
Childwindows in MVVM

Hi I'm having a problem understanding something about MVVM. My application relies on dialogs for certain things. The question is, where should these childwindows originate from? According to MVVM, viewmodels should contain only businesslogic and have zero actual knowledge about UI. However, what other place should I call my childwindows...

Prism - Do I really need to use a Prism region manager?

I am building an application based on the WPF Application Framework (WAF). I think the framework has most of what I need but if there are any opportunities for making things easier for me then I'd like to take full advantage of them. I've been looking at Prism and I think my application might benefit from using some of the library featur...

Prism Modules - Why do I need them

For a mid sized application that makes use of MEF catalogs is there really any advantage in my using Prism modules rather than just putting the different functionality into different class libraries. I just can't see why I would need to use Modules. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks, Richard ...

WPF and ADO.NET EF - error part II

Hi, I have added the connection string to the App.config of a main executable in my wpr, prism application and I get the following error: System.TypeInitializationException was unhandled Message=The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.Logger' threw an exception. Source=Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLi...

Define Global variable In SilverLight with Prism Pattern?

HI Let me explain about my problem: I have a Silver-Light application developed base on Prism. In This app we need to use User/Password (Authenticate Our user`s) for separating permission levels. So for Doing this We wrote method in Service App (WCF web service) for detecting user and if User is valid-one, user can use App. After tha...

Disposing scopedregionmanager

Hi I am having some dificulties regarding my application design. I have a module that is resposible for creating scopedregionmanagers based on the outside xaml in which i define regions. When I inject those outside xaml-s i create scoped regionmanagers and then i register them in the container: detailregionmanager = regionmanager1.Regio...

ReBind Controls using PRISM pattern in Silverlight

I have been trying to work with the Composite Application Library (Prism) and I have set up a pretty standard pattern that I have followed off Microsoft's tutorial. Basically, the View is injected into the Region. The View is dynamically built, adding controls and so forth all programmatically. I have a command that gets fired and on p...

WPF Prism and Ribbon samples/tutorials

Hi, I'm looking for a WPF prism with ribbon application samples and tutorials. I have found many that cover prism or ribbon but only a few sources provide any information about implementating those two together in one application. No course code usually in available tough. An example with a few simple modules and a classical ribbon tab c...

WPF how to integrate Ribbon in prism applications

Hi, I'm writing a prism application and would like to integrate Ribbon library in it. I want a Ribbon Window that would be used as a Shell with office-like tabs and tab groups. The modules should be loaded on demand depending on the tab selected by user. I don't want the tabs to be located in a region if this is avoidable. So I created a...

PRISM and WPF how to add a module on demand

Hi, I have a set of tabs in my shell window and one main region whicxh is a contentcontrol. I also have four modules that I want to load on demand when a certain tab is selected. So when tab1 is selected I want to load moduleA, when tab2 is selected I want to load ModuleB, etc. The first module loads on when the application starts. The p...

Validation with DataAnnotations in Silverlight getting a ResolutionFailedException.

I am trying to make a small proof of concept example that employs validation for my model, using the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace. What I am trying to do here, is make sure that user input is between a specified range, using the supplied [Range] attribute. I get a run-time exception that says Resolution of the depend...

How Change Something in View from Presentation in Prism?

Hi I want to change something in view(user-control) class from itself Presentation class. For example i want to change button content from Presentation. @Extra Info: change something refer to make a change in Controls-visual or something like that. so How I do That? ...

dont work eventAggregator in silverlight between two module

hi, i have a prism silverlight app that for communication between views i used eventAgregator. my problem is when i use eventAgregator between two view in single module that work. but when i use that between two views in two moduls that dont work. what is problem. ...

Prism shell template, two instances of ShellView being created

Started with a default Prism Shell project using and all was working as expected. I began making changes and modifications and now the application is started twice, however the protected override DependencyObject CreateShell() method in the Bootstrapper is only ...

What is the best way to integrate Prism region management with WPF's Navigation Services?

I have a Prism (CAL) shell with defined regions. Each region is responsible for its Navigation Journal and some regions will inherit from the parent. The issue is that you cannot define Prism regions in a Frame's content template. What is the best approach for implementing NavigationServices in the Shell.xaml and playing nice with Pris...

WPF prism accessing view elements from shell

Hi, I have a shell with some buttons and tabs and a few modules in my application. Each module has a view with some elements like datagrids, stackpanels, text boxes, etc. They all have a name attribute. Now when I fire an event on a shell (like click a button) I would like to be able to something with those elements (like clearing all th...

how can config iis in windows 2003 server for silverlight 4 and .net 4.0

hi i made a prism silverligght app with SL 4.0 and .net 4.0 , i published app and put it on in iis and make that as web application on iis , when i browse .svc page or other page i give "The page cannot be found" error. i set mime types for .xap , .xaml , ... my os is windows server 2003 sp1 r2. what is problem? ...

Binding Commands Without Using the DataContext [silverlight+prism]

Hello I have a problem with binding commands to button inside datagrid. Here should be explanation but it doesn't explain everything. What should be in classes in namespace Infrastructure? Can somebody show me a really basic sample of using this? not just parts of the code... ...

With WPF Prism can you prevent two modules from trying to use the same region simultaneously?

Here is the overview of what I am trying to do. I have a region in the shell that is used for application modal dialogs. When a module wants to launch an application modal dialog it loads a custom Lightbox control into the region and fills it with the content I want to display (warning, wizards, etc). I have the region defined in the s...

MAF vs. MEF vs. Prism

I watching some tutorials for MEF or Prism with Silverlight but was also doing some MAF work (System.AddIn) on the side and thought that might work also. I see that Prism and MEF are pretty much the same thing but Prism having the event aggregator. Does anybody have thoughts on how well MAF works with Silverlight? ...