
Make user download pdf instead of saving to a location

Hello!I was trying out the following code which actually saves the pdf file to C:/xampp/ I want to create a link so that when the user clicks on it. It prompts it to save the pdf file. <?php // create handle for new PDF document $pdf = pdf_new(); // open a file pdf_open_file($pdf, "try1.pdf"); // start a new page (A4) pdf_...

Loop through values and display in a pdf file

Hello all! i have written the following code: As you can see there is a for loop to go through some values and display them in the generated pdf. The problem is that all the values are being written at the same place. I have tried to insert a new line but it does not seem to work. Can anyone suggest me how i can do it? Do i need to write...

iText pdf links contain closing square bracket

Hello to all, i try to embed a link to an external website into a pdf-file, generated with iText. Heres the code: Phrase modul = new Phrase ("some text"); Chunk www = new Chunk ("www.arzneimittelinfoservice.de"); www.setAction(new PdfAction(new URL("http://www.arzneimittelinfoservice.de"))); Phrase xref = new Phrase(www); Phr...

Google wave: PDF-generation (pdfjet)

PDFjet says it supports App Engine, which by extension means it will run on Wave. e question is how can I get to to work on the Google WavE? The goal is to get a PDF-button in the wave which is able to output the whole wave into PDF Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. ...

Are there any viable alternatives to wkhtmltopdf on windows, for html to pdf conversion?

I've found wkhtmltopdf, which looks good on the surface and works fine in very small cases, but it doesn't provide any real css control over the rendering. By that I mean it doesn't use the print media type and page breaks are not respected, as well, on windows you can't control the names of some header/footer variables, or generate a T...

Split a PDF by Bookmarks?

Going to be getting a single PDF that has been created by 'merging' multiple pdf's. When I view the merged PDF each single PDF is displayed as a bookmark. Is there any way to automatically split this up by bookmarks with a script? We would not know the page numbers, so that's not an option. Linux tool would be preferred. ...

How can I use delegates to call styling methods?

I need to style a ton of different elements (read: "cells") in a PDF using iTextSharp. Label, header, subheader, number, etc. Right now, I'm using three different methods for each cell type: public static PdfPCell GetDefaultCell(string strText) { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(strText, GetDefaultFont())); ce...

problem with generating PDF and session_start()

Hi All, I've been using PDF class produced by R&OS successfully in a number of recent developments. I'd like to use it in a page that performs a database query before generating a PDF (it's basically a summary of the session, so I'm using session_id() as part of the query) All is fine if I run this in Firefox - not fine in IE. I think...

how can I make a pdf file with flash files?

I have many .swf files and want to make a .pdf file with them, how can I do it automatically with a script file? Each .swf is only a slide and there are no animation in them! ...

Is there a programmatic way to transform a sequence of image files into a PDF?

I have a sequence of JPG images. Each of the scans is already cropped to the exact size of one page. They are sequential pages of a valuable and out of print book. The publishing application requires that these pages be submitted as a single PDF file. I could take each of these images and just past them into a word-processor (e.g. Open...

Looking for .NET library to create PDF

We are looking for a .NET PDF creator. It needs to be .NET, so we can just copy the file(s) onto the server, not having to install anything. We only need to create a PDF with some text and images and a heading, that's all. Anyone know a good one? We are happy to buy if there is a good one that is easy to use. Thanks in advance. ...

Creating PDF's using PHP

What I am wanting to do is create a PDF ideally from HTML code. I found a class called dompdf but I'm having issues with font and page breaks. Does anyone know of another script or even a better way in general to generate PDF files? The reason why I am converting HTML to PDF is because I want someone to use a WYSIWYG editor to create t...

Creating 1 page PDF of iPad Screen view - How?

Hi All, I've asked this question on a couple other forums and have had zero response, so I'm hoping someone here can help point me in the right direction. I have a pretty simple one screen application for my work. It's basically just a recreation of a 1 page paper report that has a company logo, some labels, a few text boxes and a scro...

Nested table height in TCPDF

Is it possible to make nested table fit height of its parent cell in TCPDF? My code: <?php require_once('tcpdf/config/lang/eng.php'); require_once('tcpdf/tcpdf.php'); $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false); $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $pdf->setPrintFooter(false); $pdf->SetFont('times...

pdf <pre> equivalent

I'm trying to put some code examples in a pdf, but copying them out messes up the formatting and rearranges the lines, there's a lot of manual cleanup needed after pasting. Is there a equivalent to html's pre for PDFs? For "this" block of text respect line breaks, spacing, and copy as plain text like its shown. The closest thing I can s...

TCPDF remote image loading problem

Hi, Im trying to load a remote image into a pdf generated by tcpdf however I can't seem to get it to work? The rest of the pdf loads fine and it looks like to trying to retrieve the image however it just does print to the page? The code I am using is: $pdf->Image("http://media.domain.com/logo.jpg", 0, 0, 100, 150, 'JPEG', '', 'T', tr...

Seeking reporting or templating tool to generate large formatted PDF reports from dataset

Say I have some data in MySQL or a big ole CSV file. I also have a report. It's a PDF, call it 100 pages long. I need to generate variations on this PDF for slices of the data. More specific example: I have a CSV file with each StackOverflow user in a row and each column contains various statistics about that user. I have a report ...

How to generate table of contents with prawn?

Is there an easy way to generate table of contents with links to corresponding pages? ...

Python HTML to PDF with floating divs

Is there a way to convert XHTML/HTML with CSS to PDF with floating divs? I have tried pisa/xhtml2pdf in python and dompdf in PHP both are not able to do so. Is there any way? ...

Wrap text around an image in rails and prawn

I have a document with dynamic image and dynamic text and would like the text around the image. The image is right aligned on the landscape page. Here is what I have so far: pdf.bounding_box([0,pdf.bounds.top - 50], :width => pdf.bounds.width, :height => pdf.bounds.height-50) do pdf.text @article.title, :size => 30, :style => :bold ...