
Xcode cannnot find my plist file when building

I'm trying to build my app and every time I do I get this error: error: The file "Wallpapers-Info.plist" does not exist. Anyone know what causes this error? I have the wallpaper-info.plist file in my resources directory. G-Man ...

GSEventSetBacklightLevel from a plist value iPhone

I'm trying to set the backlight display from a plist value, but I keep getting an error! So I guess my question is how can I convert a plist value to a float value so I can set the backlight form the plist entry? The Code: float customBacklight = (float)[[plistDict floatForKey:@"Backlight Level"] floatValue]; GSEventSetBacklightLevel(c...

Anyway to find out the class that's associated to this variable?

I want to find out the type of the data that i am sending through a send function through gamekit. Basically i am storing that data in CFPropertyListRef. dataReceived is of type NSMutatableData. - (void) receiveData:(NSMutableData *)data fromPeer:(NSString *)peer inSession: (GKSession *)session context:(void *)context { // Read the ...

Tracking down the version number in OSX/xcode

I have a C/C++ program which is a Firefox plugin. I'm trying to find the version number resource. In my plist I have: Bundle versions string, short set to 5.09b and bundle version to 1.0 In my .rsrc file (yes, I'm still using rsrc files, it's not my fault.) my vers resource has a short string of 4.70 When I compile, the version on the...

iPhone App not saving values to .plist file

Hey everyone. I am working on an app that displays a modal the first time the consumer uses it. I have a .plist file that will store the information I request once the Save button is pressed. I can read from the .plist file fine and when I run my save method it SEEMS to work fine but the .plist file is not updating. I'm not so sure of th...

Assessing elements in plist iphone sdk

ok i have a plist like this ` <dict> <key>Rows</key> <array> <dict> <key>WireSize</key> <string>16 AWG</string> <key>Children</key> <array> <dict> <key>Cooper 60°C (140°F)</key> <string>0</string> </dict> <dict> <key>Cooper 75°C (167°F)</key> <string>0</string> </dict> <dict> <key>Cooper 90°C ...

How to write a BOOL to plist?

I'd like to assign a boolean value to a plist file entry. I'm doing the following: NSString *aBool = realBoolValue ? @"YES" : @"NO"; [myplist setValue: aBool forKey:@"boolKey"]; [myplist writeToFile: [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent: plistFilePath] atomically:NO]; But the assignment never takes. I'm doing the ...

iPhone SDK How to pass selected row from plist in tableview into a UIViewController

I have a tableview populated from a plist and I want to display a detail UIView for a selected row. I don't know how to pass the selected row to the detail view controller. Perhaps someone could advise the best way to do this. The table consist of technical terms and I want to show its definition when a row is selected. Thanks in advance...

How to access and use the "plist version" information in a Property List file

I'm currently using *.plist files for my iPhone app to store information that is later read into strings as NSArray or NSDictionary equivalents. I will be updating these files periodically and downloading them to the application if a new version is found. I would like to use the <plist version="1.0"> string located in each *.plist file...

How to modify iPhone plist to add another level and access data in code

I have a plist with an alphabetical indexed list of entries. I now want to add a further level so that each entry has a definition text (like a small dictionary.) I need some advice as to how to modify my plist and code to accommodate this. The existing code is below - it's from the Apress book, but I can't seem to modify it for another ...

iPhone SDK NSDictionary and NSArray confusion

I have been trying to get this to work for about three solid days and get my mind around it. Can someone advise. I have built the basics and they all work great but when I try to do that extra bit I cannot get my head around it. I am trying to build a table of technical terms, from a plist. This is an indexed and sections table by the al...

iPhone Implementing a Favorites list without Core Data?

I would like to add a separate tableview to my application which would provide the user with a list of their favorite books, separate from the tableview of every book in the application. They should be able to add and delete favorites from this tableview. These favorites would then be saved so that they aren't lost whenever the applicati...

UITableView from plist dictionary KEYS iPhone

I am attempting to get the name of the custom ringtones in the itunes directory on the iPhone. I can successfully list the custom ringtones, but they re displayed as HWYH1.m4r, which is what iTunes renames the file, but I know theres a way to decipher the actualy name of the song, for example: UHHEN2.m4r = TheSongName. NSMutableDict...

Finding Capacity Remaining In An iPhone Battery

Does anyone know how (if possible) I can find out how much capacity (mAh) is remaining in an iPhone battery at any given time? Something like the program above? Is there a value stored in a plist somewhere?? ...

How to store entire NSObject in to P-List

Hi, I am new to this P-List concepts. Here i want to store entire NSObject in to P-List at a time instead of storing elements of NSObject one by one. And I have to retrive entire object when it is required. below NSObject i have @interface Controller : NSObject { NSString *personName; NSString *phoneNumbers1...

Info.plist file processing modifies executable

I've been working on an iPhone application had an issue where dSYM file generation was seg faulting on me. GenerateDSYMFile /Users/kaom/Projects/build/Release-iphoneos/ /Users/kaom/Projects/build/Release-iphoneos/ cd /Users/kaom/Projects/Apps/NodeAppGen setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms...

writeToFile working on simulator, but not on device

I have a plist which I am changing: NSString *finalPath = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"KeyFrameFileByMovie.plist"]; NSMutableDictionary *keyFrameFileByMovie = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:finalPath]; [keyFrameFileByMovie setValue:keyFrameName forKey:movieName]; BOOL isOk = [keyFrameFileByMovie writeToFil...

What's the correct way to ship static (read-only) data in Core Data persistent store?

I want to ship static read-only data for use in my Core Data model. The problem is that there are obviously different persistent store types and I don't know if the format of those types is supposed to be opaque or if I'm supposed to be able to construct them by hand. Right now I just have a plist and it's very small (maybe 30 entries t...

Can't open hand coded plist file

I have an Excel file with about 60 rows and 4 columns to convert into a test.plist file. I wrote a csv2xml parser and generated the plist but XCode refuses to recognize it when I added test.plist to the project. Double-clicking on the file inside XCode reveals this error: The document test.plist cannot be opened. Conversion of string...

NSString: newline escape in plist

I'm writing a property list to be in the resources bundle of my application. An NSString object in the plist needs to have line-breaks in it. I tried \n, but that doesn't work. What do I do to have newlines in my string in the plist? Thanks. ...