
How do I remove the distribution .plist from my app build settings?

I developed an app on a computer I no longer have and forgot to export my signing key. I am currently running into issues when I try and update the app. I submit the binary that has been signed with the new dist cert and key, and in ITC it says application loaded, but then when it refreshes, it goes red and just says "invalid binary", wi...

NSArray to plist on mac

I need to save/load a NSMutableArray of NSDictionarys to a file in the application directory. Apparently this does not work like on the iPhone ([array writeToFile] & arrayWithContensOfFile]). How is this done on a mac. Thank you. (sorry for the stupid question) ...

Advice on Debugging a UIAppFonts Issue on iPad

I recently found this post which seems to describe the same problem I am having with adding my own ttf. My app freezes. However, a few things about the post confuse me, and I'd love to get some help deciphering it. The post is here: The relevant passages that I'm trying to u...

counting the number of .plist files in xcode

In xcode, I have many .plist files called : ImageData1.plist, ImageData2.plist ... etc how can I get the number of .plist files which start with the name "ImageData" ? ...

Downloaded plist (in NSString) convert to NSArray

I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. I have a simple plist on my server. I am using the ASIHTTPRequest framework, so I can get both the data object and a string. Outputting: [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[request responseData] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] works just fine and the output it the plist. However, I cannot get this ...

iPad best practice to keep backend data model

Hi, I am developing iPad application, A set of forms that user has to fill (roughly 500 text fields). The form fields are displayed in a UITable view. Once user fill the forms he/she can uploaded the data to the server. Until its uploaded, the data should be persist in a temporary location in the local disk. In my application desig...

iPhone SDK - plist not being copied to simulator

Hi, I've created a pList (myData.plist) in XCode & populated it, but when I run the program it's not being copied to the iphone simulator directory. Hence, I can't read from it. I've logged the filename and it appears to be pointing to the correct place, there's just no plist file there (confirmed in Finder) NSArray *paths = NSSearch...

Accessing string within an array within a plist iphone

I have a plist with root of type dictionary containing keys of type array, and each array has three items of type string. I want to access the strings and pass them to a view controller. This line is successful in my cellForRowAtIndexPath NSLog(@"Strings from plist: %@", [[self.aDictionary objectForKey:(@"%@",[self.keys objectAtIndex...

Is it advisable to send/return data in .plist format to/from an API being accessed via iOS?

We're deciding between using JSON vs. Property List (binary) for our API, which will be accessed by iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch. Are there any speed advantages? ...

iOS 4: how to 'deceive' background?

Hello, I'm a beginner at iPhone developing. Though I've read lots of guides and users' notes I have no exact and accessible answer to the following question: "Are there any ways to execute internal tasks (or for example to listen for server activity) in background in iOS 4.x?" I know that only 3 kinds of tasks are permitted (audio, vo...

Plist file exists in docs dir, but cannot be loaded into an array

The plist has the file suffix .xml and is a normal array of dictionaries. In the app delegate: #define docDir [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0] -(NSString *)cacheFile:(NSString *)filename sitepath:(NSString *)url { NSMutableString *retfn=[NSMutableString string]; ...

dictionaryWithContentsOfFile returning nil from my property list file

Hi there, I'm learning how to use plist files for storing data in my iPhone app. I've been reading a bunch of the questions about plist and dictionaryWithContentsOfFile on this site, but can't see what I'm doing wrong. The following line returns nil ("The dictionary is null" to the console). NSLog(@"The dictionary is %@",[NSDictionar...

Adding a button to an iPhone prefs / settings bundle?

Just wondering if it's possible to add a button like the "Clear History", "Clear Cookies" etc buttons in the Safari preferences to your own app's settings bundle? Been digging through the dev docs and can't find any plist specifier for a button, so I'm wondering if this is an internal API for the Apple guys? After you hit the button, y...

Best way to spell check a plist?

Hi there I've got about 400 different NSString entries in my plist file. I want to spell check them. At the moment I'm having to go through, expand each entry (there's a huge amount) and select the text then do a spell check (Cmd + ;). I really need to spell check the whole thing at once, like you would in a word document, or an excel ...

iPhone [email protected] not showing in Retina display

For some reason, the iPhone 4 refuses to display my high resolution icon file. I've checked out these solutions, none of which have worked for me: http://appworks.radeec...

Where to store a small NSArray of NSDictionaries? Not in my yard!

I have a UITableView with some login form and I manually wrote the configuration values of the UITextFields in this NSArray as NSDictionaries. It is bothering because it's data in the code. I don't want data in my code! And I think that nobody wants that. Have you ever been in this situation? How would you dispose properly of this data?...

how to add and get the values from .plist in iphone sdk

Hi all, I am implementing a application based on web services. In that I need to add a string as property in .plist and I need to get the value from the .plist whenever I need in the code. Can you guys please help me on this?. It is a very urgent requirement for me. Thanks in advance, Sekhar Bethalam. ...

how to determine when settings change on ios

I have created a custom settings using the standard root.plist approach for the iphone. I'm wondering if there's a way to determine when the user changes those settings in my app... ...

What's the proper way to read/write to a plist?

In my app I store some user data in two .plist files which already contain some data, but the user can change it. NSString *Path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]; NSString *DataPath = [Path stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Settings.plist"]; NSMutableDictionary *tempDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:DataPa...

Write/Read plist file iPhone

Hi I have plist in my iphone app and I want to read and write an integer from my single to and form it. I have this to read it: scoreData *score = [scoreData sharedData]; filePath = @"stats.plist"; NSMutableDictionary* plistDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:filePath]; score.highScore = [plistDict object...