
Specific .NET XML enumeration procedure

I'm slightly overwhelmed by how many ways there are of processing XML in .NET.. In my case, I'm porting a ton of C lines over and I would like to wrap my code and keep it basically the way I had it (but use classes of course). I'm not exactly looking for THE fastest way, but more or less something consistent with the API I had before. ...

OpenGL being ported to XNA

I'm beginning to port my game over to XNA from a C/OpenGL codebase. I'm just now getting to the rendering code, and I'm wondering what the best methods would be for transitioning from a system where you simply bind a texture with one call, then output vertex buffers objects to an XNA equivalent set of methods? I can see how you pass ve...

Android Porting - SharedPreferences in pre-installed app not working

Hello everyone Im building my custom android build. I have an two different applications, one that writes the sharedPreferences with "MODE_WORLD_READABLE" and the other application that reads from there. When I install trough "adb install" the application that writes the sharedPreferences everything works fine. I can see with "adb sh...

OpenGL and XNA Matrix differences

XNA has the following Matrix objects under BasicEffect public Matrix World public Matrix View public Matrix Projection OpenGL uses the following defines for glMatrixMode() GL_MODELVIEW GL_PROJECTION I'm not really sure why one would have more than the other, to be honest. I'm porting a GL game over, and it would be nice if I could...

Converting .vcproj/.sln to make file

I have huge Visual C++ project, which contains around 40 projects. Few of them need to be ported to UNIX environment. Is there any reliable tool available which can convert .vcproj file to make file so I can compile and build the project on UNIX environment ?? Any help will be appreciated ...

Where the application should store its logs in Mac OS?

I'm porting a Windows app written in C# to Mac OS using Java and Swing. The Windows app stores the logs (environment info, exceptions, etc.) in the file C:\Program Files\MyProgram\Logs\app.log. Occasionally I ask users to send me this file to diagnose problems. What is the right place for logs in Mac OS? If there are several possible ...

Converting Actionscript syntax to Objective C

I have a game I wrote in Actionscript 3 I'm looking to port to iOS. The game has about 9k LOC spread across 150 classes, most of the classes are for data models, state handling and level generation all of which should be easy to port. However, the thought of rejiggering the syntax by hand across all these files is none too appealing. A...

C#: How do I instantiate a class in C#, like showin this C++ example.

I've translated the following C++ code to C#, but i cant determine where and how to put the class instance. If i do it using: customAnalysis test = new customAnalysis(); It receive an errormessage, telling me that the class is instantiated by Rhino3D, and therefore i'm not supposed to do it. But i need to create a reference to the cl...

Mapping C data structures and typedefs to .Net

I'm trying to write an interface for communicating with a network protocol, but the IEEE document describes the protocol at the bit level with information split accross a single byte. What would be the best way to go about handling a C typedef such as typedef struct { Nibble transportSpecific; Enumeration4 messageType; UIntege...

How to check if the current operating system is Windows, Linux, or OSX?

I'm writing a compiler project which will produce assembly code as the target language. However, there are some small changes that need to be accounted for depending on the operating system, and I'm not sure how to check for the OS. In case it matters, I am concerned with only 32bit. I've seen in some source code something like #ifdef W...

Adding custom widgets to QMenuBar

Hello, Qt3 used to provide QMenuBar::insertItem with QWidget* parameter. This way any custom widget could be added to menu bar - for example a clock-widget. In Qt4 there is no such overloaded method. What would be the best way to reach the same goal - adding custom widgets to a menu bar? The custom widgets should be integrated in the lay...

32 bit Windows and the 2GB file size limit (C with fseek and ftell)

I am attempting to port a small data analysis program from a 64 bit UNIX to a 32 bit Windows XP system (don't ask :)). But now I am having problems with the 2GB file size limit (long not being 64 bit on this platform). I have searched this website and others for possible sollutions but cannot find any that are directly translatable to m...

mknod(2) requires superuser on FreeBSD what to use instead?

I am porting from Linux to FreeBSD and have run into ::mknod() failing with errno: [EINVAL] Creating anything else than a block or character spe- cial file (or a whiteout) is not supported. But I also see it states earlier on the man page: The mknod() system call requires super-user privileges. So what...

Why would connect() give intermittent EINVAL on port to FreeBSD?

I have in my C++ application a failure that arose upon porting to 32 bit FreeBSD 8.1 from 32 bit Linux. I have a TCP socket connection which fails to connect. In the call to connect(), I got an error result with errno == EINVAL which the man page for connect() does not cover. What does this error mean, which argument is invalid? The m...

Recommended tools for porting 32-bit Windows driver to 64-bit one

I know that there are some static analysis tools which can figure out potential code problems in terms of porting from 32-bit system to 64-bit one. But most of them are commercial ones, is there any equivalent tool but free to use? Manually checking every line of the driver code is simply too tedious and error-prone, and if, unfortunate...

Android Porting

How start with writing drivers for our hardware after downloading the kernel patches...? How to implement system.img to match with our zImage? ...

Translate C++ Constructor into Java

I'm working on translating a small package from C++ to Java. I've never really used C++, so some of the syntax is a bit of a mystery. In particular, I'm having difficulty working out what the Java equivalent to this would be: file: SomeClass.cpp SomeClass::SomeClass( BitStream* data, const char* const filename ) : data( data ), cip...

What should I use in Android when porting C++ code written with libsndfile?

I'm porting a small (<10 classes) C++ project to Java. The project manipulates sound files, and in C++ does this using libsndfile. The code includes stuff like: const int channels = audioFileInfo.channels; ... sf_readf_double( audioFile, inputBuffer, MAX_ECHO ); ... sf_writef_double( outputAudioFile, &currentAudioBuffer[WINDOW_SIZE * ch...

Missing rules XML file for qt's 'uic3 -convert'

I'm trying to run uic3 -convert to convert some QT3 .ui files to QT4. When I run it, uic3 reports that it's unable to find the rules file (q3porting.xml). Where does uic3 look for the q3porting.xml file Can I pass the rules file as an argument on the command line (similarly to using qt3to4 -rulesFile)? If not, what else can I do? ...

Approaching porting a (Java) library (to Objective-C): Methodology?

I am an iOS developer and I found a great library that handles all kinds of astronomy related calculations for me. The problem is that it's written in Java. Although I have enough experience with languages close to Java, I can't run Java on iOS. I'd like to port it, but being that I've never ported anything before. Like I said, I don't ...