
Python drag and drop

Im working on a parser here that opens a file, reads it and prints data in another file. The input file is determined from sys.argv[1] to both handle commandline opening and drag and drop (in windows). However, when drag and dropping a file, it gives me ioerror 13: Permission denied Looking at what sys.argv contained, I did the follo...

Linux permission denied after chmod a=rwx

Hi everyone, So I have a little Linux problem, geez that will teach me to spend so many years on Windows. Anyway I did a little java app, wrapped nicely with the Java Service Wrapper script, but when I run that script: sh ./ console I get permission denied right away. The permission denied message is like that: eval: 1: /h...

Run-time error '70': Permission denied

I have Windows Vista Home Premium and Microsoft Office 2000. When I run in Excel (Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0): Sub test() SendKeys "" End Sub I get error message "Run-time error '70': Permission denied". I am owner those folder and file! What can I do? Thanks!!! ...

Iphone Unit Testing error : permission denied with google toolBox

Hi, I followed many tutorial to set up a unit testing project for Iphone but i always get the same "permission denied" error when i build the project. Here is what i do : Get the latest source for Iphone Unit Testing Follow the instruction to set up the unit testing framework (Create a new project, add a new target, copy the necessar...

PHP - rmdir (permission denied)

Hello, I have an easy script to create and delete a folder, but when I try to delete a folder, it brings up and error. The code: <?php if ($_POST['hidden']) { $key = "../g_test/uploads"; $new_folder = $_POST['nazevS']; $new_dir_path = $key."/".$new_folder; $dir = mkdir($new_dir_path); if($dir) chmod ($new_dir_path, 0777); } if ($_...

php function move_uploaded_file wont work on my online server but does on localhost

Hi I have been working on a upload file that works fine on localhost (windows) but wont work on my linux server I rent. I want it to move it to a subdir '/files' from where the file is. it gives the errors: Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/taalhulp/domains/ [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed ...

Suppressing "permission denied" errors in Javascript

Hi I have a JS function that polls for the current url in an iframe, the purpose being to ascertain whether or not the iframe is pointing to the same site as the main document. As such, the code is basically: function urlCheck() { var location = document.getElementById('frameid').contentWindow.location.href; if (location) { /...

Paperclip gives Permission denied error with samba mount

In my development environment the codebase is mounted on a ubuntu-server VM using a samba mount, it is mounted as root and I run mongrel as root. When I try and upload a file with Paperclip the file saves fine but then it seems to have problems creating the different styles. I get the following error: Errno::EACCES (Permission denied ...

Permission denied executing .bat script from asp

I am trying to execute a .bat file from a classic ASP webservice on a box running Windows XP. The .bat file sets up the current directory and then runs a batch VB.NET console program. The VB.NEt program doesn't interrract with the user. I am receiving a "permission denied" erroron the .asp line that attempts to execute the .bat file, ...

ssh permission denied

I am trying to ssh into a remote machine and I get the following debug messages: debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: Applying options for * debug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 0 debug1: Connecting to [] port 22. debug1: Connection established. debug3: Not a RSA1 key file /home/hadoop/.ssh/id...

Permission denied on jquery.min.js file in DotNetNuke

I have created some jQuery and put it in an ascx include. It works fine on regular pages, however when I load a secured page on my site I get the following javascript error. Permission Denied jquery.min.js Code: 0 Any ideas? ...

Permission issue when webservice deployed as virtual directory.Works in VS IDE

I have an ASP.NET web service which will create a text file in a path which is being passed as a parameter to the method. private void CreateFile(string path) { string strFileName = path; StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(strFileName, true); sw.WriteLine(""); sw.Write("Created at " + DateTime.Now.ToStr...

Permission denied on IE using

Hello all, IE is giving me a permission denied error when I use to open a window from a browser button. I do not get the error in Firefox or Chrome. What do I do? The code: <button type="button" onClick="'','newWindow');"&gt; My button </button> ...

Load function in jquery

Hi, I am relatively new to jquery and would like to know why the below code wouldn't work. I am trying to access the content from a file residing on my site and not outside. Is it because I have the jquery lib loading from google and not my site? The error message that I get in IE browser is "Access Denied". I am confused why the access...

Permission Denied IE iFrame

Hi Guys, I have a site on and an iframe on which calls javascript from This works great in FF. In IE7 / 8 I am getting a Message: Access is denied. message. I have checked the HTTP Traffic via Fiddler - and I can see that it isn't blocked in Fiddler ? Any ideas what could be causing this and how to solve? ...

"Access is denied" iFrame IE

Possible Duplicate: Permission Denied IE iFrame I have an iframe in which attempts to grab the jQuery library from [my website]. Whenever it does this I get the "Access is Denied" error in both IE7 and IE8. I have checked out Fiddler and it doesnt show that the script is getting blocked - but IE does errors with "...

Problems with MediaRecorder class to record audio - prepare() gives an exception - Permission denied

Hello everybody, I'm new in Android development and I have the next question/problem. I'm playing around with the MediaRecorder class to record just audio from the microphone. I'm following the steps indicated in the official site: So I have a method that initial...

HTTP 403 error when enabling query logging in SharePoint 2007

When attempting to enable search query logging from the Shared Services Provider of my SharePoint 2007 farm, IIS returns the HTTP 403 error page. My account has full-control rights at the farm and site-collection levels. ...

Problems cloning a git repository (Newbie problems)

Hi there, Trying to set-up a git server on my local dev machine and have been following this website so far but am a little stuck when trying to clone a repository. In git bash, here's my output: $ git clone ssh://[email protected]:4837/ssh/home/Administrator/project1.git Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Git/project1/....

Perl & Apache HTTP server: Can't do Tie MLDBM when the cgi script is executed from the server, but okay when executed from the command line. Why?

Hi, please help! I'm really going nuts with this problem! I have a CGI perl script and it always fails at the following line when executed from the Apache HTTP server: tie %db, 'MLDBM', "$data_path/$db_name.db", O_RDONLY, 0640 or die $! and the error is Permission denied: Software error: Permission denied at /var/www/cgi-bi...