
How to kill a process from VC++

Am using VC++ compiler i want to know how to kill a process. is there any functions. i tried with TerminateProcess(); but i couldn't do... ...

c# run process without freezing my App's GUI

Hello, I want to start a process (calling another program), currently the external program takes time (it is normal)! but it freezes my GUI I saw allot of examples and I'm learning, it is hard to figure it out, trying to read and learn threading, but it is not that easy (at least for me) and good simple tutorial or code sample? cheers...

Access Denied while using System.Diagnostics.Process

I am trying to use the unmanaged ImageMagick library in my ASP.NET application from the command line using System.Diagnostics.Process. Basically, users will upload an .eps file to the site, and then I will run the command line command to convert it into .jpg. This is the code I'm using to try and run the command: Dim proc As N...

.NET Process.Kill() in a safe way

I'm controlling a creaky old FORTRAN simulator from a VB.NET GUI, using redirected I/O to communicate with the simulator executable. The GUI pops up a "status" window with a progress bar, estimated time, and a "STOP" button (Button_Stop). Now, I want the Button_Stop to terminate the simulator process immediately. The obvious way to do t...

How to capture the event if a new process (application!) is started?

I would like to have some eventhandler which raise if a new application is started. I've heard that this is possible by using a hook but the only examples I can find are based on mouse/keyboard events. What is an example link of how I can create such a hook in C#? Oh and btw: Nope, I don't want to use WMI which could be a solution as w...

C#: Process.HasExited returns false even though the process has terminated

Possibly the inverse of this question: I called Kill() on a process and it seems to have exited. But when I test HasExited, I get false: myProcess.Kill(); while ( !myProcess.HasExited ) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } And this continues indefinitely. Granted, I have to change this code to st...

How to create a process that cannot be killed?

I am running my java application. It shows up in the process tab of the task manager. I dont want users to kill that process? And if possible i dont want my process to be in the process list also. My application is a LAN administrator. I need to log client machines. If its possible for the user to kill my process there is no use in cre...

How can I tell whether a process hanging is due to filled buffers (TCP, stdin, stdout)?

I've got a C# application which launches a console application in a separate process. The two applications communicate via a TCP connection, as well as some (limited) standard input/output. The problem I'm experiencing is that whenever I "break" within the debugger, it seems to cause the console application to hang. If I leave the app...

How to check if process is idle? C#

As the title says. I am looking for a way to check if a process is idle, there is the obvious running and not running but how to determine if it's not doing anything? Thanks ...

change application windows style

I start IE as a process and then i would like to change the following properties of a application. remove title bar, toolbar of a application(if IE) set top,left location and size through c# prevent process from minimizing , i have used the following code but had no luck(find the handle of the process and then pass it to below ...

Problem with System.Diagnostics.Process RedirectStandardOutput to appear in Winforms Textbox in real-time.

I'm having problems with the redirected output from a console application being presented in a Winforms textbox in real-time. The messages are being produced line by line however as soon as interaction with the Form is called for, nothing appears to be displayed. Following the many examples on both Stackoverflow and other forums, I can...

Linux process memory consumption in bytes (not Kbytes)

In Linux is there any way to check processes memory measured on bytes (using top or ps for example). Not in kbytes, but bytes. Thanks in advance! ...

List of open files held by a process?

I am just starting off with C#. I managed to get a list of running processes and getting a particular process ID. Can someone tell me how to get a list of files that are opened by a given process ID? ...

How do I open a web browser from a .NET Program? Process.Start() isn't working?

I have a URL and I want to launch it in the default browser. I've tried two methods: Process.Start(""); ... and the one detailed in this other question using ShellExecute. In both cases I get the error: Windows cannot find ''. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again....

Pausing a process?

Is there a way to pause a process (running from an executable) so that it stops the cpu load while it's paused, and waits till it's unpaused to go on with its work? Possibly in python, or in some way accessible by python. ...

Background processing in Rails

A certain function in my controller takes a lot of time to process (heavy db work) . So when my user clicks on "submit" on the form he has to wait for the process to complete which is quite long. Is there any way that on "submitting", the user is redirected to the next view without any delay while the processing continues in the back-end...

WCF + NserviceBus Names notation

Hi. I trying to create WCF via NserviceBus. Create contract: [ServiceContract] public interface INotifyBusService { [OperationContract(Action = "", ReplyAction = "")] ResultType Notify(Requ...

long running process in C#

Hello All, I have a web application that has a long running (resource intensive) process in the code behind and the end output is a pdf file (images to pdf conversion tool) It runs fine..and since I am on a dedicated server, it is not at all a problem with respect to resources right now. However, I wonder that the system would reach...

NHibernate Save Details Performance

Hi, I am new to NHibernate. As I am doing some dummy applicaiton to learn, I got a doubt. I request you please clarify me on my question. I am doing a reset password page in which I am fetching the user details and resetting the password and save back to the database. 1) Do I need to retrieve complete(whole row) details of the user. 2...

Monitoring process-level performance counters in Windows Perfmon

I am sure everybody has bumped into this. As you scale a web server that uses multiple application pools, it's valuable to collect performance counters for each application pool 24x7. The only problem is - Perfmon links counters to application pools by process ID, so whenever an application pool recycles you have to remove the counters f...