
Using PHP function include() to include a png image.

Ok people, despite the best-known-practices, today I decided to do this: <img src='<? include("dir/dir/img.png"); ?>'> With 6 diferent .png images. Sadly, only 2 of the 6 were nicely visible on the browser. Why only 2 of the 6 images were shown? Maybe there were data losses bits on the way? Thank you for your time :] ...

Does anyone have an example of Apache POI converting PPTX to PNG

Hi Does anyone know of a good example of converting a PPTX powerpoint presentation to some form of image? PNG/GIF/etc? I can do it for a PPT but looking for a PPTX conversion example Thanks ...

Is it possible to convert a google doc to png or PDF from a script/command line?

Is it possible to convert a google doc to png or PDF from a script/command line? ...

Deliver a generated image file to client without first writing the file to a server directory

Despite setting directory permissions to 777, I still can't get a PHP script to write an image file that it generated to a directory on the server. So, rather than wrestling with that problem I thought, why not create a new one. Actually, I thought there might be an easier solution. Is it possible to take an image file (stream) that i...

Actual IE6 Png fix

What png fix method is the most actual today? Lite-weight, with background-repeat and background-position support. ...

PHP GD: Blur for transparent image

Hello world. I am trying to create the silhouette of PNG image with transparencies. Here is my code //file that i am working with $file=''; $im =imagecreatefrompng($file); imagealphablending($im, false); imagesavealpha($im, true); $imw =imagesx($im); $imh =imagesy($im); //turkey body ...

IE png with jquery and css question

function fadehomepage() { //Set opacity to 0 $('#showcase_home > div > a').css({'opacity':'0'}); $('#showcase_home > div').hover( function () { var selected_div = $(this).attr("class") + "_hover"; $(this).find('.' + selected_div).stop().fadeTo(...

PNG encoder/decoder for PHP

Is there any implementation of a PNG encoder/decoder written in PHP? Something similar to this one: I know there is GD and other ones, but as far as I know, you cannot have greater control over png chunks since they are png specific. Thanks, Nano. ...

IPHONE: How do I identify a transparent pixel within a png image?

I am currently looking for a way to identify some terrain within a png image, How do I check to see if a pixel is a certain colour? or even better a certain alpha level? Any help would be great. Adam ...

Ethical Dilemma: Should I still cater for IE6 as a web-developer.

Possible Duplicates: IE6: To support or not to support. Should we support IE6 anymore? I'd hate to (HATE TO) admit it, but there are some people still using this browser. A client of mine is facing an issue where the "transparency" area of a png comes out a light grey - ONLY on IE6. I know it's an unsupported browser, but ...

Trouble with imagepng

I am struggling with PHP's GD library. I have written a script called foo.php which outputs a png: header('Content-type:image/png'); $img = imagecreatefrompng($url) or die('bad url:'.$url); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); It works fine. Its purpose is to accept a GET parameter and then spit out the appropriate graph: (e.g.) fo...

Get pixel color of Base64 PNG using javascript?

I have a base64 encoded PNG. I need to get the color of a pixel using javascript. I assume I'll have to convert it back to a normal PNG. Can anyone point me in the right direction? ...

Background repeat doesn't seem to work in IE6

I ve applied a background to my page like this, body { background:#FFFFFF url('images/color.png') repeat top left; color:#666666; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:80%; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; white-space:nowrap; margin:0 auto; height:100%; } This seems to work in IE7,firefox and chr...

PHP Imagick setImageOpacity destroys transparency and does nothing

Here's the thing. I hava a simple snippet in PHP like this regarding a transparent image: $im = new Imagick('some-transparent-image.png'); $im->setImageOpacity(0.3); $im->writeImage('output.png'); The file output should be a transparent image with lower opacity, right? Well, the output is an image with black color where it was supp...

IE7 png images loading but appearing with the 'image not found' red x

Below is an image of the problem. I've tried correcting the folder permissions to 755, i've tried setting exact paths, i've tried removing all of my styles and nothing works. Background png images seem to load fine. There are some flash elements on the page (top and side nav) Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

internet explorer: semi-transparent images

Hi there, I have the two images below. They are the same image, with one having a slight glow effect on the text. They are setup as below: <div id="header"><a></a></div> withe the original image being the background for the div, and the 'glow' image being the background for the anchor tag, with display:block; width: 100%; height: 100...

Correct way to use png/jpg in OpenGL ES

What is the correct way to save images in png format, if I want to use it in my Android OpenGL ES application as texture? Somehow some textures work, and some texture get incorrect vertex mapping. The code is the same, the image is different. ...

Convert multipage TIFF to PNG .Net

I am able to convert a single page TIFF to a PNG in .Net, however, how would I do this for a multipage TIFF? ...

Displaying PNG files in android (images being resized)

Im dragging my images into the drawable-hdpi folder in Eclipse and when I load them in the program they are 2/3rd the original size. (my 500x150 .png is being loaded as a 333x100 .png) Any advice on how I should be creating/loading images for android? private Bitmap mGrass; BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); op...

How to save BitmapImage / WriteableBitmap in png format (Silverlight/windows phone)?

How can i save an image (BitmapImage / WriteableBitmap) in png format using Silverlight for windows phone? ...