
How to display an .rtf file in a Powershell RichTextBox

I want to display the content of an RTF file in a Powershell RichTextBox. I am trying to make a kind of custom EULA, and the easiest way to do it would be to write the content in an RTF file and then have it display in a RichTextBox on my form, so the user has to click a checkbox to accept it. (I'm sure this sits between ServerFault an...

Enumerating cmdlets in an assembly using Powershell

I have an assembly that contains cmdlets. Can Powershell enumerate the cmdlets available in that assembly, without relying on reflection? It seems that I should be able to do this with Get-Module, which returns a PSModuleInfo object that has an ExportedCmdlets property, but I can't seem to get results from it with my assembly, though I...

Powershell hashtable problem

I'm writing a script to take a string of letters and convert them to phonetic values. The problem I'm having is that I am unable to reference a value in a hashtable (see error below). I'm not sure why as the code looks fine to me. Index operation failed; the array index evaluated to null. At C:\Scripts\test.ps1:8 char:23 + write-hos...

Can PowerShell (or script) on Windows / Mac / Ubuntu list file / directory structure easily?

Can PowerShell on Windows by itself or using simple shell script, list files and directory this way: (or using Mac OS X or Ubuntu's shell script) audio mp3 song1.mp3 some other song.mp3 audio books 7 habits.mp3 video samples up.mov cars.mov Unix's ls -R or ls -lR can't seem to list it in a tree structure unf...

How to load variable from one PowerShell script to another?

I have a main script that is calling on several others scripts and I need to load the variables from the other scripts into the main script so that I can dump them into a html file. I tried dot sourcing the scripts I am calling on but that did not work or I am doing something wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Example section of sc...

Finding starting row number of a range name of Excel

Hi, In an Excel worksheet, I have a range name "LOOPBACK_IP". I want to programmatically find the starting row of this range name. With Powershell, if I want to find the value of this range, I use (after assigning $ws variable a worksheet): write-host $ws.Range("LOOPBACK_IP").Value2 But to find the location (i.e. row, column) of a r...

How to capture multiple regex matches, from a single line, into the $matches magic variable in Powershell?

Let's say I have the string "blah blah F12 blah blah F32 blah blah blah" and I want to match the F12 and F32, how would I go about capturing both to the Powershell magic variable $matches? If I run the following code in Powershell: $string = "blah blah F12 blah blah F32 blah blah blah" $string -match "F\d\d" The $matches variable onl...

How can I verify signature of a Powershell .ps1 script using C#?

I have some signed .ps1 script, I need to verify they are properly signed from a C# project, is there any algorithm or library to do this? Thanks! ...

Use PowerShell to stop-process, can i bypass confirm?

Hi All, I'm a powershell newbie, but I often find myself starting and stopping a small group of services when I'm debugging some code. In Powershell I can easily stop the processes using a wildcard but it makes me confirm. There is a -confirm parameter, but I must not be using it correctly? `Stop-Process -ProcessName alcore.* -Confirm` ...

[Powershell] Comparing a directory's parent against another directory in a where pipe

Imagine I have a directory structure like so: parentDir\dirA\foo\ parentDir\dirB\foo\ parentDir\dirC\ parentDir\dirD\bar\foo\ parentDir\dirE\foo\ parentDir\dirF\ I want to select only the directories that a) are immediate children of parentDir, and b) have a foo directory as an immediate child. So dirs A, B, and E qualify, whilst C, ...

Powershell help, if process exists, stop it, else start a service??

Hi All, I'm pretty new to Powershell. I have 2 different scripts I'm running that I would like to combine into one script. Script 1 has 1 line Stop-Process -ProcessName alcore.* -force It's purpose is to end any process that begines with "alcore." Script 2 has 1 line as well Start-Service -displayname crk* It starts any service ...

How to set Windows Services permissions from Powershell?

I need to grant a specific account SERVICE_START permissions for a given Windows service. There seems to be some methods for doing so here, but would prefer a method that's native to PowerShell and doesn't require external tools, for ex. by using Get/Set-ACL cmdlets, or calling some .NET API. Does someone know how to do it in that fash...

How to loop through variables?

I have a several scripts that are using PowerCLI to pull info from all of our virtual center servers and dumping into an HMTL file. At this time I have one script setup for each virtual center server, howerver I want to modify it so that I have one main script that will loop through each virtual center and create a HTML for each one inst...

Exchange 2010 PowerShell snap-ins

Hi everyone, can anybody tell me where I could possibly find the PowerShell snap-ins for Microsoft Exchange 2010. Of course I could just install Exchange 2010 management tools on my machine but I'd rather not for the sake of a smaller footprint etc. ;-) Regards, Kevin ...

Accessing wcf web service with powershell2

I'm trying to write a cmdlet that accesses one of my wcf webservices. I've been looking at the new cmdlet : New-WebServiceProxy, but it only really seems capable of consuming ASMX webservices. I've seen this article; which is focussed around Powershell v1.0 I'd rather use a better method (if one exists). http://keithhill.spaces.live.co...

How to start a console-based process and apply a custom title using Powershell

I am converting an old cmd command to Powershell, and currently use: START "My Title" Path/To/ConsoleApp.exe This works as expected to launch ConsoleApp with My Title as it's window title. This has been replaced with Start-Process which works correctly, but does not provide a mechanism to change the title. Is there another way to do ...

[powershell] Concisely parsing a pipe

I have lots of text output from a tool that I want to parse in Powershell 2.0. The output is nicely formatted so I can construct a regex to pull out the data I want using select-string. However getting the subsequent matches out of select-string seems long-winded. There has to be a shorter way? This works: p4 users | select-string "...

Exchange 2010 TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes() always empty

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create simple reports on Exchange 2010 mailbox size. While this works: Get-MailboxStatistics -server <serverfqdn> |ft displayname, TotalItemSize this doesn't (second column stays empty): Get-MailboxStatistics -server <serverfqdn> |ft displayname, {$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes()} The problem is that ...

Accessing Sharepoint UserProfile Properties with Powershell script

The following script spits out all UserProfile properties for users on Sharepoint 2007: [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Server") [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles") # Function: Get-UserProfiles # Description: return a Use...

PowerShell Add-PSSnapIn from an advanced (cmdlet) function

Hi, I would like to create an advancedmodule with a cmdlet function which performs some logic and adds some pssnapins. This is the code: function Add-DefaultSnapIns { [CmdletBinding()] param() begin {} process{ # ... Add-PsSnapIn SnapInName } end {} } export-module -function Add-DefaultSnapIns If I invoke the function from an...