
PL/SQL (mod_plsql): Accept parameters only from POST, not GET requests?

Hi, I'm working on an application that uses mod_plsql with Oracle 10G to generate web pages via PL/SQL stored procedures called directly from the web browser. I'm looking for a way to only accept parameters via POST requests, and not GET requests. Ie, in PHP I would only want the value of $_POST['parameter_name'] and not $_GET['paramete...

PHP array problem

Hello. I'm sending some data over AJAX to a PHP file. It's about filter options. Anyway, I am sending it like this: filter[0][data][type] string filter[0][data][value] automobiles filter[0][field] product filter[1][data][type] numeric filter[1][data][value] 6000 filter[1][field] price This above is taken from FireBug console. Then,...

Is data sent via HTTP POST when the Server does not exist?

I work for a large-ish advertising company. We've created a very lightweight clone of the PayPal IPN so we can offer CC Processing services for our top advertisers. Like the PP IPN, it's a simple RESTful interface. I deliberately instructed our admin guys to configure the vhost for this web app to only respond to requests on port 443...

HTTP POST to external ASPX form causing a HTTP 405 error in some cases

I have a situation where we're aggregating what amounts to marketing data from N number of clients, where a client can host a HTML form using any backend of their choice, each with the action of the form pointing to a path that we're hosting. Each client has a different URL, there's no auth (but there is some simple validation of the da...

Are https URLs encrypted?

Are all URL's encrypted when using SSL(https) encryption? I would like to know because I want all URL data to be hidden when using SSL(https). If SSL gives you total URL encryption then I don't have to worry about hiding confidential information form URLs. ...

Catch blank (including all-whitespace) form submissions

If have a problem on my site that users can post empty messages if they use space. Code: if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // check for empty fields if (empty($_POST['headline']) || empty($_POST['text']) || empty($_POST['forum_id'])) { header("Refresh: 2; url=/add-thread"); die('You must fill out every field.'); ...

cURL changing the URL after POST

I am doing an HTTP POST using cURL $url = "http://localhost:8080/~demo/cgi-bin/execute/100"; //open connection $ch = curl_init(); //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,count($data)); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data); //execute post $result = curl_exec($c...

ashx handler post issue

I'm getting some confusing results around myCustom.ashx handler. If i visit the handler via the browser: Token.Instance.User.UserId = 162 // which is correct If i post to the handler: Token.Instance.User.UserId = 163 // a new user is generated. It's seems like when i post it creates a new session. extra info: public class myCus...

When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them?

I think the title is my question. I would like to know what's the difference when using GET or POST method in php. Which one is more secure? What are dis/advantages of each of them? Thanks EDIT: I also found similar question to this one here. ...


Whats the use of HTTP GET method if POST can handle many of the issues of GET? ...

Upload arbitrary data in HTTP Post in Flex

We currently have a Java applet that generates a lot of data and uploads it to our servers. One of the upload methods we have is to use an HTTP POST to our server, the contents of which are just the raw data (no multipart encoding or anything). I'm looking at implementing a Flex app that does the same thing, but I don't see a way to du...

what is the correct way to send post data with cURL in PHP?

when using cURL in php to send data in a POST, you use set the cURL option CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS to the data here's some example data array('foo'=>'bar','ninja'=>'pirate') now here's where i'm confused. half of the example code i've seen do some preprocessing on the array, and encode and smush the data into a properly formatted url strin...

$.post() doesn't have time to run?

I'm trying to send data from a form to an external script prior to submitting the form, yet I cannot seem to get the data to reach the external script unless I return false; on the form itself. $(document).ready(function(){ // Handle Form-Submission $("#mainForm").submit(function(){ // Reset Error Array errors = new ...

How to login to HTML form using POST vars in C# (.NET)?

Hi, For example, there is this website: On the right, there is login and password, I'd like my application to login to this web application and retrieve the data from my own account to C# (.NET) application and work with it. The aim is to keep the "logged in" connection alive and send vars using POST method. Is there any tu...

post forms with yahoo pipes?

is it possible to submit forms with yahoo pipes? i basically need to log in somewhere, and get some stuff from the members area of a website into a feed. ...

HTTP Post in C# console app doesn't return the same thing as a browser request

I have a C# console app (.NET 2.0 framework) that does an HTTP post using the following code: StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder(100); postData.Append("post.php?"); postData.Append("Key1="); postData.Append(val1); postData.Append("&Key2="); postData.Append(val2); byte[] dataArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData.ToString()); ...

consecutive, not concurrent jQuery AJAX posts

I'm probably missing something obvious, but I don't seem to be able to get my AJAX posts to run consecutively instead of concurrently with jQuery. ad_numbers is an array of numeric IDs. $(ad_numbers).each(function() { ad_number = $.trim(this); if(!ad_number) { return true; } $.post('/fetch.php', { ad_number: ad_number }, functi...

Read Post Data submitted to ASP.Net Form

I have a working login form in an application. Standard stuff with a username and password text box and a button to process the login. Works fine. I have a new requirement to allow the user to input the username and password from a separate plain html page that is not a part of my application. I plan on achieving this...

HTTP POST Returns The Error: 417 "Expectation Failed." (C#) (RESOLVED)

Hi. I'm trying to login to a website using HTTP POST method. I've inspected and altered the POST data while logging in to the website and I came to the conclusion that only the two "username" and "password" fields are required to be passed as POST data to the login page, I removed all other headers namely user-agent, Referer etc and stil...

Submitting Data via GET with "Snoopy" in PHP

I'm trying to send data to a url via GET in PHP. I've decided to go with the Snoopy Class after receiving an answer to another question here. The thing is, I cannot seem to find very good documentation/examples for the methods in this class. I see the ->httprequest() method, but I don't see where I can add an array of values along with ...