
What is the most poorly named application out there?

What application, language, or other software product name makes you cringe every time you hear it; or was just an astoundingly bad choice from a marketing perspective? One name per answer, vote up the worst. ...

Which certifications have helped you and what specifically about them have helped you the most?

Hello, With so many certifications for everything, I was curious to know what certifications that you have or are currently in the process of getting that have helped you in your career. I am mainly looking for programming certifications, but all are welcome. ...

What's the best database framework for PHP?

After graduating from calling the mysql_* functions directly in my code, I've stepped up to a home-brewed database abstraction class. Now, I'm beginning to think that I should really use a "professional" DB class instead. I know there are a lot of them out there (ADODB, PDO, MDB2, etc) but I want to know which one I should try out. What...

What is your favourite plugin in emacs?

I find the following things extremely useful in my daily work: ido emacs muse Cscope desktop tabbar ...

What are your favorite programming magazines?

Duplicate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40346/coding-magazineshttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/129249/which-magazines-would-you-recommend-for-good-quality-developer-tips-and-articlehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/149260/whats-a-good-programming-magazine-to-subscribe-to At my desk I usually have 2 or 3 magazines sitting ar...

Use of else after a return or break from a function or loop

This is a matter of style I've considered for a while, and I'm curious of others thoughts. The two pieces of code below are logically equivalent, which in your opinion is better style and why?: // no else some_function(): if ( my_var == 0 ) then: return true print "hello: " + my_var return false // with else some_...

What's the program you've really wanted to write but never found the time?

I think that the best, and maybe the only, thing to do to get better as a programmer is to program, i.e. to create new stuff, build new apps, solve new problems. But during our daily jobs we (well I can only speak for myself :)) usually do a lot of maintainance programming, debugging, support and other work that could be categorized as ...

Line width formatting standard

Do you follow a standard for wrapping long lines in source code? What line length do you find most comfortable to read? Sometimes I find people who program on wide-screen monitors and like to use its full width for displaying source code. I prefer shorter lines, around 80-100 characters, but I have a hard time trying to convince colleag...

What's your favorite implementation of producing the Fibonacci sequence?

What's your favorite implementation of producing the Fibonacci sequence? Best, most creative, most clever, fastest, smallest, written in weirdest language, etc., etc. For those not familiar with this staple of programming exam question / interview question, check this out: Fibonacci Sequence at Wikipedia The question would be, write a...

What is your favorite educational programming pearl?

A pearl is an elegant, instructive and fun example of programming, which teaches important techniques and fundamental design principles. For example, I really enjoyed the programming pearl Automata via Macros. It shows how to build a construct for finite state machines using Scheme macros, while touching upon the importance of tail-cal...

What are great programming-related online talks / videos?

Please recommend a particular programming-related talk / video and explain why you like it. ...

What are your efficiency gains by removing XML in java projects ?

I have just moved from phase 1 to phase 2 of a project. In this transition we got rid of all of the XML configuration for spring and struts2, switching to a fully annotated regime. All of the participants are amazed at the actual effect this has on development speed. There are a number of reasons for this: Structured thinking about wh...

Poll: What are the top 3 blogs for new .net developers?

I've been tasked with a simple request at work: I want to give our new developers a SMART goal to follow a blog for the duration of this review period. Give me three good ones to let them choose from. Three Good Ones?! I follow a ton it seems and whittling my list down to a top three is proving tough. I'm having a hard time pickin...

Antipatterns with ASP.NET

What are the most common Antipatterns you see in ASP.NET applications and how should we avoid them? ...

Are you using Google Guice in a production system?

Have you found Guice useful to manage DI in you applications or run stress tests or even brought an application using Guice to a production phase in your company? If you have, have you run into any issues with it? ...

emacs keybinding hall of fame/shame

What are the best and worst emacs key bindings in development software? Ever since I learned it, I find myself trying to use C-p and C-n to move up and down in everything that has a text box on it. I'm perpetually annoyed by software that has an emacs mode that's pretty obviously either put together by someone who's never used emacs be...

Favorite non obvious feature of svn?

What is your favorite non obvious feature of svn? ...

Visual Studio: why do you use the specific edition that you do?

I work at a web development company, so our aim is ASP.NET and IIS. Currently we use a mix of Visual Studio Web Developer 2008 SP1 and Visual Studio Standard Edition 2005, and we're about to purchase the same edition for all development teams. We work in teams from 3 to 8 developers per team. Looking at the feature matrix of Visual Stud...

What, in your opinion, is the best-looking webapp?

Going purely on aesthetics, what would you say is the best-looking webapp? Edit: Changed to community wiki ...

How do you use printer to improve your productivity?

I was very surprised to find out that printer could help a lot for some programming tasks. But first it was very unusual and I had to think a lot on how it could help. So how do you use printer to improve your productivity? P.S. I post my answers below. ...