
UITableview / 3 tier plist file.

On the Iphone im trying to populate a main table view from a dictionary, which works fine when the top level is an array ( see code below) , but for the life of me i cannot work out how to design the plist to reflect what I am trying to achieve - A top level array containing other arrays that contain dictionaries. First table lists cate...

Application crash problem in iPhone

Hi friends, I have used NSMutable Dictionary and NSMutable Array. The datas are to be stored and retrieved from plist(Documents Directory) using NSArray of NSMutable Dictionary. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[__NSCFArray removeObjectAtIndex:]: mutating method sent to immuta...

Application crash problem when using plist in iPhone

Hi friends, I have used NSMutable Dictionary and NSMutable Array. The datas are to be stored and retrieved from plist(Documents Directory) using NSArray of NSMutable Dictionary. Edit: I have six buttons in the scroll view, on clicks the button, the data is to be displayed in the table view using XML parsing. i have put the data into ...

How to return a plist using the restlet api

Hi, does anyone know how to return a plist / property list using restlets REST api? I'm connecting to my iPhone app and objective-c works much nicer with plists. ...

How to remove plist in documents directory when closed the application in iPhone?

Hi friends, I have stored the data into the plist(documents directory) and retrieved the data from the plist and displayed in the table view. Now i want to remove the plist, when i closed my application. How can i do that?. I have removed plist in my controller. But how can i remove the plist after i closed my application. For Eg : Fi...

Strange bug when renaming a file with NSFileManager

I used to use the following to rename aplist file with various user inputted values (BOOL,Strings mostly): [manager moveItemAtPath:oldPath toPath:newPath error:&error]; And for some reason in iOS4+ this glitches out, so I Attempt the following: [1] [manager copyItemAtPath:oldPath toPath:newPath error:&error]; [2] [manager rem...

read a plist generated with iso-8859-1

hi, i have created a plist using .net environment and after the creation i set the encoding type as "iso-8859-1" in the plist encoding type. Then I tried to read it and show in the table view. The values are not as expected. It is having few characters which are of incorrect encoding type. What should i do ? ...

NSArray from NSString (in plist format)

Hi there. I use NSURLConnection to get the contents of a plist file from a remote server. On connection:didRecieveData: I add the latest data to an NSMutableString. Now my problem is adding this data to an array. So you have arrayWithContentsOfURL - which is synchronous - but i suppose I could just add the contents of the NSString to ...

Return .plist from .NET WCF4 Web Service

Hi, I recently listened to the WWDC 2010 discussion Session 117 - Building a Server-driven User Experience. The presenter discussed the performance difference between processing XML vs. JSON vs. plist. plist was much faster and about the same size as XML (worse than JSON, but much faster processing). I am wondering if anyone knows of...

Plist for windows

Is there any plist editor for windows that is not showing the XML but works like a table like the one in x-code ? Thanks, ...

Challenging pList Iterating and NSDictionary problem

I have a pList file: Root - Dictionary categories - Array item 0 - Dictionary item 1 - Dict item 2 - Dict I load the file like so: -(void) loadCategories { // Loads the categories from the SymbolList.plist file NSString *file = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"SymbolList" ofType:@"plist"]; NSMutab...

Python module for binary plist

Hi guys, Is there any Python project/module working on a binary plist writer? I need one for a REST implementation I'm doing. I would like the server to send a HTTP REsponse containing a binary plist instead of json, for example. The server is Apache with mod_python and django installed. Considering adding bplist format alongside json a...

generating tableview from plist file

Hi @ll, i know the feature of generating a nice looking table view for the iPhone's system settings menu by creating a Settings.bundle with a plist file where you define all the different elements for the table view (type, key, default value etc..) My Question: is there any way to create such a table view within the application? ...

Plist contains the "&" character

I'm having a plist file which has some values with the "&" sing for example M&I, when i save the file to document folder and load it from their,i'm getting empty dictatiory, any idea to how to fix this issue. ...

First Time Opened Event

Hi In my iPad app, I have a UIAlertView which pops up upon start up, however I only want this to popup the very first time the user starts the application. Its a setup prompt, saying, its your first time, would you like to setup? How can I do this? I have heard its best to write out to a plist file and save a bool value, but how would ...

Update plist file in File Sharing folder - I really need advice

I need to open a plist file located in the File Sharing folder, to add two pieces of user info to each time the app is launched; as in a new Name and Email of the user (both are of type NSString and the plist file is Dictionary). It then needs to save the file back to the File Sharing folder again, so that the new updated plist file can...

Read/Write to a plist file that comes bundled with the app

Hi I am building an add-on to my app where the user can search for an item in a list that is pre-populated with data from a .plist file. It is an NSDictionary. If the term, the user searched for, does not exist, the user can tap a + button and add it so it is there the next time. First of I thought it would be as easy as using the NSUs...

Reading binary plists with Flash

We're writing an iPad app that saves out information as a plist for later reading by a Flash movie. Originally we designed the plist to export out as a simple plain text xml file and the Flash player read that fine. The problem with that was that the files were monumentally big and verbose so we converted it over to a binary plist. Un...

How to disable "shake to undo" in iPhone application written with Phonegap?

The only thing I've found is that you have to set UIApplicationSupportsShakeToEdit to false in plist file but it doesn't work for me. ...

Encoding problem with ASIHttpRequest

Hi, I have an encoding problem with ASIHttpRequest. When I get an URL, the data is returned perfectly except for a little encoding problem. This is my code: - (void)fetchGamesForCategory { NSString *url_string = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:url_match, theCategory._id]; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:url_string]; A...