
Algorithm putting point into square with maximal minimum distance

I'm stuck on this: Have a square. Put n points into this square so the minimal distance (not necessary the average distance) is the highest possible. I'm looking for an algorithm which would be able to generate the coordinates of all points given the count of them. Example results for n=4;5;6: Please don't mention computing-power ba...

Javascript not working IE any version

Hey everyone. I am having some issues on my end and hopefully it's just something on my end but, could someone take a look at REMOVED SINCE FIXED in IE and let me know if you can see what is wrong. Please check it out first in FF or Chrome or Safari because it all works fine in those browsers. The two scripts I am using are a custom-ish...

Galleria problem Google chrome

I am using galleria for , but the script works well with IE8, Opera, and FF but in Chrome the full site goes to the dogs. Thanks for any suggestions ...

Problem with bluetooth service in J2ME don't discoverable

Hi! I try to create a service with: LocalDevice localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice(); localDevice.setDiscoverable(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC); String url = "btl2cap://localhost:"+uuid.toString()+";name="+name+";authorize=true;authenticate=true;encrypt=true"; L2CAPConnectionNotifier notifier = (L2CAPConnectionNotifier)

htaccess hotlinking problem

Hi! Iam fighting following problem with little success. I want to block hotlinking to images in static folder from other domains than htaccess looks like this: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?my_domain\.com [NC] RewriteRule \.(gif|jpe?g|js|css)$ - [F,NC,L] Rewr...

Mono ASP.NET Oracle Connection

Hello to everybody, if i want to connect to orcale i became the following error: Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request. Stack Trace: System.DllNotFoundException: at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Data.OracleClient.Oci.OciCalls/OciNativeCalls.OCIEnvCreate (intptr&,System.Data.OracleClient.Oci.O...

JSON sorting problem in Python

Hi i've a problem with JSON in python. in fact if i try to execute this code, python gives me a sorted JSON string!! values = {'profile' : 'testprofile', 'format': 'RSA_RC4_Sealed', 'enc_key' : base64.b64encode(chiave_da_inviare), 'request' : base64.b64encode(data) } values_json = json.dumps(va...

Triangle rendering problem in directX

I am working with directX 9. I have a problem while rendering triangles using drawprimitive. The problem is - When I am rendering the whole object made of several triangles, the triangle having all points on a single line shows gap in a whole closed object. I am showing the image below. The white dashed line is the problem. ...

Javascript points calculating system

I trying to create a points calculating system with javascript, but the problem is with the mathematical part. I have saved on the server the points number, and based on that number I want to decide the level. Sorry for my bad english, I cant explain very well :D. I want something like: level 1 need 0 points level 2 needs 100 points leve...

You don't have permission fckeditor php

i upload fckeditor in myadmin and i also make upload files in $Config['UserFilesPath'] = '/uploadfiles/' ; i had also gave 777 permission in upload files and browse.html but when i want to upload files there is showing error as below "You don't have permission to access /wealthfinance/admin/fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/defaul...

iPhone SDK math - pythagorean theorem problem!

Just as a practice, I am working on an app that solves the famous middle school pythagorean theorem, a squared + b squared = c squared. Unfortunately, the out-coming answer has, in my eyes, nothing to do with the actual answer. Here is the code used during the "solve" action. - (IBAction)solve { int legoneint; int legtwoint; int hy...

Problem with share point login!

Hi all. I'm new bie in share point. To day, I used Share Point Designer to create new master page for my project, after that, I add my own user control. The problem is that whenever the page is postback, share point asks me to log in so many time?? I do not know what is reaseon? Does anyone have solution for this problem? Thanks PS: My E...

Twitter @anywhere API problems in firefox only

I've implemented a simple example of the Twitter @anywhere api to display user hovercards. The example works great in Internet Explorer and Chrome. However, whenever I the page loads in Firefox I receive the following message in an alert window: To set up @anywhere, please provide a client ID Surely if the results are correct in ...

Problem with Spring @Configuration class

Hi, i use class with @Configuration annotation to configure my spring application: @Configuration public class SpringConfiguration { @Value("${driver}") String driver; @Value("${url}") String url; @Value("${minIdle}") private int minIdle; // snipp .. @Bean(destroyMethod = "close") public DataSource dataSource() { ...

Problem in DLL update in .Net

My site stops working when I drop a new DLL in the bin of my virtual directory. It took to much time to work properly again. Sometimes I have to reset the IIS. Its happening since I upgraded my .Net framework from 1.1 to 3.5 ...

Problem with python urllib

I'm getting an error when ever I try to pull down a web page with urllib.urlopen. I've disabled windows firewall and my AV so its not that. I can access the pages in my browser. I even reinstalled python to rule out it being a broken urllib. Any help would be greatly appreciated. >>> import urllib >>> h = urllib.urlopen("

Jquery Calling lightbox from updated div not working

Hi! I'm working in a website were we update the content of a div using Jquery. Inside the content we use to update the div there are some buttons with jquery actions attached. The first time the document is loaded lightbox is OK, but after the div content is updated the jquery lightbox doesnt works. Any comments welcome ;) ...

IE HTML&CSS Display Problem

Hello, For some reason browsers other than firefox display page below without style. What's wrong? ...

Link doesn't let animation to end JQUERY

I create a div that when is clicked it executes an jquery script, but the problem I have is that in the animation there is a link, when you click on the link the links is execute as well as the animation but it does not let the animation to end. Is there a way to let know Jquery that when the links its executed wait for the animation to ...

postgres stored procedure problem

Hi all, Ich have a problem in postgres function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getVar(id bigint) RETURNS TABLE (repoid bigint, suf VARCHAR, nam VARCHAR) AS $$ declare rec record; BEGIN FOR rec IN (WITH RECURSIVE children(repoobjectid,variant_of_object_fk, suffix, variantname) AS ...