
Speed Comparisons - Procedural vs. OO in interpreted languages

In interpreted programming languages, such as PHP and JavaScript, what are the repercussions of going with an Object Oriented approach over a Procedural approach? Specifically what I am looking for is a checklist of things to consider when creating a web application and choosing between Procedural and Object Oriented approaches, to opti...

Multi-Paradigm Languages

In a language such as (since I'm working in it now) PHP, which supports procedural and object-oriented paradigms, is there a good rule of thumb for determining which paradigm best suits a new project? If not, how can you make the decision?...

Procedural music generation techniques...

I've been putting a lot of thought into procedural generation of content for a while and I've never seen much experimentation with procedural music. We have fantastic techniques for generating models, animations, textures, but music is still either completely static or simply layered loops (e.g. Spore). Because of that, I've been think...

Is it possible to design and build a procedural (imperative) based application successfully?

Can you provide examples of applications today that are procedural and maintain a high level of integrity and efficiency? Are there any books, tutorials or links that provide examples of how to successfully build and maintain an imperative system? If you were to give guidance in this area, what tips would you give on how it should be str...

Refactoring for non OO languages

Can anyone recommend a website, book, or simply a list of refactoring strategies for procedural languages as opposed to object oriented languages? Everything I was able to find contained some strategies that could apply, most were useful only if working in an OO language. ...

How to write main() in an OOP way?

When I first started programming, I wrote everything in main. But as I learned, I tried to do as little as possible in my main() methods. But where do you decide to give the other Class/Method the responsibility to take over the program from main()? How do you do it? I've seen many ways of doing it, like this: class Main { public st...

When do you give up set operations in SQL and go procedural?

I was once given this task to do in an RDBMS: Given tables customer, order, orderlines and product. Everything done with the usual fields and relationships, with a comment memo field on the orderline table. For one customer retrieve a list of all products that customer has ever ordered with product name, year of first purchase, dates o...

AS3 3D terrain texture generation: Looking for intermediate/advanced ideas

Hello, all! I have been bashing away at Away3D for AS3, and have made a little terrain generator, using Perlin Noise to create a heightmap, and then for texturing, to splice together 5 images (very generic noise based water, beach, grass, rock & snow) depending on the height. Where to next? I doubt my ability to contribute directly to ...

Can Procedural Programming use Objects?

I have seen a number of different topics on StackOverFlow discussing the differences between Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming. The question is: If the program uses an object can it still be considered procedural? ...

Teaching an old dog new tricks

I have a great manager who was a procedural coding wizard in his day. He is now faced with managing a team which uses object oriented programming in both .Net and Java. He struggles to understand a lot of the patterns and terminology we discuss. I am wondering what experiences SO members have had with helping others with this transition...

Procedural Hash Function

I am wondering what is the best hash function for procedural textures, especially perlin noise. I know about the PRNG posted on this page, but this claims that it is not a good PRNG Thanks ...

OO or procedural

I have an Access db I use for my checkbook (with a good amount of fairly simple VBA behind it) and I'd like to rewrite it as a stand-alone program with a SQL backend. I'm thinking of using either C++, Java, or Python. I had assumed, before I started, that I would write it OO because I thought that I would think "in OO terms" (due to a ...

Tiling Simplex Noise?

I've been interested (as a hobbyist) in pseudo-random noise generation, specifically the Perlin and Simplex algorithms. The advantage to Simplex is speed (especially at higher dimensions), but Perlin can be tiled relatively easily. I was wondering if anyone was aware of a tiling simplex algorithm? Fixed-dimension is fine, generic is bett...

Best way to explain declarative fallacy in C++?

Is anyone willing to help me craft a good explanation of why the following code is not correct, in that the author is attempting to write C++ code declaratively rather than procedurally? const double NEWTONS_PER_POUND = 4.448; int main() { double pounds, newtons; pounds = newtons/NEWTONS_PER_POUND; /* pounds equals 'unassigned va...

simple explanation PHP OOP vs Procedural?

Hi, I would like to learn PHP and want to get an Idea about OOP and Procedural. I read some other blogs and tutorials about OOP vs Procedural but I still can't understand the approach. OOP vs Procedural Which I should learn? Whats the difference in code? what are the effects? How can a PHP framework help in OOP aproach? (I would lik...

writing memcached connection using pecl based memcached extension

I am actually thinking to start using memcached in my php code, while I searched in google, I find memcache based examples, but not much about memcached based connection and other examples. it will be really helpful, if someone can share procedural way of writing memcached connection for...

Procedural Avatar Generation

I'd like to implement a system that generates unique NxN blocks when given a MD5 hash as an input, currently I'm splitting the MD5 into sub-strings and just using them as Hex colour-codes, does anyone have any good ideas on systems I could use to generate these images? I've considered using the values as the constants in a Lorenz attrac...

SQLite Flow Constructs in SQL?

With MSSQL, I can mix in case, if...then, and while constructs in my SQL code. Is anything similar available for SQLite? I have not seen anything on "mixing procedurally" with SQLite, anywhere. Thanks. ...

Is OOP worth using on PHP?

There are many debates on whether Object Oriented Programming is good or not. But, using OOP in Php is slower. Would it be a good trade to use procedural programming and faster speed and OOP with slower speed (since classes have to be initiated every time a page loads and big websites will start to become slow). More importantly, would ...

What content have you made/seen made using procedural techniques

Hey S.O. guys, I was looking at some study i have to do in the future to do with procedural generation techniques and i was wondering what type of content you have: Developed Helped Develop Seen implemented Tried to develop and what methods/techniques/procedures you used to develop it. If you feel generous maybe you can even go into spec...