
With a jquery modular dialog how do I stop the form values from persisting?

(Citing source at: As an example, this works great but each time the form is subsequently opened the user entered values remain. How can I stop this behavior? (the form will be used multiple times on the same page. <style type="text/css"> body { font-size: 62.5%; } label...

Making OR/M loosely coupled and abstracted away from other layers.

Hi all. In an n-tier architecture, the best place to put an object-relational mapping (OR/M) code is in the data access layer. For example, database queries and updates can be delegated to a tool like NHibernate. Yet, I'd like to keep all references to NHibernate within the data access layer and abstract dependencies away from the lay...

anybody has some voldemort examples

examples of persisting java objects in well as configuration. I am curious why online examples are few. thanks moved and formated from a comment by the OP: e.x I want to persist a jpg file in my web service. here is my code File img = new File("a.jpg"); DataSource ds = new FileDataSource(img); DataHandler dh = new ...

Messages on peristent topic goes to DLQ when JBoss restart

My setup is JBoss messaging 1.4.2 on JBoss 4.2.3. I have a topic with two durable subscribers Persistence is used with a MSSQL database The problem: When I restart JBoss, messages that has not yet been delivered to a subscriber will be put on DLQ. This is not the behavior I expect and I dont know how to configure to make the messages re...

PHP Database connection practice

I have a script that connects to multiple databases (Oracle, MySQL and MSSQL), each database connection might not be used each time the script runs but all could be used in a single script execution. My question is, "Is it better to connect to all the databases once in the beginning of the script even though all the connections might not...

persist image or video into voldemort

I am working on my web service, and required to persist some image (jpg whatever) and video(wmv) into memmory. Just want to use single_node_cluster to feel voldemort. Can anybody give me a hint of the configuration and sample code of voldemort? I mean how to configure the value type in stores.xml? protobuf? java-serialization? Any samp...

Invalid XML in persistence.xml : Init method

I'm getting the following error when I try to startup my application on google app engine: Failed startup of context{/,/base/data/home/apps/sales-tracker/3.340980411948080671} org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'cli...

Persisting a trie to a file - C

I have a trie which I am using to do some string processing. I have a simple compiler which generates trie from some data. Once generated, my trie won't change at run time. I am looking for an approach where I can persist the trie in a file and load it effectively. I have looked at sqllite to understand how they are persisting b-treebu...

What is the correct approach to using GWT with persistent objects?

Hi, I am currently working on a simple web application through Google App engine using GWT. It should be noted that this is my first attempt at such a task. I have run into to following problem/dilema: I have a simple Class (getters/setters and nothing more. For the sake of clarity I will refer to this Class as DataHolder) and I want...

JDOQL Any way to avoid multiple .contains() calls in the query when searching for the presence of one or more elements in a member List variable?

The question pretty much says it all. If I have a class Class A public class A { ... private List<String> keys; ... } And I want to select all A instances from the DataStore that have atleast one of a List of keys, is there a better way of doing it than this: query = pm.newQuery(A.class); query.setFilter("keys.contains(:...

Why is the EntityManager in my GAE + Spring (+graniteds) project reset to null?

Hi all, I'm having a problem with autowiring my EntityManager. Actually at server startup I can see that the injection works ok, though when trying to use my EntityManager it appears to be null again. @Component public class DataDaoImpl { protected EntityManager entityManager; @Autowired public void setEntityManager(EntityManager ent...

ManyToMany Relation does not create the primary key

Hello, I have a ManyToMany relationship between two classes: ClassA and ClassB, but when the table for this relationship (table called objectA_objectB) there is no primary key on it. In my ClassA I have the following: @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @OrderBy(value="name") @JoinTable(name="objectA_objectB", joinColumns= ...

JPA query for getting the whole tree

Hello, I have a class which models all categories and they can be ordered hierarchically. @Entity @Table(name="categories") public class Category { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="sequence") @SequenceGenerator(name="sequence", sequenceName="categories_pk_seq", allocationSize=1) @Column(n...

GlassFish JDO and global object

Hi, I'm thinking about the GlassFish platform for my new app. My app env. doesn't have a big volume of data to handle, but a lot of users writing/reading the same data A very volotile portion of the data updates every 200milsec by diff users. Therefore I'd like that type of data to be in memory only and accessible to the whole app ...

How to install and use db4o for Android?

I have to admit that I'm new to Java and Android. db4o seems to be an excellent DB framework to replace SQLite I want to use it for my Android application. I don't know how to: Import/Install/Attach/Upload db4o to Android phone. Where should I put the JAR file db4o-

getting data from tableviewcell to 2nd view

I am very new to this and am trying to learn by creating a few little apps for myself. I have a navigation-based app where the user taps the row to select a film title - i then want the second view to show details of the film. Thanks to a very helpful person here i am getting the results of the row pressed as 'rowTitle' as follows : (...

DDD: Persisting aggregates

Hello, Let's consider the typical Order and OrderItem example. Assuming that OrderItem is part of the Order Aggregate, it an only be added via Order. So, to add a new OrderItem to an Order, we have to load the entire Aggregate via Repository, add a new item to the Order object and persist the entire Aggregate again. This seems to hav...

Persist changes in C

I am developing a database-like application that stores a a structure containing: struct Dictionary { char *key; char *value; struct Dictionary *next; }; As you can see, I am using a linked list to store information. But the problem begins when the user exits out of the program. I want the information to be stored somewhe...

How do you persist a class on PostBack in an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Forms project?

How do I persist an ASP.Net class on PostBack? I've already taken the time to go to the database and fill my object with values when the page loads initially, so how can I save this object in an elegant way on a PostBack? The page that contains the custom object posts back to itself. For what it's worth I'm using C# in an ASP.NET 3.5 ...

delta-dictionary/dictionary with revision awareness in python?

I am looking to create a dictionary with 'roll-back' capabilities in python. The dictionary would start with a revision number of 0, and the revision would be bumped up only by explicit method call. I do not need to delete keys, only add and update key,value pairs, and then roll back. I will never need to 'roll forward', that is, when ro...