
how to controller (start/kill) a background process (server app) in ruby

hey guys, i'm trying to set up a server for integration tests (specs actually) via ruby and can't figure out how to control the process. so, what i'm trying to do is: run a rake task for my gem that executes the integration specs the task needs to first start a server (i use webrick) and then run the specs after executing the specs i...

How difficult is it to compile the Go programming language?

Basically what the title says: what's the process for compiling your average go* file? drop it on a compiler and execute the result? *note: The OP edited the question replacing "go" with "C", before it was rolled back. So some of the answers won't make sense. ...

implementaion independent communication within a process

is there any way two threads within the same process can communicate without knowing anything about each other's interface ? basically, one thread is a STOMP server, the other is a client. they're supposed to communicate in a direct manner (not via a socket) and it should be independent of the implementation so i can't assume either of ...

C#: How can I detect the bitness of an other process... not the current one

How do I know the bitness of some process which is in running state. (Not the current one.. where IntPtr.size is useful) iswow64process()... gives only whether it is a WoW64 process, but doesn't output 32/64 bit.. could anybody pl help.. ...

How to start a 64-bit process from a 32-bit process

I am trying to run a 64 bit executable (java.exe) from our 32-bit .NET application. I am using Process class and invoking cmd /c <command name> in order to support all possible commands (like dir, cd etc). The problem is that on my machine I installed 64-bit version of JRE and java.exe is only available from C:\Windows\System32 folder (...

Good resources for example process definitions of software development methodologies?

Is there any website specifically for sharing and accessing actual software development processes implemented in software organizations? There are lots of resources that give advices and descriptions for implementing these processes. They are very useful. But I think having actual example process definitions would be very useful as wel...

Printing output of another program to a java text area

I am creating a GUI using Java. This GUI launches a program from the command line using the ProcessBuilder class. A little information on the process being launched: from the command line, it creates another window and prints information to said window. In my GUI window, I have a text area to where I would like to redirect said ou...

Using a CGI binary in an application.

How would an application interface with a CGI binary? For example, say my app is running on Windows and wants to invoke the PHP.exe binary in the context of a web server. How would I do this? By passing some sort of command line arguments? I am using C++, if that helps. NOTE - I know how to invoke processes and such. I just want to know...

Problem with attaching a process in VS 2008

Hi guys, I am not sure what the issue is as I am new to this issue, but I'll describe the problem best I can. I have reportwriter dll written in VB6. I use this reportwriter in a web app (my main app). At the moment, I am building the reportwriter project into a dll into the a folder in my main app's solution. I have been told VB6 aut...

process.standardoutput.ReadToEnd() always empty?

im starting a console application, but when I redirect the standardoutput I always get nothing!! when I dont redirect it, and set createnowindow to false, I see everything correctly in the console, but when I redirect it, standardoutput.ReadToEnd() always returns an emty string. Process cproc = new Process(); cproc.Sta...

process termination C++

I have the following problem: I have an application (server that never ends) written in C++ running as a service containing inside the main thread also 3 threads (mainly doing IO). In the main loop I CATCH all possible exceptions. The process terminated and nothing was printed either by the main loop or by the threads themselves. I saw...

Possible methods to send the output of a PHP-invoked .exe program (that runs as a separate process, not in PHP) back to the iPhone client

My iPhone client app uploads a data to the server, which runs on PHP. There is a code to invoke a .exe program on the server side on PHP. The .exe program will take the uploaded data and run on a process on its own. That means the PHP execution will end without waiting for the .exe program to finish. After the .exe program finished proce...

URLClassLoader + loadClass + invoke main method on a standalone process? Java

I'm using the following method to invoke a class inside a jar file: invokeClass("", new String[] {}); public static void invokeClass(String name, String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, MalformedURLException { File f = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") ...

How to communicate between a .NET EXE and COM EXE?

I have a .NET EXE and ATL COM EXE in Windows Mobile. I need to communicate between them. I.e my ATL EXE launches the .NET EXE. The .NET EXE should send a message to the ATL EXE that the processing is completed or exited. How can I do that? How to communicate between the two separate process? ...

Thead was being aborted error when using process.waitforexit()

I have code below that is getting called from a while loop so it's executing multiple times in a row. Sometimes, but not always, I end up getting a thread was being aborted error on the p.WaitforExit(). Does anyone have any insight into this? should I be calling p.Close() after p.WaitForExit? string outputFileName = Path.Combine(Path.G...

C# get information about current active window

Hi SO. I have an application which i want to run in the background. I want to get the executable name, for an example IExplorer.exe. I have played around with the following code: [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow(); [DllImport("user32.dll")] private static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, ...

how to block a user from opening new process like internet explorer or firefox?

I am looking for a way to block a user from opening new IE or firefox windows. Is there a way to do this using c#. I am looking at system.diagnostics ...

one php-file opens one process but then the process closes?

if one web user is entering my php site and interacts with it then this php file will open one process (with one thread) and then after the php file is finnished with the logic and sent the output to the browser then the process is closed? cause if it wasnt closed then it would mean that the values in the variables in that php file will...

Processes standardError from within a separate class

I am having difficulty redirecting the output from a console application to a Windows Form App, when the process is created in a separate *.dll file (excuse the sloppy terminology, but I'm new to programming). I came across this link (and I may pursue his method), detailing a similar problem:

C# - Process is not terminating

I am restoring backup in MySql. But the mysql exe is not terminating. This is my code - public override bool FullRestore(Stream fileStream) { try { ProcessStartInfo proc = new ProcessStartInfo(); string cmd = string.Format("--database {0} --user={1} --password={2}", config.GetDbName(), config...