
SOA - What Internal Web Service Did Your Company Implement First?

What internal web service did your company implement first? What did you learn? ...

Which are the GNU Emacs modes/extensions you can't live without?

I have been using GNU Emacs for as long as I can remember. The Emacs modes I use regularly are: Tramp Template Color-theme Python VCS SLIME Paredit Uniquify RCIRC Org Which ones do you use? ...

best free php poll

Can someone suggest me a good free php script to use as a poll for a web-site? I'd need a simple script to show on the web page with the standard multiple option vote + bar chart graph. Also an admin interface with add / edit / delete poll would be required. ...

What books and sites should managers of programmers read?

What books should someone who manages programmers read? This includes supervisors, internal customers and project managers. Vote for what you think or add it if it doesn't exist. ...

UnitTest how do you organise your testing files?

Currently, I am splitting all my tests by package (projects). So if I have 12 projects, I will create 1 more project for Unit Test with 12 classes that will test all my package. Do you do the same way or do you have 1 testing class by class? How do you organize all your test? ...

What is the best book for learning about Algorithms?

I know what algorithms are, but I have never consciously used or created one for any of the programming that I have done. So I'd like to get a book about the subject - I'd prefer if it was in python but that's not a strict requirement. What book about algorithms helped you most to understand, use, and create algorithms? One book per a...

Annoying or idiotic naming conventions?

What programming or naming conventions have you come across that really rub you the wrong way? For those that aren't aware, in C# we can wrap blocks of code with a #region directive, which allows you to collapse these blocks in Visual Studio for readability. So the convention on this team is to wrap all combinations of access modifi...

How much unpaid overtime do you work ?

Considering coding is as much a hobby as it is a "job" to most developers can I ask what sort of overtime people work and do you get paid for it or do you do it for the love of it ? ...

What operating system do you use for development?

Minor version numbers notwithstanding, what OS do you use for your own development machine? Are you forced to use a virtual appliance or server to run any programs that you need? Do you know of any surveys related to this question? ...

C# Delegates - How Often Do You Use Them, And When?

Delegates look like such a powerful language feature, but I've yet to find an opportunity to use them in anger (apart from in DALs I must say). How often do you use them, and under what circumstances do you find them most useful? ...

Adding REST to Django -- Poll

I've got a Django application that works nicely. I'm adding REST services. I'm looking for some additional input on my REST strategy. Here are some examples of things I'm wringing my hands over. Right now, I'm using the Django-REST API with a pile of patches. I'm thinking of falling back to simply writing view functions in Djang...

MS SQL Server: Tutorials, blogs and other resources that you actually use or used in the past to improve your SQL Server skills.

As we all know when you google: "SQL Server" Tutorial you will get millions of results returned and it takes some effort to find something really interesting and worth spending your time on. The idea here is simple: Let's list websites, books, tutorials etc. that you actually use or used in the past. Something that you could truly reco...

Which are your favorite GDB tricks?

Which is your favorite macro/trick in gdb? Have you written any good macros for improving language integration? What's your best way of making the debugging experience inside gdb less painful? ...

Recursive Make - friend or foe?

I'm using (GNU) Make in my project. I'm currently putting one makefile per directory and specify the subdirectories using SUBDIRS. It's been suggested to me that this is not the ideal way of using make, that using a one toplevel make file (or several, split up using include). I've tried migrating/using this layout in the past, but it app...

Do you prefer quick and dirty or sound but incomplete answers to your problems?

This is a general question about helping other programmers solve their problems, which specifically applies to StackOverflow. Sometimes when I'm asked for help with a programming problem, I find that there are really two problems: the one that the person is asking to be solved and often a larger problem that, if solved, makes the former...

Favourite Java Site

What is your favourite Java orientated website? Can be forum, news, podcast or any type of site as long as it is about the Java programming language. All flavours of Java should be considered; SE, EE and ME. ...

What .NET language you use to write Unit Tests?

In the past I wrote most of my unit tests using C# even when the actual software development was in another .NET language (VB.NET, C++.NET etc.) but I could use VB to get the same results. I guess the only reason I use C# is because most of the examples in the internet are written in C#. I you use unit tests as part of .NET software dev...

What programming tools have you built for yourself?

One of the things I really love about programming is the tradition of building your own tools. Sometimes it's out of necessity. What you need doesn't exist. And sometimes it's out of ignorance (I hand-wrote many parsers before learning about lex & yacc). What programming tools have you built for yourself? ...

TDD Anti-patterns catalogue

anti-pattern : there must be at least two key elements present to formally distinguish an actual anti-pattern from a simple bad habit, bad practice, or bad idea: Some repeated pattern of action, process or structure that initially appears to be beneficial, but ultimately produces more bad consequences than beneficial results, and A ref...

What video game makes you think the most like a programmer?

A lot of the games I play are pretty simple. I somewhat play video games for an escape, so I like to play hack 'n' slash games, hockey games, or shooters. I usually don't like video games that make me think to hard, but everyone once in a while I'll come across a game that I both enjoy and notice that my thought patterns are very similar...