
Why can't any browser understand this link? (exept firefox)

Hy people. I'm working on my webapp for the iphone. On some point you have the option to get a particular document from our appserver. It works on firefox, but safari just shows an empty download window. IE also can't get the file. Below is the example link. Is there something wrong with a link of this kind that Safari can't see? ht...

PRoblem with select null option

Hallo all. I got a strange problem with this piece of code <select name="nazioni" id="nazioni"> <option selected="selected" value="val">Seleziona</option> <option value="0">text 1</option> <option value="1">test 2</option> </select> The correct behaviour is that with this html the selected option is the "Seleziona" On some brows...

UIView animation not working

I have the following code to do a UIView animation: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView:mapView.view cache:NO]; [self addSubview:detailView]; [mapView removeFromSuperview]; [UIView c...

sql server 2005 stored procedure unexpected behaviour

i have written a simple stored procedure (run as job) that checks user subscribe keyword alerts. when article posted the stored procedure sends email to those users if the subscribed keyword matched with article title. One section of my stored procedure is: OPEN @getInputBuffer FETCH NEXT FROM @getInput...

Struts Valuestack problem.....

Hello... Suppose that i have this link... http://localhost:8080/medilab/prototypes/exams/edit?; without at the request the <s:property value="" />" will output the correct string... Otherwise this parameter gets over the object:S:S:S:@ <s:property value="" />" <s:proper...

Why page_load is called twice in my web application?

Hi, I have already gone through some of the posts in many websites regarding page_load being called twice but my problem is little bit different from those. My problem is with the landing page of my web application. Initially in my website page_load for the landing page was getting called twice every time when it is loaded. Since my a...

Netbeans has Realy Bad FTP support , Forces me to download all Files even before I can continue

Hello Friends , have started using Netbeans recently after using Aptana, phpdesigner and Notepad++ . I love Netbeans for it's speed and it has almost everything I want except for the fact that the FTP support is really Bad. To start working on a FTP server , I have to download all the files to my localhost first which is such a waste of ...

jQuery - bad div size in IE

hello, I have a problem with sizes of divs - in Firefox everything is fine, but IE messes things up, I use only jquery show hide function which open div with other divs nested in it, you can see what I mean on - by choosing any option on the bottom, a div opens up, where you have a submenu opening up jScrollPanes, th...

iPhone MailComposer class UIViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated issues

I created a class to launch the MailComposer so that my iPhone app would only have one place to go when generating various kinds of e-mail: some with attachments, some not. Some with pre-filled addresses, some not. I didn't want my class implement UIViewController, but it has to so it can be the delegate for the MailComposer. Otherwise,...

Firefox CSS error

Hello! Please visit with Firefox browser! After a few clicks on the links page go crazy but only in Firefox, what's the problem? I tried to experiment with anything in css (position, float...) but it doesnt work properly.. Thank you for your answer! ...

XHtml Strict, Float: Center ?

Hi everyone. I'm having hard time with Xhtml Strict 1.0 and Css. And I'm almost out of solutions. My Site Url: I made a jquery multilevel dropdown menu for my site. It looks like OK, but I have used inline-block property of css display attribute on navigation menu which is a part of css 2.1 and isn't supp...

Tomcat 4.1.X and Tomcat 5.0.X

I have a problem about tomcat, Our application designed on Tomcat 4.1.X and When I restart Tomcat 4.1.X there is no problem. But I upgrade it to Tomcat 5.0.X. Now ,when I restart Tomcat 5.0.X session is down and application redirect me to login page. Any idea? ...

There is no attachment in the sent mail by iPhone

I'm trying to send a recorded sound file as attachment with MFMailComposeViewController. The sound file is OK. The picker shows the correct file name, shows the audio file icon as attachment, sends the mail, but there is no attachment in the result. I attached below the source of the sent mail. There is a "text/plain" content type par...

Open closed prinicple, problem

Hi, I'm trying to apply OCP to a code snippet I have that in it's current state is really smelly, but I feel I'm not getting all the way to the end. Current code: public abstract class SomeObject {} public class SpecificObject1 : SomeObject {} public class SpecificObject2 : SomeObject {} // Smelly code public class Model { publ...

Problem with ImageButton.setVisibility()

Hello guys! I'm having a problem when setting the visibility of two image buttons one on top of the other. The idea is to implement a play/pause control. The problem is that the only part where setting the visibility actually works is in the click listeners of the buttons. If I try to change it somewhere else nothing happens. Any idea w...

HTML list wrapping problem

I have a HTML list with this style: font-weight: bold; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style-type: none; display: block; width:700px; font-size: 14px; white-space: pre-wrap; and the cells have this style: display: inline; and I have spacer cells between each cell with this style: padding-right: 20px; display: inline; My problem ...

Dictionary is returning false on ContainsKey after item is added

I have a dictionary declared as follows IDictionary<string, object> _objectIds = new Dictionary<string, object>(); I was experiencing some problems with it and it discovered that the instance returned false as a result of ContainsKey method and from the watch window I was sure that the item was there. So I created helper method priva...

jQuery validation: check if it has a class after validation gives it the valid class.

Hi guys! I got a problem with the jQuery Validation plugin Jörn wrote. Here is how my form looks: Two radiobuttons that makes yes or no. The yes radiobutton is called and has ID = #bWantStorage1 That radiobutton gives the email field a class named storage when its clicked. And then I have the email field, and if Yes is checked ( #...

Huge burst of memory in c# service, what could be the cause?

I'm working on a c# service application and i have this problem where out of no where and for no obvious reason, the memory for the process will climb from 150mb to almost 2gb in about 5 seconds and then back to 150mb. But nothing in our system should be using any where near that amount of memory (so its probably a bug somewhere). It mig...

Problem in linking an nasm code

I'm using a computer with an Intel Core 2 CPU and 2GB of RAM. The SO is Ubuntu 9.04. When I try to compile this code: ;programma per la simulazione di un terminale su PC, ottenuto utilizzando l'8250 ;in condizione di loopback , cioè Tx=Rx section .code64 section .data TXDATA EQU 03F8H ;TRASMETTITORE RXDATA EQU 03F8H ;RICEVITORE...