
How to use printf in C and what should my code be printing out?

I am new to C and I am trying to figure out what the printf method does. I have this little bit of code and I keep getting errors when I use the %x for example printf(“a) %x\n”, px); x% is for hex, Am i just using the wrong type here or is something else going on? what should the code I have below be printing out? int x = 10; int y = 2...

Reuse of va_list

I need to do two (or more) passes over a va_list. I have a buffer of some size, and I want to write a formatted string with sprintf into it. If the formatted string doesn't fit in the allocated space I want to double the allocated space and repeat until it fits. (As a side-note, i would like be able to calculate the length of the format...

java repeat character

Hi Guys, I am a java beginner, please keep that in mind. I have to make a program that reads a number, and then displays that amount of exclamation mark "!". This is what i have: import java.util.Scanner; import; class E_HerhaalKarakter1 { PrintStream out; E_HerhaalKarakter1 () { out = new PrintStream(System...

Is there a free implementation of printf for .net?

The problems: I can't use string.Format, I have C style format strings; I can't call the native printf (no P/Invoke); I can't use because of the license, I need something GPL-compatible. Is there a free implementation of printf/sprintf for the .net framework? Other ...

Where is `%p` useful with printf?

After all, both these statements do the same thing... int a = 10; int *b = &a; printf("%p\n",b); printf("%x\n",b); So, is there some good use of the %p option? ...

How does this program work?

#include <stdio.h> int main() { float a = 1234.5f; printf("%d\n", a); return 0; } It displays a 0!! How is that possible? What is the reasoning? I have deliberately put a %d in the printf statement to study the behaviour of printf. ...

Why doesn't this short OCaml snippet with Printf.printf work?

I'm a OCaml newbie. I'm playing around with "hello world" type snippets and came across this situation. Here's a session with the interpreter with some extra comments: # let average a b = (a +. b) /. 2.;; val average : float -> float -> float = <fun> # average 1. 4.;; - : float = 2.5 # string_of_float (average 1. 4.);; - : string = "...

printf question with a const char* variable

Hi, I am stuck in a printf problem. I would appreciate if I can get some help here: In the below code, I can see the font family get displaced correctly in first printf(), but if I set it to variable, i only get an empty string. How can I put it in a variable and have the right values? I just don't want to type '

input-output in C

double d; scanf("%f", &d); printf("%f", d); result: input: 10.3 output: 0.00000 Why? i think output should be 10.3 visual studio 2008. ...

How to convert a double to a string without using the CRT

Hi everybody. My question has no practical application. I'm just interested. Suppose, I have a double value and I want to obtain its string representation similarly to the printf function. How would I do that without the C runtime library? Let's suppose I'm on the x86 architecture. ...

Getting printf() to drop the trailing ".0" of values

If the float contains "5.12345", display only "5.1" If the float contains "5.0", display only 5 (drop the ".0") If the float contains "5.0176", display only 5 (drop the ".01") I thought printf() could do something like this... but now I can't seem to get it to work. ...

printf of a size_t variable with lld, ld and d type identifiers

Hi All, I wrote this tiny code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { size_t temp; temp = 100; printf("lld=%lld, ld=%ld, u=%u\n", temp, temp, temp); return 0; } I am running this on a i386 GNU/Linux machine with gcc version 4.1.1 20070105 (Red Hat 4.1.1-52). This is the output that I got: lld=429496729700, ld=100, u=7993...

Unexpected result from printf

#include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("He %c llo",65); } Output: He A llo #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("He %c llo",13); } Output: llo. It doesnt print He. I can understand that 65 is ascii value for A and hence A is printed in first case but why llo in second case. Thanks ...

How does printf handle its arguments ?

How does printf handle its arguments? I know that in C# I can use params keyword to do something similar but I can't get it done in C ? ...

How can I get colored output with printf and Perl's Term::ANSIColor?

Hello, is there a way to get with printf colored output? #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Term::ANSIColor; printf "%4.4s\n", colored( '0123456789', 'magenta' ); Output: (only newline) ...

C/C++ definitions of functions

Yesterday, I have been watching discussion here, about compilers and linkers. It was about C library function definitions. I have never thought of that, so it inspired me to do some searching, but I cannot find exactly what I want. I wonder, what is the smallest syntax you need to add into your source code to enable just printf() functio...

C function changes behaviour depending on whether it has a call to printf in it

I have a function that processes some data and finds the threshold that classifies the data with the lowest error. It looks like this: void find_threshold(FeatureVal* fvals, sampledata* data, unsigned int num_samples, double* thresh, double* err, int* pol) { //code to calculate minThresh, minErr, minPol omitted printf("minThresh...

What is the difference between printf() and puts() in C?

First up, I should let you know that I am learning C, so my apologies if this question seems stupid to a more advanced developer. I know you can print with printf() and puts(). I can also see that printf() allows you to embed variables inside and do some stuff like formatting. Is puts() merely a primitive version of printf(). Should it...

Centering strings with printf()

By default, printf() seems to align strings to the right. printf("%10s %20s %20s\n", "col1", "col2", "col3"); /* col1 col2 col3 */ I can also align text to the left like this: printf("%-10s %-20s %-20s", "col1", "col2", "col3"); Is there a quick way to center text? Or do I have to write a funct...

sprintf in Delphi?

Hi there! Does anyone know a 100% clone of the C/C++ printf for Delphi? Yes, I know the System.Format function, but it handles things a little different. For example if you want to format 3 to "003" you need "%03d" in C, but "%.3d" in Delphi. I have an application written in Delphi which has to be able to format numbers using C format...