
C++ linker error when trying to compile a second module using Code::Blocks

So I'm trying to learn C++ and I've gotten as far as using header files. They really make no sense to me. I've tried many combinations of this but nothing so far has worked: Main.cpp: #include "test.h" int main() { testClass Player1; return 0; } test.h: #ifndef TEST_H_INCLUDED #define TEST_H_INCLUDED class testClass { ...

VideoView problem in 2.1 Emulator of Android?

Hi, I am using the code available here VideoView Example. This code runs properly on Android emulator 1.6 but not on 2.1. In 2.1 it only plays the audio and not video. I have gone through several other threads where this issue has been mentioned. I will like to know whether this problem is limited to emulator only or the devices also ...

IPhone Configuration utility not allowing a certain app to be installed with it

I'm building an app and using the iPhone config utility to add it to different devices. Dragging the app file from 'product' in xCode worked fine previously, but for some reason when I drag the app it never appears in the applications list of the utility. I downloaded some Apple source code, built it, and dragged across and it works fine...

Eclipse Android Mac 10.4 problem, dyld: Symbol not found: _open$UNIX2003

Hello I have just set up the Eclipse Android SDK environment. I tried creating a basic HelloWorld app by following this page As soon as i set up the project i get get this error in the console [2010-06-09 23:12:22 - Helloworld] dyld: Symbol not found: _open$UNIX2003 [2010-06...

CONFUSING : CGAffineTransform - rotation on uibutton resizes buttonimage ?! (iPad)

hi there, i've got a strange problem using uibuttons, type custom. i'm placing 4 of those buttons on a scrollview, rotating each button by a random angle using CGAffineTransform. now it seems, that the buttons itself change size depending on the angle of rotation. can't get this problem solved :( UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(tempCtxSiz...

Can not load external spreadsheet in flex builder

Hi! I imported two projects in Flex Builder 3 (A and B). Those two projects A and B are in the same folder and in mxml file which is located in A/src I have <mx:Style source="../../B/b/assets/b.css" /> this relative path is correct, but Flex Builder keeps showing message: "Problem finding external stylesheet: ../../B/b/assets/b.css"... login problem.

Hello, im building a web site with 2.0 framework. I've been "fighting" with web.config, i've changed it quiet some times. So to start from scracht this is what i have: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <configuration> <connectionStrings> <remove name="LocalSqlServer"/> <add name="ABC" connectionString="Database=jsilva...

Django: how to pass form variable to simple tag in template

Hello. I am trying to do some custom things in Django comments form. I have simple tag named "get_flatpage_by_id" that returns flatpage model data as array. This is working I expected: {% get_flatpage_by_id 14 as page %} It's returning flatpage that ID is 14. But this is not working, if I try to pass {{ }} (that ret...

problem while place the radio buttons inside the liview in android?

Dear Everyone, I have a listview with radio button. when i click any option and scroll that list view the previous select will cleared.How to do this. The actual problem is when scroll the view on every scorll the view is refreshed, that's why every time the view is refreshed. How to do this I can't get any solution, Plz. Help. Thanks &...

Error when deploying app to the device in iphone

Hi, I'm developing an app with SDK 3.1.2 and it runs in the simulator, but when I try to deploy it in the device it arise de following error: 2010-06-17 17:40:39.592 MyApp[2143:207] *** -[__NSCFDate dateInformation]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x21e6a0 2010-06-17 17:40:39.608 MyApp[2143:207] *** Terminating app due to unca...

.htaccess not working on my server

Hello, I'm working on my project and now I want to transfer it from my localhost to server. Everything seems to work fine, but .htaccess doesn't work. The server should be suporting mod_rewrite and print_r(apache_get_modules()); shows mod_rewrite running. But still, when I type, it shows error 404. Here is the ....

Encoding problem in phpMyAdmin. Specifically with records containing russian text.

I'm making small module/plugin for my future CMS/Framework. I wanted it from begining to be with multi-language support. I set my new database to utf8_unicode_ci (I read that it is more accurate, then utf8_general_ci) Set my files to UTF-8 without BOM Every page has in head Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8 When I register new us...

Drupal Chat Room Module live updating problem.

Okay so I have managed to install Drupal's Chat Room Module and also got it to working fine. By fine, I mean i can post messages in the chatroom, i can create chatroom, and invite people as well. However, let's say User A posts a message in the chatroom where Users B and C are also present, the two latter users (B and C) cannot see the m...

Eclipse key mappings confused

Hey, I'm trying to use eclipse on Win 7, but for some reason it is screwing up my keys. For example, when I press '{' it ends up displaying a '^'. Im pretty sure that this is what would happen if I had a french keyboard layout, but I'm pretty sure that my language settings in Windows 7 are set to use Canadian English. Firefox or notep...

Is there a way to get all tweets from twitter for a specified user?

I wanted to write a function for grabbing all tweets for specified user, but it returns only 20 most recent. I came up with something like that: function getTweets($user) { $page = file_get_contents("{$user}"); $from = strpos($page, "<ol id='timeline' class='statuses'>"); $to = strpos($page, "</ol>"); ...

Android gallery nextfocus not working

I am using gallery as below <Gallery android:nextFocusUp="@+id/zoom_out" xmlns:android="" android:id="@+id/icon_gallery_plate" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:spacing="10dip" android:background="@drawable/browse_slider_bar" a...

Java Custom ListCellRenderer casting problem (SSCCE included)

Hello all, I am trying to create a custom ListCellRenderer in order to give different foreground colors in each line, depending on the input of the jList. I am not an expert or anything, but I really can't figure this out. I get a casting error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast ...

NHibernate.MappingException: An association from the table table refers to an unmapped class: Int32

Hi, im starting whit Nhibernate and have managed to get a few examples working, but now the aplication im makin throws this exeption when Nhibernate load the configuration. NHibernate.MappingException: An association from the table TBL_MARCADAS refers to an unmapped class: Int32 at NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration.SecondPassCompileForeign...

A problem with using Smarty & Mysql & Jquery

Hi all .. I have a problem in using Samrtm Mysql and Jquery or Ajax and if I use a div auto reloader it shows a php error .. these are my files: accept.html (Template) {literal} <script type="text/javascript"> var auto_refresh = setInterval( function () { $('#invite').load('accept.php').fadeIn("slow"); }, 1000); </script> {/literal} <d... validation related problem

This event belongs to form view protected void companyForm_ItemInserting(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e) { some logic } I have some customValidator (server side) i want to know y i dont need to check page.isvalid property in above event... while in some events i have to check it otherwise event code is processed despi...