
Most crucial elements in a light-weight C++ coding standard

I've been involved in developing coding standards which were quite elaborate. My own experience is that it was hard to enforce if you don't have proper processes to maintain it and strategies to uphold it. Now I'm working in, and leading, an environment even less probable to have processes and follow-up strategies in quite a while. Stil...

Best tools to monitor Tomcat

Hi all, I'm searching free tools for monitor tomcat (traffic, memory usage, threads, requests, CPU, logs,...). I'm currently using lambdaprobe on Tomcat 5.5.x, but it seems that is no more developed (or not? the site lambdaprobe.org is always down for me...). Has someone good experiences to share? In lambdaprobe there are some info avail...

Dealbreakers for new programming jobs?

What might be said or implied at an interview or job posting that should set off alarm bells for a coder? I'm still only a few years in the industry but I already know to look out for excessive red tape and bureaucracy. Cubes and a noisy office also tell me that I'll be both miserable and unproductive and that management does not apprec...

Straw Poll - K&R vs BSD

No holy wars please - (ultimately a standardised and consistently-observed house-style on a project always wins out whatever is chosen), but I am genuinely interested in the preferences of people for K&R style formatting: public bool CompareObjects(object first, object second) { if (first == second) { return true; } else...

What do you think of the new C# 4.0 'dynamic' keyword?

Hi all, I've just seen an article detailing the new C#4.0 'dynamic' feature previewed at the PDC 2008 and I wondered what people thought of it ? I'm wondering: what are good examples of the benefit of such an addition to the language possible disadvantages performance implications I guess people with experience of dynamic languages...

D Templates: Coolest Hack

What is the coolest somewhat practical metaprogramming hack you've done or seen done in the D programming language? Somewhat practical means excluding, for example, the compile-time raytracer. ...

Available Build Tools (make, etc)?

There's a lot of questions on here regarding various niche build needs (.NET, continuous integration, etc) but, of course, my niche need is different. Rather than asking a very specific question right now, I'd like a survey of available build tools (such as make, ant, etc) so I can ask a follow up question more intelligently if needed. ...

What would you ask Stroustrup?

I'm going to a talk by Bjarne Stroustrup. Does someone have a good question to ask him? ...

What ORM frameworks for .NET Do You Like Best?

I'm writing an application from scratch, I am not pretty sure which one to use. Microsoft Entity Framework NHibernate Gentle.NET Other Any guidance or opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of each would be helpful. ...

How would you describe the difference between Managed/Byte Code and Unmanaged/Native Code to a Non-Programmer?

Sometimes it's difficult to describe some of the things that "us programmers" may think are simple to non-programmers and management types. So... How would you describe the difference between Managed Code (or Java Byte Code) and Unmanaged/Native Code to a Non-Programmer? ...

What is your favorite IPython feature?

I've been learning (and enjoying learning!) Python via the IPython interactive shell recently... What's your favorite feature in IPython? Are there any tips and tricks you've picked up that other people might not know about? ...

What is a good free online poll/survey app?

I need to conduct a survey of 3 questions. The first question will be Yes/No, the second will have multiple answers, in which you can select multiple answers for just that question, as well as a "other" box that you can fill in an answer. And the last will be a textarea in which they can enter general comments/suggestions. I would lov...

Best practices on answering dogfood excuses

Dogfooding is using your own software while it is being developed. Sometimes it is impossible to simple use it at all (e.g. software for fighter pilots.) More often it is possible to dogfood, but it doesn't happen anyway. A couple of "Our users won't experience that problem so it can't be a dogfooding bug," and quickly the practical...

What feature is missing or hidden in Vim?

I thought I'd have a try at using Win32 GVim, and I'm finding that it's much more versatile than I realised. At this point I'm finding that for myself a lot of its features are still hidden. As an example I'm used to having a button on the toolbar to run external commands and capturing the output but I found in Vim it's :%!<command> to g...

What's the best example of a "naive implementation"?

What is the clearest explanation of what computer scientists mean by "the naive implementation"? I need a good clear example which will illustrate -- ideally, even to non-technical people -- that the naive implementation may technically be a functioning solution to the problem, but practically be utterly unusable. ...

Which scripting language do you use the most and why?

Which scripting language do you use the most and why? Given the opportunity, which other scripting language would you use and why? Python Groovy Ruby Perl PHP Jython JRuby TCL JACL IronRuby Lua Javascript etc ...

Best Web applications framework for Java?

Which is the best framework for Java? I'm looking for something similar to Symfony for php and Ruby-On-Rails for Ruby? I even don't know if anything such exists for Java or not. ...

Etymology of linux commands

Just for fun ... I tend to keep myself alert by looking for serendipitous puzzles throughout the day. One of the things I love about linux is the never-ending amount of cleverness it embodies, from its elegant simplicity all the way to the comments in its manual pages. Can you articulate the unwritten rules that dictate how new command...

What is missing in the current and planned standard Java class library?

When looking through the JDK, I often think to myself, "Why isn't this included in the JDK?" I know there's Apache Commons and various other libraries, but there are somethings that are just so fundamental that I feel it should be added to the JDK. What are some things missing that you think should be added to the JDK? ...

Secure file transfers

We are using a custom FTP application (which encrypts the files) for secure transfers. We send the application to end users and they use it to send us confidential data. We also use it to send information back to the end users. The application is in need of an update - some things are no longer working consistently. As the end users ...