
How to generate changelog: git log since last Hudson build?

I'm using Phing to do post build tasks in Hudson. I want to generate changelog containing all commits since last successful Hudson build. But looks like neither Hudson nor Git plugin for Hudson does not provide %last_build_time% variable. This would be satisfying solution, (but how to get the time?): git log --pretty="%s" --since="%la...

exec a command on each file in a phing target

how can execute a command in phing on each file of a fileset target for example: <exec command="cat {$filepath}"> <fileset dir="."> <include name="*.php"> </fileset> </exec> ...

Best Way to Deploy Zend Web Application

I've read a lot about deploying applications here, but haven't found a suitable answer to our needs yet. We have a large web application built with the zend framework that we want to deploy to a remote server. We want to be able to easily and safely deploy a new version of our application to our production server. What needs to be done...

how to "lock" live site when doing (phing) deployment

On in slide 15 they are talking about "locking the live site" when doing deployment. We are running multiple webshops in a SAAS application where it is possible that users are adding products, buying products and paying for products online, and so on... When deploying we ...

phing FtpDeploy "connection to host failed"

I'm getting the following error when trying to deploy a ZIP file to a remote FTP server. I tried connecting to the server using an FTP client (filezilla) and all goes well. Also, when connecting to a public ftp like connections work fine. I'm trying to send the file to a VSFTPD server behind a router using port forwardin...

phing: get last commit ID (revision) and use it as a phing attribute

I'm trying to get the latest revision ID from my SVN project using Phing. What I'm trying to do is the following: get latest revision/commit number from svn store this revision number as an attribute (so that I can use this to append it to the archive I'm already creating using phing) I don't have a working copy on my server wh...

how to upgrade phing 'stable' to phing 'trunk' to use SSHTask

phing 2.4.1 (current stable version) doesn't have an SSH Task to do remote scripting. In the current trunk version, there is a SSH Task that we would like to use. How can I upgrade my current phing installation (2.4.1) to the latest build? Can I use pear for that without breaking my current phing install? Or would it be better to downl...

Phing: Cutting out piece of code with Phing

I tried different phing filters regex aso. to cut out different pieces of code out of a build target. For that i use something like ##CUTSTART <?php // ...code to cut... ?> ##CUTEND This won't work because of no multiline support i guess: <filterchain> <replaceregexp> <regexp pattern="##CUTSTART(.*)##CUTEND" repla...

Eclipse PDT & Phing

Is there any integration of Phing with Eclipse PDT and if not, are there any plans to do so? I found an eclipse plugin "PTI - PHP Tool Integration" that integrates php tools like PHP Depend, PHPUnit and others with the standard eclipse bundle. It may very well integrate phing at some stage. I haven't tried the plugin yet, does anyone ha...

Invoking a URL and retrieving the rendered HTML page in Phing

Hi all, So this is my dilemma - I am using the excellent codeigniter-simpletest library by Eric Barnes ( Its perfect for my purposes, as it adds an endpoint onto the test deployment of my CodeIgniter application, from which I have a dashboard to run all my unit tests and view the resu...

Why to have "build/" folder with PHP project and phing

What is a benefit of having "build/" folder where all the sources will be placed and "built"? Maybe it's a silly question, but I'm trying to understand Continuous Integration with PHP. Any example of build.xml for phing uses such build/ folder, but what's a sense in that for PHP where a checked out project doesn't require a compilation,...

Hudson keeps failing with Phing AND Ant. Any hints?

Let's just skip right to the good stuff... errors I'm getting from the console when running Ant: phpunit: [exec] PHPUnit 3.2.16 by Sebastian Bergmann. [exec] [exec] Class /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/AllTests could not be found in /var/lib/hudson/jobs/Goals/workspace/Goals/AllTests.php. [exec] Result:...

Phing: Accessing the value attribute in <condition> tag.

Trying to learn Phing, by converting Ant Build.xml to Phing. Can't seem to find a search function on Phing User doc.... This is what I have: <condition property="script-suffix" value=".bat" else=""> <os family="windows" /> </condition> <echo message="Script-suffix is ${script-suffix}" /> There are two problems that I need to fix but...

PHP - application patch build

I'm trying to come up with a better solution for our development group to build patches for our applications (PHP). We currently submit to SVN daily, but do not run a continuous integration server, as code checked in can be buggy. For building patches, we check against a "date modified", from the last build. A lot of times though, we'...

phing + sftp to upload site as part of automated build

Hello, Does anybody know of an easy way to upload files to a remote server using SFTP from within a Phing build? I cant seem to find a custom or native Phing task to do this. The other problem is the interactivity of the SFTP unix command (requiring a password after reaching host, etc.) Any ideas? ...

will phing run after activating mbstaring for unicode/utf8 support?

I'm trying to get ou rapp work with UTF8 correctly, and I'm afraid I'll nee to activate the use of mbstring for this. If I use the mbstring.func_overload setting to overload automatically to mbstring-functions on my server, will my phing deployment tool (php-based?) still run? Does anyone have experience with this? We are running PHP5.3...

How to avoid CopyTask and MoveTask phing build exception on not existing file

I'm creating build file for phing. The problem is that it must move a file which may not exist. If it doesn't I get BuildException "Could not find file ... to copy". In the Ant there was a property failonerror which ignored the errors of move and copy tasks, but there is no similar property for phing move and copy tasks. Move phing cod...

phing parameters

for deployment, we use the awesome tool PHING. We'd like to be able to pass a parameter to the "phing" command when deploying, like this: phing 1.1.1 -> we would like to capture 1.1.1 inside the phing build script to extract a certain SVN TAG from our repository and move that tag to production. Is that something that's possible? ...

export subversion/SVN TAG from repository (with phing)

I'm looking to do exactly and only that. Export a tag we created in SVN to a certain directory. Does anyone know if there is a SVN command to do that? If possible, is it possible to do from a phing task? ...

check if a certain revision (or tag) exists in SVN/subversion

I'm building a phing deployment script where I first ask the user to enter the revision/tag to deploy from svn. when a user enters e.g. 0.1, I would like to check (with a linux script or from svn itself) IF this 0.1 revision actually exists. If it doesn't exist, I want to print an error and stop. Thanks a lot for sharing your expertise...