
Form Post Sends values via Request.QueryString instead of Request.Form

Here is an extract of HTML from within a standard HTML page: <form name="login_form" action="http://localhost/BOB.WebPortal/LoginForm.aspx" method="post> <div id="content_logins"> <div id="spacer_ie" style="width:990px; height:7px; border:none; float:left"></div> <div style="width:255px; height:22px; border:none; float...

In Python, how might one log in, answer a web form via HTTP POST (not url-encoded), and fetch a returned XML file?

I am basically trying to export a configuration file, once a week. While the product in question allows you to manually log in via a web client, enter some information, and get an XML file back when you submit, there's no facility for automating this. I can get away with using Python 2.5 (have used for a while) or 2.6 (unfamiliar) to d...

When POSTing an associative array with cURL, do I need to urlencode the contents first?

When I assign an array of data to be POSTed as a cURL option (via CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS), do I need to urlencode that data first or will that be taken care of? ...

Why does my C# client, POSTing to my WCF REST service, return (400) Bad Request?

I'm trying to send a POST request to a simple WCF service I wrote, but I keep getting a 400 Bad Request. I'm trying to send JSON data to the service. Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong? :-) This is my service interface: public interface Itestservice { [OperationContract] [WebInvoke( Method = "POST", UriTemplat...

limit choices to foreignkey using middleware

I'm looking to do something like this: with some differences. Some models may explain: class Job(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) operators = models.ManyToManyField(User) class Activity(models.Model): job = models.Foreign...

No http handler was found for request type 'POST'

This error comes up when I submit a page to load up a .net chart control. I have the http handler in my web.config below. FOr whateve reason it doesnt seem to work. <httpHandlers> <remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/> <add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false" type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions...

Best way to support "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" post data with WCF?

I'm building a WCF service based on a W3C specification which defines a RESTful web service endpoint that accepts "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" post data. WCF doesn't support this type of message encoding by default and I have found a number of different examples of creating a contract that looks like this: XElement Query_Post(St...

PHP file uploads being "hijacked" by partial uploads

I have a site that is receiving 30-40k photo uploads a day and I've been seeing an issue pop up with more frequency now. This issue is this: Our upload script receives (via $_FILES['name']['tmp_name']) a file (photo) that was NOT uploaded by the user & the majority of the time the file received is a "partial" upload. Of course at first...

How can I interpret JSON returned from jQuery.ajax and using a POST action?

I have the following jQuery code: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "Services/MyService.asmx/Select", dataType: "json", data: "{'data':'test'}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function(msg){ alert(msg); }, error: function(xhr){ alert(xhr.statusText);} ...

Sending a POST request: System.Net.WebException

This is not the first time I'm using this method to send a POST request, and I never had any problems: public static Stream SendPostRequest(Uri uri, byte[] postData) { var request = WebRequest.Create(uri); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request....

Is it possible to cache POST methods in HTTP?

With very simple caching semantics: if the params are the same (and the url is the same, of course), then it's a hit. Is that possible? Recommended? ...

How do I send a HTTP POST value to a (PHP) page using Python?

Hi all! I have a PHP page that has 1 textbox and when I press on the submit button. My SQL is going to store this product name into my database. My question is; is it possible to send/post the product name using Python script that asks for 1 value and then use my PHP page to send it to my database? Thanks! ...

Ruby: Posting XML to RESTFUL Web Service using Net::HTTP::Post

I am having trouble getting this to work so any help would be appreciated! Basically, the request.body contains valid XML for the Web Service like so: <somedata> <name>Test Name 1</name> <description>Some data for Unit testing</description> </somedata> ...but the service returns empty XML, like so (note that the id field is returned s...

How to debug a file upload?

I'm trying to upload a PDF file to a website using Hot Banana's content management system using a Python script. I've successfully logged into the site and can log out, but I can't seem to get file uploads to work. The file upload is part of a large complicated web form that submits the form data and PDF file though a POST. Using Fi...

How to write a WCF REST service that image data can be POSTed to?

I've been looking for examples for how to write a WCF REST service that allows image data to be POSTed to. I may be missing something (I generally am), but does anyone know how to do it? Is it as simple as getting the HTTP request from inside your WCF REST service, and extracting the binary data? If so, is there an example as to how to d...

Image response via POST

Hi, I am getting an image via a post request. How do I show the same on web using javascript. Is it possible to handle binary data using javascript? ...

POSTing to https form not always working...

On my site I have a simple login form. The page is served via HTTP, but the form's POST URL is HTTPS. The normal method is that the user fills in their username/password, the form is submitted (to the fully qualified HTTPS URL, on the same site), and then the POST processing does a 303 redirect to the users' homepage. But sometimes this...

How do you POST to a page using the PHP header() function?

I found the following code on here that I think does what I want, but it doesn't work: $host = ""; $path = "/path/to/script.php"; $data = "data1=value1&data2=value2"; $data = urlencode($data); header("POST $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"); header("Host: $host\r\n"); header("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"); head...

Load results from a GET/POST request in

I want to develop a program that uses an online API, with GET and POST requests, and I want to know how to make the requests within the program (without the user seeing a web page), and then download the results into the program so I can parse them ...

Rails Remote Form does not post form parameters.

Hello, my question involves the following partial view with a remote form: <% remote_form_for :phone_number, :url => {:controller => "edit", :action => "add_phone_number" }, :update => "phone_number_div" do |form| %> <%= form.text_field :number%> <%= :type, PhoneNumber::PHONE_TYPE%> <%= submit_tag "Add" %> <% end %> ...