
Integrating Legacy UI with PRISM

Hi, We are currently developing Sliverlight 4.0 based web application using PRISM 4.0 for Sliverlight 4.0. This web UI is a composite application consists of Legacy UI developed by some 3rd party and in-house developed UI. Can someone suggest how to integrate the Legacy UI in to the Shell? Docuemntation says its possible but doesn't me...

What is the better way to use WPF,WCF,PRISM

hi, I'm developing an EMR Application as my project. there Im using WCF to transfer all the data from the centralized server , WPF for the UI and PRISM to build modules. I have 3 projects in my solution for WPF/PRISM application The Main project(mainApplication) where the shell and bootsrapper are. Class library(modulesLib) to hold ...

Minimal references to PRISM/MVVM to have the support for commands

Hi, I am looking for information to which PRIMS/MVVM ddls I have to reference to in my project to have available Prism/MVVM functionality for handling Commands. I plan to use only this part of the frameworks. Regards, Wojtek ...

Is this an acceptable practice of managing views in a WPF application using Prism?

I am writing an WPF MVVM application using Prism. A couple days ago I asked about best practices for managing different views and didn't get a whole lot of feedback. Sense then I have come up with a system that seems to work, but I want to make sure I wont get bit down the road. I followed the tutorials at http://development-guides.silv...

WPF Prism and the Ribbon Control

I am working on a line of business application for our company and I came across Prism. I have never worked with it before but the concepts it talks about sound a lot like what I did for the last project in Winforms. I had a ShellForm and then multiple User Controls. Anyway, assuming I am not seriously misunderstanding what Prism is ...

WPF Prism Assembly StrongNaming.

I am trying to strong name my WPF assemblies to add to the GAC. I have references to the to the prim assemblies in my project and the compilation fails with Error 1 Assembly generation failed -- Referenced assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Presentation' does not have a strong name What am I missing? I do understand what is h...

Prism 4.0 compatible with WP7 (windows phone 7)?

Hi there, Does anyone know if the latest drop (i beleive its 6) of prism v4.0 is compatible with WP7? Actually really all i am interested in currently is the MVVM implementation / support that comes with prism 4.0 ... So would this be compatible with WP7? Any help really appreciated ...

Prism App in Silverlight 4 with Centralized Validation

I have a Silverlight 4 Application using the Prism Pattern. I have 3 Views, a main menu, navigation and the form view. If I click on a navigation item I would like to be able to validate the model in my form view. Is there a way to create some sort of central validation so that if I wanted to validate the form view upon clicking or mak...

How to implement undo/redo in a MVVM application?

I'm working on a Silverlight LoB app which the designers want to have a tabbed-interface, similar to the interface of Visual Studio (we'll probably use the Telerik Rad controls for docking tabs). Having done a prototype, the interface is working well so far, but I'm having problems thinking of how to implement undo/redo functionality in ...

Best way to dynamically add / remove views in Prism + Silverlight.

Does Prism have built-in support for having "groups" of views? If so, how is it done? What I'd like to do is have one regin, call it WizardRegion, where I can have different types of wizards load into that region. Let's assume I have two different wizards: signup and dowork. And each wizard has four pages or views. If I do the normal Reg...

Switching main view with PRISM

hi Does anyone know of good tutorial how to switch what module is viewed in main region if i would have a win client that consist of 5 regions, Toolbar, Sidebar (with menu), footer and main regions. I would want to have menu and when i pressed menuitem1 or menuitem1 it would load ModuleA og ModuleB in the main region. this would be ha...

Best/standard method for slowing down Silverlight Prism module loading (for testing)

During localhost testing of modular Prism-based Silverlight applications, the XAP modules download too fast to get a feel for the final result. This makes it difficult to see where progress, splash-screens, or other visual states, needs to be shown. What is the best (or most standard) method for intentionally slowing down the loading of...

Supporting multiple "display modes" menu in a Silverlight Prism application

Assume a standard Desktop Explorer style app: menu at top navigation tree on left item view on right and everything is neatly separated into Menu, Navigation and Item modules. The menu has a generic "View" -> "Display mode" menu selection, that changes the current item view between: "Icon view" "List view" "Detail view" To catch...

Prism and MVVM for new WPF project

I will be starting a new project soon and am looking for some architectural advice from those of you who have experience with WPF, Prism, and MVVM. The project will definitely be WPF and I will be implementing MVVM (I will likely use Josh Smith's MVVM Foundation as a starting point) in order to be able to benefit from the separation of ...

PRISM/CAL ModuleCatalog question - binding Modules to a Menu

Hi, in my test application, the ModuleCatalog is populated from the specified directory with all my modules in it. What I'd like to do is to add the name of all these moudles to a Menu as menuitems, e.g. if I have 3 modules in the directory, the menu will show 3 menuitems with the name of modules. I thought I can get the list of ModuleIn...

Can someone suggest a good workflow for working with WPF and PRISM?

I've worked with PRISM on one major project before so I'm pretty familiar with the concepts involved but I'm about to embark on a self managed project and was wondering if anyone has any pearls of wisdom about how to go about implementing an appropriate architecture for a straight forward LOB/Forms over data app. I'll want to leverage as...

MultiBinding with Prism/RibbonControl causing converter to fire early

<inf:WorkspaceContent.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <commands:CommandReference x:Key="CompareCommandReference" Command="{Binding CompareCommand}"/> <converters:FlowDocumentConverter x:Key="FlowDocConverter"/> </ResourceDictionary> </inf:WorkspaceContent.Resources> <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <Grid.RowDef...

Prism wfh pass entity to modal for modal View

Hi guys, I'm using the MVVM pattern with Prism 2.0 framework and WPF. I've run into a problem with a modal Window and initializing a ViewModel using Events. In my module I have some code that creates an object which I then want to pass this into my ViewModel so that the View can bind to it's properties. Normally I'd use the EventAggreg...

Custom WPF control with Unity failing to resolve

public class RichTextBoxExtended : RichTextBox { static RichTextBoxExtended() { //DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(RichTextBoxExtended), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(RichTextBoxExtended))); } public byte[] Text { get { return (byte[])GetValue(TextProperty); } set { SetVa...

Show progress indicator while downloading Prism modules ondemand

I have a Silverlight 4 app using Prism 2.2 and I have a few modules that I am loading on demand by defining them as ondemand in the module catalog (via a xaml file) and then using the ModuleManager to request the module be downloaded Is there a mechanism in Prism to determine when the module download is completed and get to download pro...