
How do I use a dependency on a Perl module installed in a non-standard location?

I need to install two Perl modules on a web host. Let's call them A::B and X::Y. X::Y depends on A::B (needs A::B to run). Both of them use Module::Install. I have successfully installed A::B into a non-system location using perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/non/system/location make; make test; make install Now I want to install X::Y, so I try...

Is there a way to avoid putting the Perl version number into the "use lib" line for Perl modules in non-standard locations?

I am trying to install some Perl modules into a non-standard location, let's call it /non/standard/location. I used perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/non/standard/location make;make install to install them. In the script which uses the module, it seems to be necessary to specify a long directory path including the version of Perl, like so: ...

How do I access sub-directories (t, scripts) in my module's root installation directory?

Module Foo::Bar has been installed somewhere in @INC. Other than recursively checking @INC for Foo, then Bar, then scripts or t, is there a way of accessing those directories from the module itself? For example, I would like to call a particular script in lib/scripts/ from Foo/ ...

Is there a perl module that can start a process and return the three main I/O handles to that process?

In perl, I often need to run a child process, send some input to it, and then read its output. There are a number of modules to do this, but they all seem to require you to pass in pre-existing variables, which are then modified by the function to contain filehandles. Here is an example from the Synopsis of IPC::Open3: my ($wtr, $rdr, $...

Perl Is it possible to re-create the Net::Telnet connection if I have its memory location ?

Hello, Is it possible to re-create the Net::Telnet connection if I have its memory location ? how can i turn Net::Telnet=GLOB(0x1b50ff0) string to a Net::Telnet object again ? Thanks. ...

using perl's PDF::API2::SIMPLE -- Header and Footer

How do I get the header and footer not to print on the first page? ...

Undefined symbol building WWW::Curl::Easy Perl module on AIX 5.3

I'm trying to get the WWW::Curl::Easy Perl module installed on AIX 5.3. I have curl installed (from source) in /usr/local. When trying to build the Perl module, I get this: $ perl Makefile.PL Found curl.h in /usr/local/include/curl/curl.h Building curlopt-constants.c for your libcurl version Building constants for your libcurl ...

Perl Programming and Distribution...

Hi all, I'm very new to Perl programming. I've just finished reading the Llama book. Up until now I have scripted in Bash, but I'm wanting to try out Perl and it's benefits over Bash scripting. I'm creating a script that uses a number of standard modules (e.g. Getopt) and some not-so-standard modules (e.g. PerlMagick) At some point I ...

perl open file error handling

I want to do some task when the file is not opened in the Perl program below. But when I run it, I am getting syntax errors. What's wrong with it? my $LOGPATH = $ENV{DATA_OU}; my $LOGFILE = "cdj_rep" . "." . "test" . ".rpt"; if ! (open(OUT,">$LOGPATH/test1/work/$LOGFILE")) { print "testin"; return; } close(OUT); ...

Different architectures in the same or different directory trees?

At $work, we maintain a set of Perl modules at a central location for easy inclusion via PERL5LIB. As there is a re-installation ahead and we need to provide the modules for both 32 and 64 bit architecture, we are wondering if it's better to install them into the same directory tree, relying on the $archname subdirectories, or keep the t...

Error while starting Apache

I am getting following error while starting apache. Can't locate /usr/sbin/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /...

How to store perl modules local to the app ala rails unpack gems or bundler?

Hi folks, I have a number of modules that I would like to store in my local app dir (perhaps something like ./lib) and check into source control. Ideally, this would include all of the module dependencies. The end goal is to be able to deploy to a number of boxes (which only have a basic perl install) and ensure that the script has th...

Perl App::Cmd superclass or pre options before command ?

How can I use app::cmd to create an interface like this --config <file> search --options args ? I can do: ./ search --options args ./ search args ./ search --options What I'm trying to achieve is getting an option for the config file like so: ./ --config file.conf search --options arg...

Calling perl module from current directory

I need to test a perl script in a remote server. I tried running it but i got the error Can't locate Date/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl . So I downloaded the DateManip.p...

Why can't my CPAN client from MacPorts find Module::Build?

I am using the macports in snow leopard. I wanted to install certain perl modules to be able to run a script. The DateTime module to be exact. How do I do this? I tried using the following command. perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan > install DateTime But it still says that not found. What have I done wrong? Edit: I think I have ...

How can I install Crypt::SSLeay on a Win 64?

I've got 64-bit Vista with ActiveState Perl "v5.10.0 built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread" and I'm trying to get the Crypt::SSLeay package installed along with versions of libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll. I've done this before on a Win32 machine using the 'uwinnipeg' server, but I'm running into issues with my 64-bit system. ppm install ht...

Help Setting Up Perl Module Structure

I'm having trouble figuring out how to structure Perl modules in an object oriented way so I can have one parent module with a number of submodules and only the specific submodules that are needed would be loaded by a calling script. For example I want to be able to make method calls like so: use Example::API; my $api = Example::API...

Simple perl opendir

I am completely new to perl and have just been learning it. I came across this script I need to run that has some network Tstat trace data. However, I get an error 'Cannot parse date.' The code that generates this is here foreach my $dir (@trace_dirs) { undef @traces; opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Can't open dir: $dir \n"; @traces = gr...

Perl Importing Variables From Calling Module

I have a Perl module ( that initializes a number of variables, some of which I'd like to import ($VAR2, $VAR3) into additional submodules that it might load during execution. The way I'm currently setting up is as follows: package Module; use warnings; use strict; use vars qw($SUBMODULES $VAR1 $VAR2 $VAR3); requi...

Importing a require'd file as if it were a use statement

I am experiencing a problem with using a constant defined in a configuration file. This is my package: package myPackage; require ""; APIconfig::import(APIconfig); use constant SERVICE_URL => APIconfig::SERVICE_URL(); The configuration looks like this: package APIconfig; use constant SERVICE_URL => 'http://api.example.or...