
Draggable data points in Excel 2007?

I know Microsoft removed draggable points in 2007, but I need to get that function back. So far, I've got the MouseDown and MouseUp events trapped, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to scale the cursor's movement (which is measured in pixels) to a change of the selected point (arbitrary scale) Using VBA, how can I find the heig...

easy, programmable data plotting

Hi all, I spend most of my time plotting data, but unfortunately I haven't found a decent solution for my plotting needs. At the moment, the most powerful and pleasant library I found that performs plotting is matplotlib. The results are stunning, but I mostly spend my time fighting with the library when trying to do simple things like...

How to use ezplot in MATLAB?

I want to use ezplot in MATLAB, and because the function I want to plot consists of a large number of terms I may split it into smaller functions. Let me give an example of a small number of terms and it can be generalized to a large number of terms. To plot the function: y2+xy+xy3+x+1=0 I let y1=x+1 and I write the following in MATLA...

How do I limit the border size on a matplotlib graph?

I'm making some pretty big graphs, and the whitespace in the border is taking up a lot of pixels that would be better used by data. It seems that the border grows as the graph grows. Here are the guts of my graphing code: import matplotlib from pylab import figure fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111...

Good plotting library for C?

My question is very similar in spirit to this question: What is the best plotting library for Python? What is my best bet for plotting data in C? Am I better off forgoing a library and just generating data that I can feed directly into gnuplot? My impetus for this question is being able to visualize DSP transformations while studying ...

Using the solution of a differential equation in two separate plot commands in Mathematica

I've encountered a problem while trying to use the answer from a NDSolve in two separate plot commands. To illustrate the problem, I'll use a simple differential equation and only one plot command. If I write something like this: {Plot[x[t], {t, 0, 10}], x[4]} /. NDSolve[{x'[s] == - x[s], x[0] == 1}, x, {s, 0, 10}] It solves the equa...

How to print R graphics to multiple pages of a PDF and multiple PDFs?

I know that pdf("myOut.pdf") will print to a PDF in R. What if I want to Make a loop that prints subsequent graphs on new pages of a PDF file (appending to the end)? Make a loop that prints subsequent graphs to new PDF files (one graph per file)? ...

plotting points on top of image in R

These days I am extensively using R to scatter plots. Most of the plotting is concerned with image processing, Recently I was thinking of plotting the scatter plots over an image. For example, I want something like this, The background needs to be filled with my image. With a particular scale. And I should be able to draw points (co-or...

Real time data exchange between R and Windows application

I am using R for scatter plots, and now also for 3D cloud plots on top of a image. I have an application that generates a lot of such 3D coordinates and I need to see those coordinates on top of the image at run-time (for debugging purposes). My question, Is it possible for my Windows application to communicate to R at run-time. ...

How do I make (ugh) bull's-eye charts in R?

A colleague of mine needs to plot 101 bull's-eye charts. This is not her idea. Rather than have her slave away in Excel or God knows what making these things, I offered to do them in R; mapping a bar plot to polar coordinates to make a bull's-eye is a breeze in ggplot2. I'm running into a problem, however: the data is already aggregat...

More bullseye plotting in R (I'm so sorry)

I'm using ggplot2 to make some bullseye charts in R. They look delightful, and everyone is very pleased - except that they'd like to have the values of the bullseye layers plotted on the chart. I'd be happy just to put them in the lower-right corner of the plot, or even in the plot margins, but I'm having some difficulty doing this. H...

Boxplot schmoxplot: How to plot means and standard errors conditioned by a factor in R?

We all love robust measures like medians and interquartile ranges, but lets face it, in many fields, boxplots almost never show up in published articles, while means and standard errors do so all the time. It's simple in lattice, ggplot2, etc to draw boxplots and the galleries are full of them. Is there an equally straightforward way to...

How to smoothen a plot in MATLAB?

I have some 9000 points that are plotted on a graph: [Full resolution] Actually, the plot is not as smooth as I wanted it to be. Is there some way I can smoothen the graph to a required degree? Or some form of thresholding so that I can selectively smoothen out the parts that is too bumpy? I am not sure but can fast-fourier-transfo...

Ruby: building a plot of function

What's the easiest way to build a plot of a function under Ruby? Any suggestions as to the special graphical library? update: under windows only :-( ...

Plot GeoIP data on a World Map

Hi, I need a library (preferably written in Python) which is able to take a series of IP addresses (or geographic coordinates) and plots them on a World Map. I already found this one, but it outputs data as a .svg file and it's simply unable to cope with large data sets. Please note that I need something which can be downloaded and ...

python library to plot graph

Hi, Can someone please suggest to me any python library to plot graph like Thank you. ...

Sharing contour plot attributes between subplots

I'm plotting several contour plots side by side for visualizing the time evolution of certain function. I want each contour's value and color to be shared between all subplots, but each time I add a new subplot, the contour values are recomputed (as shown in the image below), so any comparison between them is meaningless. I've tried s...

Function Plotter

There is a nice function plotter built into OSX. Has anyone found something free that runs on windows (with out having to go through Cygwin)? ...

How do I plot lines between all points in a vector in MATLAB?

I have a vector containing some points in 2-D space. I want MATLAB to plot these points with lines drawn from every point to every other point. Basically, I want a graph with all vertices connected. Can you do that with plot and if so, how? ...

Why won't this axes object display correctly in MATLAB?

I am writing two small psychoacoustic testing applications in MATLAB. The first one works without problems but the second one doesn't, and I just can't figure out why. Here is the problem: the axes object is created, but it is empty. Here is the code that creates this figure and axes: hFig = figure('dockcontrols','off','menubar','no...