
Add sub Key to plist programmatically

Can anyone help me add children to a plist? I think I want to record an index of rows from the plist and then state which index row to write the key too. I'm not sure how to say if the key will be a string, dictionary or array. The following is code from another question on adding a key to root. NSString *path = @"path/to/some/file"...

How could I load each entity by category from a plist into a tableview?

My basic problem is I'm trying to populate a table view with selected entities from my plist using a 'category'. What would be the best approach to accomplish this? Would Core Data be a much friendlier data source? I'd rather not use Core Data, but I need something that works. Any suggestions would be greatly apprec! Basically, my p...

Implementing Find-Or-Create During Core Data Flat File Import

I am importing a large plist/XML into Core Data. The structure is simple: let's say there is Person and Company, and a Company can have many Persons. The import goes successfully, but the plist has no established relations, so duplicates of Company are inserted every time multiple people have the same Company. A potential solution lies ...

NSMutableDictionary removeObjectForKey throwing EXC_BAD_ACCESS for a var that isn't released...

I have a plist. It has several dozen keys, each with NSMutableArray items: ... <key>KeyName1</key> <array> <string>String1</string> <string>String2</string> <string>String3</string> </array> <key>KeyName2</key> <array> <string>String1</string> <string>String2</string> <string>String3</string> </array> ... I ha...

How can I recover formatting of application's info.plist in Xcode?

I duplicated default build target. Some code files are duplicated also. Problem is, duplicated info.plist file is not formatted by Xcode. I don't think this is normal. Any workaround? Or any way to specify formatting of plist? (which may format other type of .plist by my custom formatting rules) ...

info.plist keys available for iphone app

Are there any info.plist xml keys used in an iphone app that will show up in iTunes 'Get Info' ? ...

How can I locally save an XML file on an iPhone for when the device is offline?

My app is accessing data from a remote XML file. I have no issues receiving and parsing the data. However, I'd like to take the most current XML data and store it locally so - in the event that the user's internet service isn't available - the local data from the previous load is used. Is there a simple way to do this? Or am I going to ...

creating a plist file programatically

this question is regarding xcode objective c and iphone development: So i want to store an array in a new plist file and I know how to retrieve the file path and write the data into the file (at least i think i do) and all that jazz once the plist is created, but how do I actually create the plist file the first time the app is run or t...

Tableviews and the subviews with .plist problem

I am trying to use data from my plist in my table view and subview. the table view works fine and everything loads. But I cant get the data into the subview. My app is based around apples advance table cell download My RootViewControllerPoints.m - (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)secti...

Accessing Child.plist of Settings.bundle in iPhone application - How?

Hello ! Every one here. I am facing a problem in accessing Settings.bundle. Let me explain what exactly I am doing. Any kind of new Project Template from File ( Under iPhone OS ) - preferable View based. Now Right click on your project / Resources group. Select Add / New File Under iPhone Os - resource - Settings Bundle. Name it as ...

iphone sdk: application icon not displaying in simulator

I added an Icon.png to my Groups and Files in Xcode for my project. I specified in the .plist file to use Icon.png. I checked the root folder and it successfully copied Icon.png. But when I run the simulator the icon on the home screen is still gray? Also note, when I first added the icon it worked! Then I changed the Bundle Name, Bundl...

Simple Detail View Help?

Im having major problems with Detail views and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I would like to add a detail view to an app like apples advancetableviewcells. So once you click on a cell, it leads you to the detail view. Only catch is, it has to load the data from the cell into the detail view also. I've look...

Data not loading in Detail View

Im trying to get my data to load in my detail view. Can any one take a look and see why it isnt showing? It loads fine in my rootviewcontroller, just not the detail view. DetailViewController.m #import "DetailViewController.h" @implementation DetailViewController - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarni...

Modify sub key in *plist files

I'm would like to modify a subkey in a plist file (i.e. "TB Item Identifiers"): NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode = 1; NSPreferencesContentSize = "{508, 413}"; NSPreferencesSelectedIndex = 6; "NSToolbar Configuration BrowserWindowToolbarIdentifier" = { "TB Display Mode" = 2; "TB Icon Size Mode" = 1; "TB Is Shown" = 1; ...

Fetch remote plist file, use in a UITableView

Hello, I have successfully created an app that reads from a bundled .plist file and displays the contents in a UITableView. I would like to move that plist to an external site, as it is updated frequently. even better, I would love to have it generated with PHP. I have got the server side working, but the Objective C is giving me a head...

How To load XML file into iPhone project

I have an XML documment that I want to load for the iPhone, do I need to convert it to a plist first ? if so how ? The xml document has the following code ( for 1 chapter) <toolTipsBook> − <chapter index="1" name="Chapter Name"> <line index="1" text="line text here"/> <line index="2" text=" line text here "/> <line index="3" text=" li...

iPhone and SQLite introductory articles or tutorials

What resources are great to provide information on using SQLite for beginner iPhone developers? Where to download the SQLite software for the iPhone? Are there multiple versions, and do they have substantial differences? Where can I find some introductory tutorials? I'm working on an iPhone project where the instructions are to stor...

Escape string value for plist with php

How can I escape a string containing random characters with php for a plist file? htmlentities() seems doesn't seem to be strict enough. For example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; <plist version="1.0"> <string><?php echo...

iPhone plist data, large amounts of text and return key?

Basicly iv built my app using a plist. But with the data there is a few times when I need to press return and start a new line. The return key doesn't work in the plist. If I did it the older way it would be \n\n but that doesn't work either. Is there a obvious way I'm overlooking? Or will it be a case off just pressing the space bar al...

Saving a single NSMutableDictionary in a plist

I have one dictionary I need to save into a plist. The paletteDictionary always returns nil: - (void)saveUserPalette:(id) sender { [paletteDictionary setObject:matchedPaletteColor1Array forKey:@"1"]; NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDirector...