
how to mentioned custom UUID in plist file for new bluetooth RFCOMM service using max os x bluetooth api

Hello Experts, I am new to mac os x programming and want to create new RFCOMM bluetooth service with newly generated UUID. I read the Bluetooth Device Access Guide and learned that UUID need to maintain in plist file. But could not find how to maintain uuid in plist file. It will be great help to me if some one can provide sample plist ...

how to write NSMutableDictionary into Plist

hello all, can any one help me with this how to write a NSMutableDictionary into a plist.... thanks in advance.. ...

From pList (dictionary) to Tableview

I have an editable pList with a dictionary of strings in the format: 21-10-2010 -> @"item1" 20-10-2010 -> @"item2" 19-10-2010 -> @"item3" 18-10-2010 -> @"item4" 17-10-2010 -> @"item5" ect... So with dates in stringformat as keys, and strings with different information as value. The lenght of the dictionary can become up to 2...

Implementing an NSOutlineView to edit the contents of a plist file

I'm writing a game using cocos2d-iphone and our stages are defined in .plist files. However, the files are growing large - so I've developed an editor that adds some structure to the process and breaks most of the plist down into fixed fields. However, some elements still require plist editor type functionality, so I have implemented an...

I have a table view with levels of hierarchy

once the cell in the last table view is selected the detailview comes into play. Well I need each cell in the last levels of hierarchy to load a different detailview. The detailview is a UIWebView so in other words I would like each cell to load a different url. I have a plist which populates my table view cells. Can I reference the url'...

plist number type

when you create a plist and choose number for the type for one of the entries, what type of object is returned when you call on that information later? ...

Parsing .plist Files to plain XML C#

Hello, I'm trying to read my Apple Safari history with c#, which is stored in a plist file, however I always get an error and I'm not sure what the correct way is to do it. The code I tried to execute is this: XmlDocument xmd = new XmlDocument(); xmd.LoadXml(@"C:\Users\Oran\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Safari\History.plist"); and I a...

Get an integer from a plist for Objective-C iPhone dev.

I have the following DataAll.plist: <array> <dict> <key>ID</key> <integer>1</integer> <key>Name</key> <string>Inigo Montoya</string> </dict> .... </array> I want to get the ID value from it. My code gets the Name correctly, but the ID is a weird value. Here's what I'm doing: NSBundle *bundl...

How do I add an entry to a plist?

I want to add a dictionary pair into an existing plist. I want to add a Boolean value. So how do I add it to an existing plist? ...


Hi My iPhone app is crashing and getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS error when using this code: NSError *error; NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); //1 NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; //2 NSString *path = [documentsDirectory stringByAppend...

Moving object graph between a new iPhone app and a new Rails 3 backend

I know this question has been answered a million times over the years... but times, and technologies, change looking for "fresh" data ;-) I'm seeking advice on a robust, and relatively straight forward, approach toward moving fairly complex objects from a Rails 3 back-end to an iPhone 3(4) app. There is no pre-existing API ...

Objective-C arrayWithPlist (that's already in an NSString)

I have an NSString that already contains a pList. How do I turn it into an NSArray? (WITHOUT saving it to disk, only to reload it back with arrayWithContentsOfFile, and then have to delete it.) Where is the make arrayWithPlist or arrayWithString method? (Or how would I make my own?) NSArray *anArray = [NSArray arrayWithPlist:myPlistS...