags for every image. But in pdf it is not showing any alt...

Wider than expected margins with CGContextDrawPDFPage

I'm rendering PDF pages on iPhone using the code below. It works, but the margins seem much wider than when I view the same PDF using a Acrobat Reader or the Mac's Preview, and that consequently scales the content down much smaller than it otherwise would be. Is my code actually causing this behavior? In regards to the bounds below, I...

HTML to PDF conversion from hosted ASP classic?

I need to convert HTML to PDF on the fly from a hosted ASP classic page. WkHtmlToPDF is great, but unfortunately requires installation on the server which is not possible in this case. Is there something out there that would do this? ...

How to reduce size of BIRT generated PDF with background image?

It seems (at least that is our understanding of the issue at this point) that given a background image in BIRT, the PDF generation routine repeats the image information inside the PDF instead of having it once referenced as the background image of all pages of the PDF. This causes our BIRT generated PDFs to be too large. Is there a way ...

How can I determine if MS Office 2007 SP2 is installed?

In am using MS Word via OLE to produce documents from my application. I want to give the users that have MS Office 2007 SP2 installed the ability to save the documents as PDF. This is only available in SP2, and the option should be hidden if the service pack is not installed (and of course also for users of previous versions of MS Office...

How to retain headers for all the pages of an exported pdf in php?

Hi I am exporting data from php page to pdf when the datas exceeed the page limit the header is not available for the consecutive pages function where i call the export to pdf is function changeDetails() { $bType = $this->input->post('textvalue'); if($bType == "pdf") { $th...

How to print gantt-charts generated on web using python?

I want to print or save gantt-chart(in pdf format). These charts are generated on web after a particular input. Our chart is a plug-in for Trac. I have used Genshi library to generate charts. ...

Design PDF template and populate data at runtime using java,xml etc..

well i have been looking for a java based PDF solutions...we dont have a clean way i guess-still.. all solutions are primitive and kind of workarounds... No easy solution for this requirement - 1. Designing a PDF template using a IDE (eg. Livecycle designer ..which is not free) 2. Then at runtime using java, populate data into this PDF...

Consolidate the same image used multiple times in a PDF.

I am generating PDF documents using DevExpress XtraReports. I am using the same image over and over (in rows of status lights). The PDF generated seems to duplicate the image definition for each image included. I would prefer if it included the image once and referenced it wherever it needed another copy - this would drastically reduc...

How can I convert an html page to pdf?

I need to convert an html page into pdf like when I click on a button, a new pdf window will open... If it is possible please provide some sample codes... thanks... ...

html2pdf is not recognizing space and not able to add margin.

I am having a html page with no style attribute.HTML tags i am using are "center,line break tag, bold tag".Html page doesnot contain any table. its a simple document.I need help for:- Adding margin of 1 inch on all sides of the pdf file. I want to start every para with space of two tabs. ("&nbsp" generate space in html file but not in ...

How to create a passsword protected pdf file

I'm using html2fpdf for creating PDF documents. Now once I have created that, I want to make sure that the PDF file is password protected. How can this be done in PHP? ...

Safest way to copy a file

Hello, I need to merg two PDF files. However sometimes a file might be locked up I wrote this code, but I'm wondering if it's not the smartest solution: private static int FILE_LOCKED_WAIT_PERIOD = 1000; while (true) { // If the file is in use, IOException will be thrown. ...