
How do I print a non-null-terminated string using printf?

How can I print a non-null-terminated string using printf, assuming that I know the length of the string at runtime? ...

Why does my output only print if there is another print after it?

Interesting little bug here: if (host != NULL) { printf("hi"); } else { printf("FAIL"); } return 0; doesn't print anything at all, but: if (host != NULL) { printf("hi"); } else { printf("FAIL"); } fprintf(stdout, "\n%s\n", (char *)&additionalargs); return 0; prints hi abc Does anyone know why this is?...

Can I display the value of an enum with printf()?

Is there a one-liner that lets me output the current value of an enum? ...

Horizontal scroll in a bash window

I used printf to output a columnar display of a text file. However the length I wanted will cause the columns to flow into the next line. I've been searching for a flag or workaround that will make the console window scroll and could only come across the following: set horizontal-scroll-mode On It's right under the #! /bin/bash line,...

Pointers, Arrays, printf

I'm trying to use an array to hold inputs for a survey that will have equal positive values on each side, but have a pointer point to the center of the array so negative pointer values can be used to access the array. For example, the array would hold values from 0 to 30, the pointer would point to 15, and the user would be prompted t...

sprintf url formatting in javascript

Hey guys, how do i write a function in javascript that can get the current url eg: and depending on a user selection choice, appends another parameter to the url like: http://localhost/buyamonline/apps/category.php?pg=1&catId=3021&limit=5 but heres the catch: Eve...

Learning Pointers in C

I have been cutting my teeth for the past 48 hours or so trying to implement this hash table function in C. My code is rather long (I realize it is not the most efficient, some of it is more me playing around with C to get a feel for how it works etc). The problem I am having is with the last line of my main program at the bottom (prin...

Storing/Comparing u_char passed to function

I have a simple function that passes a variable "var" as a u_char array. I have no difficulty printing that array. printf("%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x", var[0], var [1], var[2], var[3], var[4], var[5]); Prints the mac address out just the way I like it. I cannot for the life of me figure out the proper way to store this...

How does printf work?

Hello, I looked over but couldn't find a decent answer. I was wondering how printf works in case like this: char arr[2] = {5,6}; printf ("%d%d",arr[0],arr[1]); I was thinking that printf just walks through the format and when it encouter %d for example it reads 4 bytes from the it's current position... however that's gotta be misco...

is it possible to reproduce python's string interpolation in ocaml?

In python, one can use printf like formatting with the "%" operator: "i am %d years old" % 99 or "%s is %d years old" % ("bob", 101) Is there a way to get the same concise syntax in Ocaml, for arbitrary numbers of arguments? For a single argument, the following works: let (%) = Printf.sprintf in ... "i am %d years old" % 99 Is ...

Printf - access violation reading location - C++

0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xcccccccc. printf is throwing this exception. I don't know why this is happening... There are values in those string variables. Am I using printf wrong? Help! (Please see the switch case) string header; string body; string key; if (!contactList.isEmpty()) { cout << "Enter conta...

C++ - gcc - how to create my own custom compile warnings similar to printf() ?

howdy. apologies in advance if i use poor terminology. when i compile a C++ app under gdb and use printf() it gives me awesome warnings relating to the consistency of the format string and the arguments passed in. eg, this code: printf("%s %s", "foo"); results in a compiler warning "too few arguments for format", which is super-use...

Emulate floating point string conversion behaviour of Linux on Windows

I've encountered an annoying problem in outputting a floating point number. When I format 11.545 with a precision of 2 decimal points on Windows it outputs "11.55", as I would expect. However, when I do the same on Linux the output is "11.54"! I originally encountered the problem in Python, but further investigation showed that the diff...

Is there a way to specify how many characters of a string to print out using printf()?

Is there a way to specify how many characters of a string to print out (similar to decimal places in ints) printf ("Here are the first 8 chars: %s\n", "A string that is more than 8 chars"); Would like it to print: "Here are the first 8 chars:A string" ...

How to print out a BST in C++

My C++ program creates a binary search tree. I know how to print out the values in pre-order, post-order, and in-order. However, I want to do something a little more difficult. I want to print out the values the way they would look if someone drew the tree on paper. It would have the root at the center at the top, it's left child rig...

How do i format the output in C?

Hello I have this code for a school assignment, but i can't manage to format it. When i run the program i keep getting 1.27768e-307. lp->price is a double with the value of 1000000.0000000000 printf("Price of flat: %g\n", lp->price); Any ideas? The other double values gets formatted correctly, just not price. ...

how do I printf a long? Shouldn't this work? %li

I read the documentation and it says that a long is %li but the print out comes back as -2147024891. What gives? ...

Printing unsigned long long using %d

Why do I get -1 when I print the following? unsigned long long int largestIntegerInC = 18446744073709551615LL; printf ("largestIntegerInC = %d\n", largestIntegerInC); I know I should use llu instead of d, but why do I get -1 instead of 18446744073709551615LL? Is it because of overflow? ...

C printf using %d and %f

I was working on this program and I noticed that using %f for a double and %d for a float gives me something completely different. Anybody knows why this happens? int main () { float a = 1F; double b = 1; printf("float =%d\ndouble= %f", a, b); } This is the output float = -1610612736 double = 1903598371927661359216126713647498937...

How can I include a variable in a Perl printf expression?

How can I include a variable in a printf expression? Here's my example: printf "%${cols}s", $_; Where $cols is the number of columns and $_ is a string. The statement results in an "Invalid conversion" warning. The problem ended up being that I forgot to chomp the variable. Gah. Thanks everyone. ...