
What are your Rails bookmarks to help you solve problems and learn?

When you're solving a problem in Rails, what websites do you turn to as resources? (... other than StackOverflow!) I'm not looking for links to tools such as IDEs, but rather information resources. One url per answer please to help voting. ...

Language for non-programmers to start learning programming

A non-programmer friend will be starting the Computer Science college course in a few months. I'd like her to try her hand at some programming before she starts her studies (the course itself expects one to know C, but it's an horrible language to learn to program at). What language would be the best to do so? Related question: Best way...

Best Open Source Java CMS

I'm trying to find a good Java cms, I've stumbled uppon some that are quite good like: Apache Lenya, dotCMS, Info Glue, Open Edit, MMBase, Contelligent, Hippo CMS Which on do you guys recommend, or even one that I'm missing, because I have some more that I am studying at the moment. The requirements are that I can build modules for it...

One advantage an agile approach using Scrum has over waterfall approaches

If you had to choose one advantage that Scrum gives over a waterfall process, what would it be? ...

LimeSurvey in .net version?

Hi all There is a famous poll or survey platform called LimeSurvey written in PHP. Is there a platform which has the same functions and open source code written in C#? Any response is appreciated.. ...

What's your favorite "programmer ignorance" pet peeve?

What are, in your opinion, the worst subjects of widespread ignorance amongst programmers, i.e. things that everyone who aspires to be a professional should know and take seriously, but doesn't? ...

Can you use a object-database in a production system?

Object-databases are used very seldomly, albeit they offer a way to live without SQL, which is, I think, a benefit of its own. Yet, I have seen them about never in production systems. Is there something fundamentally wrong with object-databases? Can I use a object-database in a production system? Edit: So, maybe I should confess that ...

Recommendations for project management software for Scrum

We're using Scrum on our current project and we're very happy using our agile board and cards but reporting, burndown charts etc. are somewhat cumbersome to maintain. So, we're looking for good agile software to use instead. I'm keeping requirements deliberately vague but does anyone have any recommendations? The software would need t...

Recommendations for a Windows based make tool

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good, fast, make tool? SCons? KJam? Something else? Cross platform tools would also be acceptable. ...

What are some of the things you hate about your favorite editor/IDE?

Similar to What are five things you hate about your favorite language? Name some things that annoy or infuriate you about your favorite editor/IDE. No bashing other editors/IDEs. It has to be your current favorite editor/IDE. ...

What programming language should I choose for an independent study language?

I am a senior computer science major and I am required to do a self study on a specific language of my choice. I am currently familiar with C++, Java, VB, PHP, and Silverlight. I would not consider myself a master of any of these languages but I have a functioning knowledge. Should I keep broadening my knowledge of different languages or...

What was your first computer game that got you interested in computers?

My first experience with a game that got me interested in computers (still programming): Leisure Suit Larry After "Ken sent me", I was hooked. Leisure Suit Larry creator's site: Al Lowe ...

Funny/Interesting software limitations due to design choices

I'm interested in stories (factual, preferably on well-known systems) about funny or interesting ways in which certain design or implementation decisions constrained the software as it was experienced by users. For example, in the funny comment threads someone mentioned that in the original Doom game, doors opened vertically because the...

Do stackoverflow users agree with the CWE/SANS Top 25 most dangerous programming mistakes?

Report released today on the "top 25" most dangerous programming mistakes. I'm interested to see if any here agree or can spot any glaring omissions (or outdated inclusions). Also, in your opinion which modern dev tools/frameworks are improving (or worsening) these flaws for things like authorization, SQL injection, or code injection? ...

1000th commit party?

Some projects teams throw a small office party for major releases - so why not for 1000th commit? 1000th commit is a good marker, usually project has progressed quite nicely by that time. Do you celebrate or give any extra attention to such 'magic number' commits? ...

On how many multiple projects do you work?

I work in a small (unter 10 people) company. We make a handful of programming projects mainly for research purposes. At the moment I am switching between 5 to 7 different projects. Not always on a daily base, but several times a week. Some other questions here on stack overflow and elsewhere in the internet let me think that this will ...

What's your favorite unofficial doc?

Hey, As of late, I've been noticing that with google, the best docs for a given library/framework/whatever are often not the official documentation. Maybe this is because it takes a user to understand which parts are hard to learn? Anyway, even with google, the best docs aren't always easy to find (see: the purpose of stackoverflow =D ...

Do you recommend using semicolons after every statement in JavaScript?

In many situations, JavaScript parsers will insert semicolons for you if you leave them out. My question is, do you leave them out? I'll post simple Yes/No answers as a poll, but I'm also interested in your reasons. If you're unfamiliar with the rules, there's a description of semicolon insertion on the Mozilla site. Here's the key poin...

Is there a 'catch' with FastFormat?

I just read about the FastFormat C++ i/o formatting library, and it seems too good to be true: Faster even than printf, typesafe, and with what I consider a pleasing interface: // prints: "This formats the remaining arguments based on their order - in this case we put 1 before zero, followed by 1 again" fastformat::fmt(std::cout, "T...

Useless code metric: Yearly revenue per line of code

The world is full of useless code metrics so I thought I would add one of my own I even found someone talking about revenue per line of code. So what is the yearly revenue of the product you're working on divided by lines of code? You can choose any method you like to count LOC, it's not like we're being scientific or anything. If this...