
phing and phpunit + bootstrap

How to run PHPUnit test suite with bootstrap file with phing? My app structure: application/ library/ tests/ application/ library/ bootstrap.php phpunit.xml build.xml phpunit.xml: <phpunit bootstrap="./bootstrap.php" colors="true"> <testsuite name="Application Test Suite"> <directory>./</directory> </testsuit...

Why is my unit test failing via Hudson/Phing, but succeeding via Phing on the command line?

General Info: PHP 5.3.3 PHPUnit 3.4 Zend Framework 1.10.8 Phing build target <target name="test"> <echo msg="PHPUnit..." /> <phpunit codecoverage="false" haltonfailure="true" haltonerror="true" printsummary="true" bootstrap="${testdir}/application/bootstrap.php"> <batchtest> <fileset dir="${testdir}"> <include name=...

Configuration and content management with automated deployment tools for ZF based app

I am trying to automate deployments of a particular project and a bit lost as to who to handle config file as well as user assets. (Application is based on Zend Framework based btw). Main application folder is structured as follows: ./app ./config.ini <----- config file ./modules ./controllers ./models ./view...

Hudson failing build w/o revealing cause

Every build has failed as of Tuesday. I'm not exactly sure what happened. The Phing targets (clean/prepare) are being executed properly. Additionally, the unit tests are passing with flying colors, with only a warning for duplicate code (not a reason for a fail). I tried removing the phpDoc target to see if that was causing the error...

Separate Building from Deployment with Hudson

Hi All, We have started using Hudson, and the current workflow is: checkout locally > code > run tests > update > run tests > commit Rather that polling, Hudson simply sits there until we instantiate a build. It then: checkout locally > run Phing script The Phing script then: svn export latest revision > run tests (if successful) ...